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Posts posted by Shogun

  1. You forgot a lot of things. On a fresh and new system there is no pkg with the name "dialog4ports" so there can't be "a list of options".

    pkg_add -r php55

    This will not longer work. So install this from ports is correct. (cd /usr/ports/lang/php55 && make install clean)

    cd /usr/ports/devel/php55-extensions

    is also not correct. The extensions are placed in /usr/ports/lang/php55-extensions.

    You should try to follow your guide with a fresh system. (maybe with a VM?) However, it's no offense.


    I am using nginx for a long time so i can say it's really better than apache. The graphs are telling the rest.


    Thansks for pointing out the error in the extensions path. But I would say that dialog4ports stuff is installed automatically.

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