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Posts posted by Shogun

  1. If you want to open a (promotet) big german server you have to go to voxility directly !.


    I have bought a server at blazingfast aka. xertonia and its really useless. The network connection is at the end cause everybody uses 5$ VPS to flood somebody else.

    Im going with vox cause there is no other hoster I trust in anymore (in the protecton thing), OVH has a great firewall but its not directly filtering. The swiss host (i forgot the name) is also taken down by some ppl.


    So back to the money, there is no other host I can take, so im paying over 700€ (962,22$) in the month. If some ppl hate you, you need this (im talking about german servers).


    Watchout! If you are going with voxility (or even if you not!), block the whole subnets of blazingfast!


    King regards


    I heard mixed reviews about Voxility. The fact that their homepage looks like a booter doesn't inspire much trust. However I can vouch for the OVH mitigation. You should know that there are two types of AntiDDoS at OVH, standard which kicks in when the server is attacked only and pro which is always on but costs 15€/month extra if you buy directly from OVH.


    At Eterhost you get to choose between both protection types at no extra cost and change between them at any time.

  2. General questions;

    1. Which system do you like more? (generally) => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    As a server I find freebsd more reliable, less resource consuming, and once you get used to it, intuitive. Not to mention that it's free. Of course I would never use it for my home PC but that's another story.


    2. Your opinion: Which system does fit more to Metin2? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    Not sure what this question means. YMIR never ran a production server on Windows it was just intended for testing.


    Personal questions;

    1. You are a server administrator of a big server. In which system would you feel more safety? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    FreeBSD as it's an open source OS.


    2. Which system is easier to control / manage for you? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    FreeBSD. Far simpler once you know where everything is.


    3. Which advantages and disadvantages are there? => Windows OR FreeBSD? Reasons?


    I guess a beginner would find Windows easier to handle.

    • Love 4
  3. A little add :

    cd /home/metin2
    chmod 750 .ssh


    chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 600 .ssh/id_rsa

    If you don`t do this step the server will refuse your key and give you this error:

    SSH Authentication Refused: Bad Ownership or Modes for Directory

    Cheers :P


    As far as I know, those permissions are already set by default, at least on FreeBSD 9 and 10

  4. Oldschool is less work and you earn as much or more than with a newschool server. That's why few people take the risk.


    Metin2 gameplay is what keeps players on the game, change it radically and it's more likely than not that you will end up with something worse than Ymir's one.

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