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Posts posted by Shogun

  1. Hi guys,
    I would like to collect here some useful commands to perform basic actions on our FreeBSD servers. You are invited to contributed your own, I just want to get the ball rolling.
    We are assuming that you run a supported FreeBSD system (at the time of writing this, 8.4, 9.2 and 10.0) and are connected to the Internet. How this is done is covered elsewhere in this forum.
    See your system clock


    Sync your system clock

    ntpdate pool.ntp.org

    Change your server's timezone
    The available timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo. Copy the desired timezone to /etc/localtime. Example:

    cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam /etc/localtime

    Will set your server timezone to CET. This does NOT change the server time; you have to do this yourself.
    Find a file in the system
    Build the locate database:



    locate filename

    Install the most recent updates for your system

    freebsd-update fetch install

    Upgrade to a newer version

    freebsd-update -r release

    Where release is the name on the release, ex: 9.2-RELEASE. Follow the instructions on screen (When asked if "this does look reasonable", just press y and enter unless you know what you are doing)
    View the contents of a file

    cat filename

    Edit a text file

    ee filename

    Download a file

    fetch <url>

    Show what is being written to a log in real time:

    tail -f <filename>

    Delete a file

    rm <filename>

    Delete a directory with all its content 

    rm -R <foldername>

    Extract a tar.gz archive

    tar xzvf <filename>

    Create a tar.gz archive

    tar czvf <destination filename> <file or folder to archive>


    tar czvf /root/mysql.tgz /var/db/mysql

    Transfer a file from a server to another

    scp <filename> <user>@<host>:<path>


    scp mysql.tgz [email protected]:/root/mysql.tgz

    Reboot the system


    Shut down the system


    (If this is a remote server, make sure your hosting package allows you to start it later on!)
    Install 32 bit libraries on a 64 bit system

    cd /tmp
    fetch ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/9.2-RELEASE/lib32.txz
    tar xfp lib32.txz -C /

    (Replace 9.2-RELEASE in the URL with your version as needed)

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  2. logininfo.py is a file that every client reads from your client root's folder (except wom's) and you can use it to connect to another server than the one stated in serverinfo.py. Here is a sample:

    addr = ""
    port = 13000
    account_addr = ""
    account_port = 11000
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