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Posts posted by Shogun


    Thanks guys for the reply. its something that i wont understand , i just rebooted with repairing the tables and fixing something in game99. and no error 2 days in a row. WEIRD.

    Anyway you are all really helpful , i hope you stay like that and good luck to everyone.

    Can you tell me please how you fix Checkpoint shutdown : tics not be updated ?



    With the information you are giving us, no.



  2. Hi guys,


    Since I keep seeing more and more people who want to get help to create their own server, very often with the idea of opening it to the public, I thought that it's time that someone explained to the beginners what this means in it's full depth. Some parts of this text may sound harsh but believe me I wish I had been told some of this stuff when I started.


    First of all, do not let the existence of "instant files" mislead you. A metin2 server is not something you install with an intutitive wizard and then edit to your liking with a point and click interface. YMIR never intended this software to be used by anybody else but people who have degrees in programming and design. This is though shit. There is a series of technologies involved which can take years to master separately. FreeBSD. Python. LUA. C++. DirectX. Mastering just one of these disciplines can get you a high paid job in Silicon Valley. If you don't have a bit of curiosity for learning and analytical thinking, just forget it. You will do yourself and everyone else a favor if you don't try to take on tasks that are beyond your abilities.


    Forget about the one man army. It's impossible to create anything worth playing just by yourself. Team up with people who complement your knowledge. Don't be greedy and offer to share your earnings with the people who help you.


    Respect those who worked to provide you with this game, YMIR. Respect those who worked to privide you the tools you use and give credit when due. Don't try to pass someone else's work as yours; this is the lamest thing on earth.


    Respect the players. Don't expect them to spend their time, money and effort on your game when you didn't do that yourself. If you have the time, play your own server (without using edited stuff and such of course) so you can get in the skin of your players. Don't be tempted to gift stuff and kick any GM that does so.


    Be in control of your server and get a good admin panel so you can see everything that's going on.


    Get DDoS protected hosting. Use SSH keys. Use Cloudflare for the website. Set up pf on the game server. Always look at the logs and read them instead of assuming it's gibberish. How often I have seen people puzzled at logs when the answer is written there in plain english. Make sure your dbcache port is not open to outside, and be careful who you give access to your server's shell.


    Make backups of your database at least daily.


    When you get stuck at a problem, use damn Google! Metin2 pservers and FreeBSD have existed for many years and copying and pasting an error message in the search bar will more often than not bring up posts from people who had the same issue before.


    Create something unique that will attract players to your server. Don't expect to upload some pub files, announce your server and get rich. It doesn't work like this, not for the last 3 years. There is a lot of competition and teams who started working years ago already are far ahead of whatever the [insert random pub files] have to offer.


    Use the newest files possible, even if you don't need the new features. Keep your FreeBSD up to date as well. Using old software is a security risk, and you could write a book with all the security flaws of game 2089.


    Promotion is everything. Hype your server. Make sure that the opening is announced well in advance and have the players excited to play it. The opening day will make or break your server. Get a Youtuber to review your game, preferably one who works for money if you can afford it (and if you don't have at least some money, opening a server might not be the best idea). If you have enough, open a Facebook account and take good care of it and promote your server through Facebook Ads (do not confuse with the fake likes that some people sell in places like epvp). Use remarketing with AdRoll (its quite cheap) to chase your visitors who did not sign up with banner ads. Watch your account table in Navicat so you see who is signing up.


    And if all of this sounds like too much work then just don't do it. There are plenty of people happily contributing as GM, designers, developers or server administrators in projects lead by other people, and that doesn't make them less important.

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  3. Hello,


    Tim found time to update the FileArchiver_Proto to fix the problem with the shinings when converting protos. The new version of FileArchiver_Proto.exe is now included in the package downloadable from the original post.


    Please note this is the last version of the tool that will be released to the public.


    Thanks for your feedback.



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