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Everything posted by Evor

  1. I suppose that real developers wrote a whole game once and they had never developed it after, so ymir has to employ new developers who weren't as good as firsts
  2. Thanks. I wasn't sure about it. Nevertheless good job. Wysłane z Sony XPERIA Z
  3. Oh okey. Didn't know. Wysłane z Sony XPERIA Z
  4. Well. You removed only m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); Why? Stun bug is caused by the certain chance of apply. (80% i think) Regards.
  5. I wrote how to do it. ./qc *.quest or sh make.sh Wysłane z Sony XPERIA Z
  6. Compiled all quests again? ( using ./qc *.quest)
  7. It isn't granny fault. Look at rendering engine -> DirectX (version 8) We should accuse direct for such a shitty graphic.
  8. Core compiled with newer version of gcc runs smoothlier.
  9. Fix for Status point (no points after 91 level) Open char.cpp Search for void CHARACTER::PointChange(BYTE type, int amount, bool bAmount, bool bBroadcast) search and replace with You can also match it with your value (for example limit of status points etc.) I'd tomorrow show how to make a config where u can set a max status point and modify function up to give a number of status points which will perfectly fit to the max of cfg file.
  10. number_ex is fixed in 40k already i thought it was but in fact dice works with max integer. Maybe it was because i'm using mainline_sg dunno.
  11. Soo, i managed to fix it in that way. do_dice if(atoi(arg1) > 100 || atoi(arg1) < 0) start = 1; if(atoi(arg2) > 100 || atoi(arg2) < 0) end = 100; number_ex (don't add checking if number is bigger than 100, becouse sectree uses this func too) if(from < 0) from = 1; if(to < 0) to = 1; cmd.cpp (interpret_command) /* argument filtering */ char arg1[256], arg2[256]; two_arguments(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1), arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if(atoi(arg1) < 0 || atoi(arg2) < 0) return; i don't know if it still allow players to use number overflow. Greets.
  12. Fixed issue with wrong counting of immunes. Open char_resist.cpp Search for bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag) replace bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag) { if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwImmuneFlag, dwImmuneFlag)) int immune_pct = 100; int percent = number(1, 100); if (percent <= immune_pct) // 90% Immune { if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_SUCCESS> (%s)", GetName()); return true; } else { if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s)", GetName()); return false; } if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s) NO_IMMUNE_FLAG", GetName()); return false; } with bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag) { if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwImmuneFlag, dwImmuneFlag)) /* Ustawienia 100% na WSZYSTKIE odporności */ return true; if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s) NO_IMMUNE_FLAG", GetName()); return false; }
  13. Characters getting stuck after teleporting to map with wrong index. Open char.cpp Search for CHARACTER::WarpEnd() replace if (!map_allow_find(index)) { // ŔĚ °÷Ŕ¸·Î żöÇÁÇŇ Ľö ľřŔ¸ąÇ·Î żöÇÁÇϱâ Ŕü ÁÂÇĄ·Î µÇµą¸®ŔÚ. sys_err("location %d %d not allowed to login this server", m_posWarp.x, m_posWarp.y); GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return; } with if (!map_allow_find(index)) GoHome();
  14. As far as i know number_ex func is already fixed. Correct me if i'm wrong. Wysłane z Sony XPERIA Z
  15. Yea but it doesn't remove special items like skillbook Wysłane z Sony XPERIA Z
  16. Invisible bug. Hp/Mp bug overflow. Item.remove -> removing whole stack of items instead of one. Remove Metin2Server_Check|isInvalid functions. INTERNAL Ip fix. @up To remove licence you should search for "GLOBAL_TIME" and simply comment all of that code.
  17. Hello community! I was wondering about things which i should repair according to the Vanilla topic. It would be nice to create a topic where everybody can post bugs which them knew, so devs can fix them imidietely. Best wishes, Evor
  18. So we can remove hotbackup right?
  19. Yeah, but it would have an. Impact on the performance too ;D Wysłane z mojego C6603 przy użyciu Tapatalka
  20. I was looking at it, but i suppose we need a support from pros, moreover updating direct will really improve performance of metin2
  21. Okey, beautifull tut, but how can i run core compiled with gcc4.8 and c++11 on freebsd with gcc4.2? Cause instaltion of the newer version failed every time, but on the other works fine.
  22. Did u write the correct table prefix name in the db/conf.txt file? TABLE_PREFIX : or sth like that.
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