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Everything posted by Evor

  1. I don't know if i can post a link into diffrent board, but i will take a risk
  2. If u want to, u can use IMER's lib instead to restore old protos functionality.
  3. Wait, you compiled something which is WIN-ONLY using gcc in Unix system?
  4. Okey, but how we can even think about auction?, As far as i'm concerned in this .py we don't have ANY function which will connect into the server, or i'm wrong and blind.
  5. There is a mistake [1] = {"Ninja","Archer","Close",}, it should be without a comma like: quest regenbogen begin state start begin when 50512.use begin local data = { [0] = { [1] = {1,2,3,4,5}, [2] = {16,17,18,19,20}, }, [1] = { [1] = {31,32,33,34,35}, [2] = {46,47,48,49,50}, }, [2] = { [1] = {76,77,78,79,80,81}, [2] = {61,62,63,64,65,66}, }, [3] = { [1] = {106,107,108,109,110,111}, [2] = {91,92,93,94,95,96}, }, ["classNames"] = { [0] = {"Arahan","Partisan","Close"}, [1] = {"Ninja","Archer","Close"}, -- there was no needed comma [2] = {"Black Magic","Mirage","Close"}, [3] = {"Lighting","Dragon","Close"}, }, } say_title("Rainbow Stone:") say("") -- say("Choose your class") local s = select_table(data["classNames"][pc.get_job()]) if(s >= table.getn(data["classNames"][pc.get_job()])) then return end pc.set_skill_group(s) for i = 1,table.getn(data[pc.get_job()][s]),1 do pc.set_skill_level(data[pc.get_job()][s][i],59) end pc.remove_item(50512,1) say_yellow("Your skills are now perfect.. ") end end end Hope it works!
  6. So i have a question. How can i approach this task. I want to reject all conections wich are for more than 3 seconds synchronizing? Or these connections which are lagging for more than 15sec?
  7. Vanilla, did u upgrade the boost version? Really nice seeing so huge work. Good luck!
  8. Maybe source code too? Thanks in advance. PS. What do u mean by saying "never kick to login"? Packets error or sequence?
  9. Vanilla, you would save mu Life if u posted what u target, which was causing certain error. It would really help developing that core. I remember that mainline get about 1k warnings which most od them have performence target, but u just said that some generates crashes. Will u find some time and do a quick list with this errors?
  10. Type3 and 4 it's just the matter of server. You shoul use python unpacker instead.
  11. Instead of giving ready binary, can u said what was causing the error?
  12. Hm for me windows linkers don't seem to work, but in fact i use only one channel so it isn't so problematical.
  13. Can sb send me install.sh to pastebin.com? Much appreciated.
  14. Instead of locale and data in every folder with channel, still it is much more comfortable than freebsd in virtualbox. Personally i use mysql from xampp server instead of mssql too. It would be nice to make such a debug pannel, considering live syserr and verbose mode and/or mysql managment. It should contain all tools which help with developing metin2.
  15. Yea. Game is triggering hit properly, but quest has some problems with reading it. I exactly do as penger suggest, but no such luck either.
  16. Oh okey. Have to find another way ;p (maybe do in the src directly)
  17. Hello. I want to write the new trigger function called "hit". I was basically looking at "kill" triggering, but i place quest::CQuestManager::instance().Hit(pkAttacker->GetPlayerID(), pkVictim->GetRaceNum()); in battle.cpp. Also i write some sys_log information to trigger when the function is executed etc. Everything seems to be same as kill, but when kill begin - works fine when hit begin - doesn't work ;/ So my code: Help me Thanks in advance! PS. My quest PS2. Syslog:
  18. You encourage me to try 2013 By the way i don't see any differences between mainline and mainline_sg. Is there any?
  19. Jachu u should replace the lib folder and include python2.7 in order to make binary working on the gf client By default it still uses python2.2.
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