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Everything posted by Denis

  1. Thank you, I made some progress. Im stuck here [Hidden Content] any tips?
  2. Can you explain better this part? created a RECT "render box" where I store how much is the current window is outside from its parent window
  3. Hello, I'm looking for the function bellow if anyone who has it can share? Thanks a lot.
  4. The public version is shitty you know, if you have a bit knowledge of c++ you can understand that but anyway, if you don't know why the price is that high I wont even bother to explain it to you since you are probably one of these people that thinks 500-600 is too much for pet system which is not even close to the public version lmao ??
  5. Even if i want to sell it there are a few people only that will buy it, the price would be around 500-600 and some tards were asking me to buy for 150 saying its too much lmao
  6. Hello, I didn't mention that the pet can attack only mobs/stones not players. The pet's damage atm is calculated by items you wear on it but you can change the total damage dealt to 10% of the total dmg or 20% or how much you want.
  7. Hello, I was inactive quite a long time and the last days I decided to come back, the last days im working on a pet system: [Hidden Content] I'm planning on selling it, you are free to post your ideas so i can improve it
  8. Its the same as notice in map just change it according to guild members
  9. Well, instead of removing them u can access them and just remove the content
  10. Why you did not do this? Isn't it simplier this way ? m_stateIdle.Set(this, &CHARACTER::BeginStateEmpty, &CHARACTER::StateHorse, &CHARACTER::EndStateEmpty); m_stateMove.Set(this, &CHARACTER::BeginStateEmpty, &CHARACTER::StateMove, &CHARACTER::EndStateEmpty); m_stateBattle.Set(this, &CHARACTER::BeginStateEmpty, &CHARACTER::StateHorse, &CHARACTER::EndStateEmpty); //Instead of StateHorse create a new one inside char_state called StateMount or sth same for StateMove
  11. What about thinking on how to fix it yourself?
  12. Hmm yea maybe I will do a tutorial about it, I don't know for sure.
  13. https://metin2.download/picture/zz3Hp6yGAZzR66K45rLM9d5LGb6u1nW8/.gif The gif shows everything
  14. Put at least some kind of authentication..
  15. Wouldn't it be better to store the "Guests" inside a vector and then check if the guest already exists in it, if yes don't add the guest to vector, if no add it to vector then send to client? I'm just narrow-minded when it comes to quest flags haha
  16. But.. you know why we need google if we have our metin2dev
  17. Check how kill trigger works and find where in the src the trigger is called
  18. Try reinstall your network drivers(delete the current ones first tho).
  19. You should make the minimap dot disappear too
  20. localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT = "Arial:14" localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE = "Arial:16" //or localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT = "Tahoma:12" localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE = "Tahoma:16"
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