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Everything posted by WeedHex

  1. I gave you the solution. If i write in a thread "I WANT 2000$ ON THIS EMAIL", you'll send me the money?
  2. Dude.... Metin2 official scale_item.txt is a bit different from fake. You just need to copy the missing code. You must not make nothing of new.
  3. problem is on your python. It's about your offline shop/WonSystem. There is a lot of code Missed
  4. Packet.h is included so i think that the problem is on packet.h. Share also it please.
  5. Translate the thread in english if you want reply please.
  6. Hello, show us the query of a bugged mob.
  7. there are problem with: if locale.is_arabic() something is set in not arab way. You just need to move the alignament position.
  8. XD first argument is bigger than second argument it's the solution. So what you're trying to make the GF Talismans?
  9. Very weird question, i don't understand all. Try to share here the screen of: #df -h #top And let's look if you have any game.core. When server crash it should make a file "game.core" into the cores. If my reply is useless please re-make your question.
  10. SAME PROBLEM... NAMES CAN APPEAR ALSO ON NPC or CHAR. Just when the server is restarted....
  11. Are u kidding me?? This is an other crash. Someone is fucking your cores xD
  12. I need to do a change like: When char die, if mapindex == 335 then can pickup only item vnum==2000.
  13. bool CPythonNetworkStream::__CanActMainInstance() { CPythonCharacterManager& rkChrMgr=CPythonCharacterManager::Instance(); CInstanceBase* pkInstMain=rkChrMgr.GetMainInstancePtr(); if (!pkInstMain) return false; return pkInstMain->CanAct(); }
  14. There is not check for dead on my pickup function in char_item.cpp :|
  15. Pick up doesn't work while character is dead... Where i can find the dead check on pick up?
  16. I want to do a thing. When char die, i block the restart_here. To get up you need to use an item. If you dont have this item, only in this map you can pickup only this item while you're die. So what, how can i pickup while char is die only in a map index (only 1 item possible to pickup)? It's cool, so your party can save you to get up Thanks in advance, i'll give +1 of course.
  17. Thank you so much guys!! I'm always available for anything.
  18. I'm looking for the c++ change for make pickup function more faster. It already exist. Can someone share it for us?
  19. Hello devs, I made a new affect using this function: AddAffect(AFFECT_NAME, APPLY_NONE, 0, AFF_NONE, Duration, 0, false, false); Is there a way to expire the duration also when you are offline?? Using this function it expire time only when i'm online... I saw it also using /affect to see in game the duration. Let me know please guys...
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