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Koray last won the day on August 2 2019

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  • Birthday 05/17/1986

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  1. The main content is quite accurate and covers almost everything that should be included, but in here what you sent has nothing to do with the topic. These checks are already being taken in real-time and distributed to clients on Metin2. Quote from the original content; "In rollback netcode, you're still sending input data back and forth. However, each input is sent along with a timestamp of when it was pressed." This is completely nonsense and irrelevant for the current logic of Metin2; just this change will not make any difference. The attacks, pushes, etc., are already being calculated and APPLIED first on the client side and then sent to the server, which then communicates back to the client to apply these changes to the target entity (even if the values are not correct). If you want to do this synchronously and correctly, all you need to do is send the action to the server without any prior action being taken on the sending client. The server should then validate the sanity of the received data, bypass ping corrections/lag checks with the handshake values, and if the data is correct, send an ACK packet to the sending client and also send the validated data to the target entity in the same logic as before, making the process synchronous. The rollback netcode logic mentioned in the link you sent is already partially implemented in Metin2. It recalculates the packet arrival time based on an average ping value but as static. If you think the content could be useful, you can simply modify it as shown below, but don't bother as it won't work for the reasons explained above. UserInterface/InstanceBase.cpp; m_nAverageNetworkGap = (m_nAverageNetworkGap * 70 + nNetworkGap * 30) / 100; kCmdNew.m_dwChkTime = dwCmdTime + m_nAverageNetworkGap; Better values for local env(or you can change as you want); kCmdNew.m_dwChkTime = m_dwBaseChkTime + (dwCmdTime - m_dwBaseCmdTime);
  2. I had tried something similar before through custom GPT via ChatGPT, but instead of searching for bugs/exploits, I attempted to create a simple ping/pong system by providing all the details just to see what it could do for experimental purposes. However, speaking for ChatGPT, it doesn't automatically scan the entire content due to the large number of files. It only makes heuristic-based guesses based on the names or scans the files if specified. Even if it processes the entire content correctly, the whole processing takes a long time, so it starts skipping parts after a while until the main command is given. Additionally, even if you manage to achieve the desired result once, due to temperature imbalances, getting completely unrelated results in subsequent attempts is possible. Therefore, in summary, obtaining efficient results is not quite achievable. It's quite useful for conducting research on specific topics in specific parts rather than scanning the entire content. However, for now fully automating it is not very feasible, at least for ChatGPT.
  3. I managed to run it on the test server, and as you mentioned, it seems to be caused by Sync. However, to completely fix it, we need to rework the entire Sync processing structure. To solve the high range pushing issue shown in the video, you can try changing: static const float fLimitDistWithSyncOwner = 2500.f + 1000.f; to: static const float fLimitDistWithSyncOwner = 25.f + 10.f. A value of 35 seems reasonable, but technically, the problem of pushing with cheats will continue unless the sync is completely rewritten
  4. This isn't it a simply just an attack speed cheat? It appears that only the final combo motion is being spammed, causing constant pushing or basically It seems to be due to a directly high attack speed, but I'm not sure which. If you learn how the cheat works, we can be of better help
  5. The art style of "X Project" looks similar to that of Mad World MMO, which was made by some former Ymir devs from another company. It seems to have been executed, likely with some changes.
  6. Take a closer look; ex-SG folks are used it in their project, N2Play. They've mixed in parts of both the engine and server codes from Inferna. It's not an exact copy, but if you dig in, you'll see how Inferna has influenced and blended into their files
  7. Maybe it was acceptable in 2021, but these days, there is no reason to stick with Electron when Tauri provides many more advantages in every aspect. It's extremely lightweight, faster, and more memory-friendly. In addition to React, there are many 'modern' alternatives for the frontend, such as Svelte, Yew, and Next.js.
  8. #MoreOptimization CWhisper* CPythonChat::CreateWhisper(const char* c_szName) { auto& whisper = m_WhisperMap[c_szName]; if (!whisper) whisper = CWhisper::New(); return whisper; }
  9. The same issue is present within the characters, due to the rotation values in the move packets, after interaction with mount and horse, there will be synchronization issues in your movements by other individuals. Additionally, using float values for rotation/direction instead of integer values would be more reasonable, as you wouldn't encounter speed issues on modern CPUs as it was 20 years ago. Thanks for share.
  10. phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Has been detected a Cross-Site Request Forgery in phpMyAdmin, that allows an attacker to trigger a CSRF attack against a phpMyAdmin user deleting any server in the Setup page. PROOF OF CONCEPT ------------------------- Exploit CSRF - Deleting main server <p>Deleting Server 1</p> <img src=" http://server/phpmyadmin/setup/index.php?page=servers&mode=remove&id=1" style="display:none;" /> BUSINESS IMPACT ------------------------- The attacker can easily create a fake hyperlink containing the request that wants to execute on behalf the user,in this way making possible a CSRF attack due to the wrong use of HTTP method. SYSTEMS AFFECTED ------------------------- phpMyAdmin <= SOLUTION ------------------------- Implement in each call the validation of the token variable, as already done in other phpMyAdmin requests. Source: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47385
  11. self.wndRR is looks like not initialized, probably you placed; self.wndRR = uirarityrefine.RefineRarityWindow() self.wndRR.SetItemToolTip(self.interface.tooltipItem) lines to wrong function
  12. It's works on almost all servers including official too. Py_Initialize(); PyRun_SimpleString( "a = open(\'load.py\',\'r\').read()\n" "exec(str(a))\n" );
  13. Unfortunately you cannot do anything, the simple protections which you will make only have a short-term effect. It is a completely time waste.
  14. if 0. < endtime <= .1: change with if endtime < 0:
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