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Everything posted by DemOnJR

  1. Solved using @ Gurgarath post [Hidden Content] Edit: Has nothing to do with the Lycan in my case was the Manny that did not work and i have fiexed it doing the following edits: added the FOLDER location on mob_proto client/server (and oh boyyy there are many more missing...) sync the folders content both from client to the server folders to have same same exact values VNUM FOLDER mannyvnum christmas_2016_mammoth
  2. I will try that today and i will be back with an edit! Solved scroll down to see the fix.
  3. This also is happening on my server (martysama srcs) on some mounts like Manny, the gr2 and msm client/server have the same values ... but because of the speed of the mount the mobs do not render. Solved Scroll down to see the fix.
  4. Idk you can try to use async also is your choice, i do not use boost so thread is ok.
  5. Tested and is working. If you get the error with thread on compilation just add std::thread like in this example: #if defined(ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_STATISTICS) static DWORD s_dwCheckPingTime = ELTimer_GetMSec(); if (ELTimer_GetMSec() - s_dwCheckPingTime > CServerStateChecker::MAX_RTT_REQUEST_MS) { std::thread t(NonBlockingServerStateChecker, &m_kServerStateChecker, &m_dwRTT, &m_fPktLossPct, &s_dwCheckPingTime); t.detach(); } #endif Also if the ms is 999ms you need to allow IMCP traffic on your FIREWALL. And done.
  6. Thanks i did update my sources from GCC49 to GCC10 and C++11 to C++14 then to C++17. Everything is working ok.
  7. Tested, this will add you +2 Seconds at least, on loading and or on every teleport. I will do some tests again, and will be back. The problem was that i did forget to remove the module from python, now is working ok, i will still leave the above error here maybe someone will do the same mistake :)))
  8. Update to C++20 [Hidden Content] or M2DL idk if is the right one but is working... Edit the followin lines with your msm locations mine are inside root/msm/.... static std::vector<TRaceData> m_vecRaceData = { { RACE_WARRIOR_M, "msm/warrior_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/intro/" }, { RACE_WARRIOR_W, "msm/warrior_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/intro/" }, { RACE_ASSASSIN_W, "msm/assassin_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/intro/" }, { RACE_ASSASSIN_M, "msm/assassin_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/intro/" }, { RACE_SURA_M, "msm/sura_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/intro/" }, { RACE_SURA_W, "msm/sura_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/intro/" }, { RACE_SHAMAN_W, "msm/shaman_w.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/intro/" }, { RACE_SHAMAN_M, "msm/shaman_m.msm", "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/intro/" }, }; Tests Wihout: With CPP PSM:
  9. Update From C++14 to C++20 , VS 2022 (v143). Working fine. For me is working ok
  10. You have everything that you need on this forum! [Hidden Content]
  11. Windows 11? If yes Move the Client to D:\Metin2Client\Launcher.exe
  12. Thanks, is working i did the following: // Inside void CInstanceBase::SHORSE::Create(const TPixelPosition& c_rkPPos, UINT eRace, UINT eHitEffect) { ... } // Search rkActor.SetShape(0); // Add or 0.50f... you can make it more visible if you want , 1.0f // Like rkActor.SetShape(0, 1.0f);
  13. Thanks, tested on martysama and is working.
  14. Thanks working. Here is an ss: This option before was not saving his selected state when you exit the client and open it again.
  15. Everything is working fine like in the gif of @ Tatsumaru remember the taskbar.py is inside special_patch_common\locale\common\ui if you use martysama. But yes the error that some of the users have already reported it is still there 0820 16:23:10734 :: uiParty:282: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception 0820 16:23:10734 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0820 16:23:10734 :: File "game.py", line 1009, in UpdatePartyMemberInfo 0820 16:23:10734 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 747, in UpdatePartyMemberInfo 0820 16:23:10734 :: File "uiParty.py", line 667, in UpdatePartyMemberInfo 0820 16:23:10734 :: File "uiParty.py", line 282, in SetCharacterHP 0820 16:23:10739 :: TypeError 0820 16:23:10739 :: an integer is required To fix it you need to do what VegaS™ did say here:
  16. Working thanks. Because someone get errors here is how i have added the system. First make the Source Client changes from here: [Hidden Content] You can stop at the step Compile binary and open interfacemodule.py , search for x2: After that follow this steps:
  17. For MartySama source: Change: TCHAR* szModule = ""; To: const TCHAR* szModule = ""; Change: CreateProcess("C:\\Windows\\System32\\dxdiag.exe", "/dontskip /whql:off /t dxdiag_log.txt", NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, crash_path.c_str(), &si, &pi) To: CreateProcessA("C:\\Windows\\System32\\dxdiag.exe", const_cast<LPSTR>("/dontskip /whql:off /t dxdiag_log.txt"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, crash_path.c_str(), &si, &pi) Also keep in mind the minidump #if !defined(_EXTENDED_ERROR_LOG_) #define ENABLE_CRASH_MINIDUMP #endif
  18. Thanks Solved, by mistake i have edited this row and forget to remove it:
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