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Everything posted by DemOnJR

  1. Hello, I search an script when a player uses an forbidden link or word ( join"sdas"to) on [PM] Chat, log it into the mysql (account's name, id, etc.) the forbidden words to be read also from mysql.
  2. I thought I solved it but it still an problem. but I dont know how to make it when you go up to it 5 times after that it will block you 5 seconds. Edit: int MountSpam = ch->GetQuestFlag("mount.spam"); if (MountSpam) { /* code */ if (get_global_time() < MountSpam + 5) { /* code */ ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "WAIT 5 SECONDS"); return; } } ch->SetQuestFlag("mount.spam", get_global_time()); @Gurgarath
  3. Hello, I found a bug when you use this system: You can spam ctrl f g and you create lag on the server like this:
  4. EDIT: 1 when someone kill me the effect still remain: 2 after the time expires the effect remains SOLVED, I left it that way and set default start from G @Owsap
  5. thanks i will try, if is working i tell you guys. EDIT: Working Thanks!
  6. you have some others characters?
  7. hi, here is my problem: when I get on my horse, my life regenerates to full. how do i disable that bonus? [Hidden Content]
  8. Hello, recently I had a problem with players on farm maps players fight each other (even those from different kingdoms) and they can't farm. I found this script, but i do not know how to add the kingdom and the option they can no longer push each other. // for who need it too in battle.cpp search: bool battle_is_attackable(LPCHARACTER ch, LPCHARACTER victim) // under the if (victim->IsDead()) return false; // add switch(ch->GetMapIndex()) { // index map case 113: case 219: case 240: case 351: case 352: { if (victim->IsPC() && ch->IsPC()) return false; } }
  9. thanks but i'm a beginner i dont know how to do that, thanks anyway ? Edit: If i'm right i need to create an class with ox index map and when an player will join on that map the function will take his armor,costume,hair... off hmm... ?
  10. Hello, i need something to prohibit the wearing of weapons and armors, pets, mounts... on ox maps, i have only this for skills: #ifdef ENABLE_BLOCK_SKILL_OXEVENT #include "questmanager.h" DWORD dwFlagBlockSkill = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("enable_block_skill_oxevent"); if (dwFlagBlockSkill > 0 && GetMapIndex() == 113) { if (quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("oxevent_status") != 0) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, "[OXEVENT] You can not use skills during the event ox !"); return false; } } #endif
  11. Hello, i search an script or tutorial for follow for the next proposal: when an player is dead after she will come back to alive the timeout/cowntdown whatever... will continue! I need to reset that "timeout/cowntdown" to 0 when the player will come back to alive.
  12. @Mali61 Is working but the arrows is not unequiped when my race is changed! int pc_change_race(lua_State* L) { const LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1) || !ch) return 0; if (ch->GetWear(WEAR_BODY) || ch->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON)) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Unequip weapon and armor first!"); return 0; } ch->SetRace(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); ch->SetSkillGroup(0); ch->ClearSkill(); ch->ClearSubSkill(); ch->SetPolymorph(101); ch->SetPolymorph(0); ///Check items for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_MAX_NUM; ++i) { const LPITEM item = ch->GetInventoryItem(i); if (item && !item->CanUsedBy(ch)) { item->RemoveFromCharacter(); ch->AutoGiveItem(item); } } return 0; }
  13. This is my quest: quest schimbarasa begin state start begin when 40003.use begin say_title("Schimba Rasa :") say_verde("Salut ".. pc.get_name() ..", doresti sa schimbi rasa actuala ?") say("") say_reward("Atentie !!!") say_verde("Odata ce ti-ai schimbat rasa nu vei mai putea") say_verde("reveni la cea veche decat daca vei folosi un") say_verde("nou Inel !") say_item_vnum("40003") say("") wait () say_title("Schimba rasa !") say_reward("Esti sigur ca vrei sa-ti schimbi rasa caracterului?") say("") local main_set = select ("Da","Nu") if main_set == 2 then return end if main_set == 1 then say_title("Schimba Rasa:") say_verde("Ce rasa ai vrea sa aiba caracterul tau ?") say("") local schimbarasa = select ("Razboinic","Ninja","Sura","Saman","Inchide") if schimbarasa == 1 then say_title("Schimba Rasa:") say_verde("Ce sex vrei sa aiba caracterul tau ?") say("") local sexwar = select ("Masculin","Feminin","Inchide") if sexwar == 1 then pc.polymorph("4") pc.change_sex() elseif sexwar == 2 then pc.polymorph("4") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexwar == 3 then return end elseif schimbarasa == 2 then say_title("Schimba Rasa:") say_verde("Ce sex vrei sa aiba caracterul tau ?") say("") local sexninja = select ("Masculin","Feminin","Inchide") if sexninja == 2 then pc.polymorph("5") pc.change_sex() elseif sexninja == 1 then pc.polymorph("5") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexninja == 3 then return end elseif schimbarasa == 3 then say_title("Schimba Rasa:") say_verde("Ce sex vrei sa aiba caracterul tau ?") say("") local sexsura = select ("Masculin","Feminin","Inchide") if sexsura == 1 then pc.polymorph("6") pc.change_sex() elseif sexsura == 2 then pc.polymorph("6") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexsura == 3 then return end elseif schimbarasa == 4 then say_title("Schimba Rasa:") say_verde("Ce sex vrei sa aiba caracterul tau ?") say("") local sexshamy = select ("Masculin","Feminin","Inchide") if sexshamy == 2 then pc.polymorph("7") pc.change_sex() elseif sexshamy == 1 then pc.polymorph("7") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") pc.polymorph("1") pc.change_sex() pc.polymorph("20032") elseif sexshamy == 3 then return end elseif schimbarasa == 5 then return end pc.removeitem(40003, 1) end end end end @Mali61
  14. Hello, i have little bug with the Change Race, If i'm ninja and i have arrows equiped after i change my race to war or others the arrows remain in the slot.
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