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Everything posted by Morphe

  2. Depend is creating.. Link extern novaline to mainline_released..
  3. You trying to use the function search before?
  4. My internet connection fail
  5. I try this a long tine ago and I have big problems with player hp after mount/unmount , hp has increased to all players. edit: I try only with if (GetHP() > GetMaxHP()) PointChange(POINT_HP, GetMaxHP() - GetHP()); if (GetSP() > GetMaxSP()) PointChange(POINT_SP, GetMaxSP() - GetSP()); I havent problem
  6. ou char.cpp In function CHARACTER::ComputePoints() Search: if (iMaxHP != GetMaxHP()) { SetRealPoint(POINT_MAX_HP, iMaxHP); // 기본HP를 RealPoint에 저장해 놓는다. } PointChange(POINT_MAX_HP, 0); if (iMaxSP != GetMaxSP()) { SetRealPoint(POINT_MAX_SP, iMaxSP); // 기본SP를 RealPoint에 저장해 놓는다. } PointChange(POINT_MAX_SP, 0); if (GetHP() > GetMaxHP()) PointChange(POINT_HP, GetMaxHP() - GetHP()); if (GetSP() > GetMaxSP()) PointChange(POINT_SP, GetMaxSP() - GetSP()); Copy this and remove. After replace before UpdatePacket(); Good Luck.
  7. I test what you say and i haven't this bug. How much HP decrease when you stop riding?
  8. give me in PM your skype/mess - cont inchis )
  9. I made a big mistake case 2: // sex { switch (arg3[0]) { case 'morphe': // /set Name sex morphe { tch->ChangeSex(); tch->SetPolymorph(101); tch->SetPolymorph(0); } break; } } break;
  10. Hi dev's ! I know this is a sh*t but... Open cmd_gm.cpp: SET SEX: Find: case 2: // sex break; Replace with: case 2: // sex { switch (arg3[0]) { case 'morphe': // /set Name sex morphe { tch->ChangeSex(); tch->SetPolymorph(101); tch->SetPolymorph(0); } break; } } break; use /set Name sex morphe or change 'morphe' with 'your_string' SET RACE: Find: case 1: // race break; Replace with: case 1: // race { DWORD dwRace = MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM; if (!*arg3) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Enter race number"); return; } str_to_number(dwRace, arg3); if (dwRace >= MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Race max number = 9 (0-8)"); return; } if (dwRace == tch->GetRaceNum()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "He already is this race"); return; } tch->SetRace(dwRace); tch->ClearSkill(); tch->SetPolymorph(101); tch->SetPolymorph(0); } break; use /set Name race number_race SET SKILL GROUP Find: { "align", NUMBER }, Add under: { "skill_group", NUMBER }, Find: case 8: // alignment Add under this case a new case: case 9: // skill_group { bool bIsSetSkillGroup = false; DWORD dwSkillGroup = 0; if (!*arg3) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Enter a skill_group (1-2)"); } if (*arg3) { str_to_number(dwSkillGroup, arg3); dwSkillGroup = MINMAX(0, dwSkillGroup, 2); bIsSetSkillGroup = true; } if (bIsSetSkillGroup) { tch->SetSkillGroup(dwSkillGroup); } } break; use /set Name race number_race SET LEVEL Find: { "align", NUMBER }, Add under: { "level", NUMBER }, Find: case 9: // skill_group Add under this case a new case. case 10: // level { DWORD dwLevel = PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX; if (!*arg3) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Enter the level"); return; } str_to_number(dwRace, arg3); if (dwLevel >= PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "MAX_LEVEL is: %d", PLAYER_EXP_TABLE_MAX); return; } tch->SetLevel(dwRace); } break; use /set Name level number
  11. uiexchange.py self.TitleName.SetText(localeInfo.EXCHANGE_TITLE % (exchange.GetNameFromTarget(), exchange.GetLevelFromTarget())) And in locale game.txt EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s (%d) Done, official trade.
  12. You have to change uiexchange.py and locale_game.txt.
  13. 1. Verify your code in db (ItemTable) 2. I think its normaly on ITEM_RING. 3. Look in dragon_soul_table.txt from /locale/your_country
  14. Calm bro Open InstanceBase.cpp search this UINT CInstanceBase::SHORSE::GetLevel() and add your mount in this after in pvp.cpp
  15. Search in char_skill.cpp for: CHARACTER::IsUsableSkillMotion and CHARACTER::CanUseSkill after open skill.h to define skill
  16. With this is more fine if (pinfo->type == CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) { const int SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL = 15; if (ch->GetLevel() < SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("외치기는 레벨 %d 이상만 사용 가능 합니다."), SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL); return (iExtraLen); } if (thecore_heart->pulse - (int) ch->GetLastShoutPulse() < passes_per_sec * 15) return (iExtraLen); ch->SetLastShoutPulse(thecore_heart->pulse); const char* kingdoms[4] = {"|cFF47DA00|H|h[GameMaster]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFFff0000|H|h[Shinsoo]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFFFFFF00|H|h[Chunjo]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h","|cFF0080FF|H|h[Jinno]|cFFA7FFD4|H|h"}; int my_level = ch->GetLevel(); if (gSpecialShout) { if (ch->GetGMLevel() != GM_PLAYER) { if (MasterGhostChat) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s : %s",kingdoms[0], buf); } else { if ((MasterColorEmpire) && (!MasterLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], buf); } else if ((MasterColorEmpire) && (MasterLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], my_level, buf); } else if ((!MasterColorEmpire) && (MasterLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), my_level, buf); } else { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s : %s",ch->GetName(), buf); } } } else { if ((PlayerColorEmpire) && (!PlayerLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], buf); } else if ((PlayerColorEmpire) && (PlayerLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s %s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), kingdoms[ch->GetEmpire()], my_level, buf); } else if ((!PlayerColorEmpire) && (PlayerLevelChat)) { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s [%d] : %s",ch->GetName(), my_level, buf); } else { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s : %s", ch->GetName(), buf); } } } else { len_global = snprintf(chatbuf, sizeof(chatbuf), "%s : %s", ch->GetName(), buf); } TPacketGGShout p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_SHOUT; p.bEmpire = ch->GetEmpire(); strlcpy(p.szText, chatbuf, sizeof(p.szText)); P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGShout)); SendShout(chatbuf, ch->GetEmpire()); return (iExtraLen); } P.S.: Change int with bool.
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