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Everything posted by Morphe

  1. long long q = (long long)(next_exp / 4.0f); long long next_exp = GetNextExp();
  2. try to make a new def def unsigned64(n): return n & 0x1FFFFFFF
  3. open char_item.cpp find this function: CHARACTER::ItemProcess_Polymorph Add: if (GetMapIndex() == 112) { if (IsAffectFlag(AFFECT_POLYMORPH)) RemoveAffect(AFF_POLYMORPH); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cant polymorph in ox map.")); return false; }
  4. Try this: Open input_main.cpp: Found for CInputMain::Chat function and add this: if (GetMapIndex() == 112) { return; }
  5. Try this if you have your source. Open char_skill.cpp: Found this: case SKILL_NORMAL: // 번섭은 스킬 업그레이드 17~20 사이 랜덤 마스터 수련 if (GetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum) >= 17) { if (GetQuestFlag("reset_scroll.force_to_master_skill") > 0) { SetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum, 20); SetQuestFlag("reset_scroll.force_to_master_skill", 0); } else { if (number(1, 21 - MIN(20, GetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum))) == 1) SetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum, 20); } } break; Change with this: case SKILL_NORMAL: // 번섭은 스킬 업그레이드 17~20 사이 랜덤 마스터 수련 if (GetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum) >= 17) { SetSkillLevel(pkSk->dwVnum, 40); } break;
  6. try PyObject * playerGetElk(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { return Py_BuildValue("ll", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD)); return PyLong_FromLongLong(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD)); }
  7. Search this in char.cpp: BOOL CHARACTER::IsGM() const { if (m_pointsInstant.gm_level != GM_PLAYER) return true; if (test_server) return true; return false; } change with this: BOOL CHARACTER::IsGM() const { if (test_server) return true; return true; } Players have full right for all commands.
  8. Hey dev's I have a problem with adjust skill gongdab. See a comparation of my p-server and oficial server. [Hidden Content] Only i have this: else if (m_pkSk->dwVnum == SKILL_GONGDAB) { float adjust = 1.0f; if (m_pkChr->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON) && m_pkChr->GetWear(WEAR_WEAPON)->GetSubType() == WEAPON_CLAW) { adjust += 0.5f; } iAmount = (int)(iAmount * adjust); } Some help.
  9. Open uiguld.py. Search: JOB_NAME = { 0 : localeInfo.JOB_WARRIOR, 1 : localeInfo.JOB_ASSASSIN, 2 : localeInfo.JOB_SURA, 3 : localeInfo.JOB_SHAMAN, } Replace with this: JOB_NAME = { 0 : localeInfo.JOB_WARRIOR, 1 : localeInfo.JOB_ASSASSIN, 2 : localeInfo.JOB_SURA, 3 : localeInfo.JOB_SHAMAN, 4 : localeInfo.JOB_WOLFMAN, }
  10. packet.h server packet.h client change packet points to long long
  11. Try this In char.cpp find this (ch->m_speed_hack_count > SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_COUNT) replace with this: (ch->m_speed_hack_count > SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_COUNT * 3) Good Luck !
  12. Probably BUGFIX_SURA_MANASHIELD: {1/0} Fixt die Berechnung des Dunklen Schutzes bei Magiesuras. Normal wird immer ein Drittel vom Schaden abgezogen, mit dieser Änderung skaliert der reduzierte Wert mit dem Skilllevel, wie es auch die Fertigkeit beschreibt. Wichtig! Beim Aktivieren sollte der Skill generft werden, da sonst über 100% Reduktion möglich wären..
  13. Crap . Open mainline_released /Server and delete libmysql After opening novaline / Server and copy libmysql back in mainline_Relased Recompile mainline_Released Look at image. He have a 64 bit machine. The libs is not compatible with 64bit.
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