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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. GF v20.6.2 Patch (Metin2 Download) All files together Separated folders m_* New pet, mount, costume + hairstyle root metas Who knows
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi devs! Might be usefull for some of you. The code is not well optimised(i guess), but tested and worked. I'm planning to use the CGroupTextParseTreeLoader in the future, so this why I implemented it into the binary. Basically this is used for the dragonsoul setbonus calculation, in these functions: item.GetDSSetWeight(dsType, grade) item.GetDSBasicApplyCount(dsType, grade) item.GetDSBasicApplyValue(dsType, type) item.GetDSAdditionalApplyValue(dsType, type) This will not give you the full dragon soul set bonus as a new content. Before the implementation, don't forget to make backup, in case of rage. Download Old request topic: Have fun, Peace out.
  3. Python 2.7.18 ( M2 Download Center ) self-build who might need it. The tp -1 compare is fixxed, without avoiding the function itself, so the "unsigned long" handling is working well.
  4. But after every warp your setting of shadows always will be SHADOW_ALL doesn't matter what is your setting in config if I'm not wrong. For the proper functional solution you need to set the value in the uiSystemOption.py file the value from systemSetting to the background. def __Load(self): PS.: Of course in your file you need to set the position of the slider from the config file first and by that you need to set the value into the background class. The picture above is the latest modification what they made.
  5. GF v20.5.4 Patch (Metin2 Download) Dunno what is inside GF v20.5.4 Whole client resources ( M2 Download Center )
  6. ## uiShop.py def Open(self, vid): import chr isPrivateShop = chr.IsNPC(vid) == 0 if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): isMainPlayerPrivateShop = True self.btnBuy.Hide() self.btnSell.Hide() self.btnClose.Show() else: isMainPlayerPrivateShop = False if isPrivateShop: self.vid = vid self.btnBuy.SetPosition(0, 295) self.btnBuy.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.btnBuy.Show() self.btnSell.Hide() self.btnClose.Hide() This depends on your shop system too. The actortype of your shops are cannot be NPC type. Otherwise you need to change the value of the isPrivateShop variable.
  7. Due the loss of backup or whatever is happened, here are the last patches: GF v20.4.9 Whole client (Metin2 Download) GF v20.4.9 Metadata (Metin2 Download) GF v20.4.10 Patch (Metin2 Download)
  8. I have found a reference long time ago. PythonPlayerSkill.cpp > CPythonPlayer::__ProcessEnemySkillTargetRange:
  9. ? Btw, whom have more sockets they should know if they use an external addon that is different and doesn't compatible with their codes, so they need to change it. This is a rule on every each addon.
  10. Proof: Change my mind. Most of the customers just want something immediately, but this childish attitude is unacceptable. A developer has private life near to his hobby or sidejob/job as you can see on the picture, the customer might doesn't have. The successful deal depends on the developer also, when they can make the deal from the beginning to the end(until the product/code works). I don't know the whole story just from the picture you showed but it is ridiculous. @VegaS™ Btw good luck and less children for your service. ?
  11. Proof: Change my mind. Most of the customers just want something immediately, but this childish attitude is unacceptable. A developer has private life near to his hobby or sidejob/job as you can see on the picture, the customer might doesn't have. The successful deal depends on the developer also, when they can make the deal from the beginning to the end(until the product/code works). I don't know the whole story just from the picture you showed but it is ridiculous. @VegaS™ Btw good luck and less children for your service. ?
  12. Useless or not I don't mind, the code is there in the public source as in the official binary still, as you can see on the picture so I just put it there too. Btw the metin2 private server owners or devs are not rocket scientists, so they don't really know which packet is in used neither which is not, oh yeah they don't even care them .
  13. Hello, Small performance snippet from the official binary after some reverse engineering. I did not make huge tests, but it seems just fine for me, if you have any problem, let me know in comment below. 1.) Get rid of every __LoadMap function + calls from the introLoading.py file. Also you can completly remove the function net.Warp as well. 2.) Modify the following functions in the CPythonNetworkStreamPhaseLoading.cpp this way: bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvMainCharacter() { // [..] Add to the bottom the Warp function Warp(MainChrPacket.lX, MainChrPacket.lY); SendClientVersionPacket(); return true; } bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvMainCharacter2_EMPIRE() { // [..] Add to the bottom the Warp function Warp(mainChrPacket.lX, mainChrPacket.lY); SendClientVersionPacket(); return true; } bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvMainCharacter3_BGM() { // [..] Add to the bottom the Warp function Warp(mainChrPacket.lX, mainChrPacket.lY); SendClientVersionPacket(); return true; } bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvMainCharacter4_BGM_VOL() { // [..] Add to the bottom the Warp function Warp(mainChrPacket.lX, mainChrPacket.lY); SendClientVersionPacket(); return true; }
  14. Start with the basics to learn the logic behind of programming, exercise a lot, without basics you can do nothing. Don't jump into the deep water if you can't swim.
  15. Revert the codes back and don't do what you don't understand.
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Yo' folks! Here is a small gui extension from the official v20.4.0 binary, which is kinda trash, but can be useful for some guis to point out some stuffs. Webzen finally started to use their old codes, this is one of they have never used before. Preview: Animation is not binary sided, it's via python, the testScript.py is attached, the injection is on you, there are many examples how to test a script, there are also many loaders to it. Have fun, Download
  17. BR v20.4.0 whole client (Metin2 Download) Contents/news: root+meta, locale+protos, useless dumped binary for RE/debug Battle Royale assets. Challenge Minigame assets - Stone, Paper, Scissors game ps.: I just wanted to put the patches only, but the patcher rewrote the attributes of the new files(dates and so on) so I didn't know which files have been updated. edit:
  18. It depends how you want to do it, mixed with items you want to place for sale and some items for showcase only, or all the items are just for showcase. Both ways are possible, but you can wait until 2038 that somebody will code it for you especially for free ?. The principle of operation can be simple or complex, depends how you code it. Basically the best option is when you set an extra variable for every each item, that it is sellable or not, then block the buy function on those items where that flag has been set. Also you can mark those items on clientside, to let the players see those items are not for sale. For a last word, hire a dev if you can't code this for yourself.
  19. I would recommend to extend the function with a hint as well then when the problem is fixed revert the codes back to the original. By the way this SelectItem sometimes messes up some codes, as you can see in the official codes about the sashes, you need to select an another item(the drained) to query some informations about that, then to not mess up the rest of the codes what comes after the external function call, you need to select the original vnum back after you are done. This is just an example about the weakness of the SelectItem function, highly possible none of you are using this except me ?. Also might be the problem is not because of these kind of codes, I just wanted to let you know about this. And the hint I started to talk about: #define BULLSEYE PyObject * itemSelectItem(PyObject * poSelf, PyObject * poArgs) { DWORD dwItemIndex; if (!PyTuple_GetUnsignedLong(poArgs, 0, &dwItemIndex)) return Py_BadArgument(); #ifdef BULLSEYE char* szHint; if (2 == PyTuple_Size(poArgs)) { if (!PyTuple_GetString(poArgs, 1, &szHint)) return Py_BadArgument(); } #endif if (!CItemManager::Instance().SelectItemData(dwItemIndex)) { #ifdef BULLSEYE TraceError("Cannot find item by %lu hint: %s", dwItemIndex, szHint); #else TraceError("Cannot find item by %lu", dwItemIndex); #endif CItemManager::Instance().SelectItemData(60001); return Py_BuildValue("i", FALSE); } return Py_BuildValue("i", TRUE); } You might have some syntax errors, my function looks a bit different then the public ones, after I reversed this from the official and built my own pythoncore with fixxed errors about the unsigned long stuffs. But you can see in the macro the hint stuff. PS: Totally unnecesary the PythonChat, it will write to the syserr anyways. After this you just start replacing all of your calls in your python files like: def GetRefineSuccessPercentage(self, scrollSlotIndex, itemSlotIndex): if -1 != scrollSlotIndex: if player.IsRefineGradeScroll(scrollSlotIndex): curGrade = player.GetItemGrade(itemSlotIndex) itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) item.SelectItem(itemIndex) def GetRefineSuccessPercentage(self, scrollSlotIndex, itemSlotIndex): if -1 != scrollSlotIndex: if player.IsRefineGradeScroll(scrollSlotIndex): curGrade = player.GetItemGrade(itemSlotIndex) itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) item.SelectItem(itemIndex, "uiRefine.GetRefineSuccessPercentage") Or also you can discover it via this: # utils.py import inspect def getLineInfo(): stack = inspect.stack() return "%s.%s at line %d" % (stack[1][1], stack[1][3], stack[1][2]) This requires the inspect module which also requires the following modules: dis opcode string token tokenize So with this you just need to call the utils.getLineInfo() as the 2nd argument of the item.SelectItem function item.SelectItem(itemVnum, utils.getLineInfo()) and also the utils has to be imported to the file where you use the item modul for selecting an item during the debugging. DID NOT TESTED ON CYTHONIZED CODES, AND NEVER WILL, cython is not for debugging anyways
  20. GF v20.3.4 patch (Metin2 Download) Contents: root+dump, locales+protos, useless dumped binary for debug/RE only Reworked FindM event implemented Other unknown modifications
  21. On a well managed server this cannot happen. Players are not able to get polymorph item with empty sockets. Anyways, better to make sure about it, thanks for your comment.
  22. Can we see the quest-file which cause the problem?
  23. GF v20.3.3 patch (Metin2 Download) Contents: Some re-exported, new mob models. Simple GUI for WorldBoss event, Flower event. Removed FindM event perhaps by mistake. New skill icon for wolfman(?) Probably soon the new skills are coming too. root+dump, locales+protos
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