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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. Yes I have, I attached. wom-exchange-accept-btn-img.7z
  2. I tested with poison, slow and stun but I've never got that problem. Just the name of monster which is got poison effect is jumping up, and when the poison is gone jump down
  3. I just quoted your answer to @DeYaN. from other topic where he asked this
  4. This party flag allows you to buff your group members, not working like shamans buff skills.
  5. Same as iMer's dif but shorter a little: game_2089M 0010F5C3: 31 EB 0010F5C4: C0 09 And here are those difs which posted by @Sevence™ just for r34k: This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler db_r33820_32_u 000925A5: 01 00 This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassembler game_r34083_32 0040DFE5: 01 00
  6. Put the if statement under the case. case 71049: if(isgm()...return false if lc_isymir blabla
  7. set_quest_state("questname*", "statename") when enter begin --entering into the state *when QUESTNAME begin
  8. Hm, maybe those are be the new points what you say but those are not used in clientside (every values are zero as the skills too). ohm, not RE I just played with dumping datas and compared with old ones. http://pastebin.com/EEt474TX
  9. Hi, devs. Today is a hangover day to me, but I figured out the new mob_proto struct with new values, but this is not 100% reliable. I want to know your opinion about this, because I think this is not correct. sizeof the new mob_proto table is 262. Here is the struct: http://pastebin.com/YSH80Qhk Here is the result: http://pastebin.com/ANh8qtkz
  10. I think this tells everything. Specified platform toolset (v90) requires Visual Studio 2008. Please make sure that Visual Studio 2008 is installed on the machine.
  11. Damn, love it. ♫♪ Disclosure - Help Me Lose My Mind (Mazde Remix)
  12. Could you explain what do you want to do? What is this?
  13. This script was written by Python 3.x.x, not compatible with 2.x.x if you do not rewrite the network codes.
  14. Change the datatype of the cell by name "hp" in player.player table (Right click on the table and choose the "Design table" option, or change it with a simple query).
  15. This song is amazing! I never bought any music so far.. But this... Orgasm to my ears. Ah, and Hungarian
  16. I think not lucky to call the Interface class from interfaceModule.py more than once because of the __init__ function. Try to bind the self to the gameoptiondialog. objectDlg.BindInterface(self) like for whisper or inventory or dragonsoul etc.
  17. You should use other ways, here are two (I prefer the first) PyObject * playerGetElk(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { long long llGold = CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD); #ifdef _DEBUG Tracef("GetElk(): %lld\n", llGold); #endif return PyLong_FromLongLong(llGold); } PyObject * playerGetElk(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { long long llGold = CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD); #ifdef _DEBUG Tracef("GetElk(): %lld\n", llGold); #endif PyObject *args = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, PyLong_FromLongLong(llGold)); Py_BuildValue("()", args); }
  18. Upload your uiToolTip.py file.. We are not wizards, we do not know where could be the problem or where did you do a mistake.
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