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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. Learn c/c++ and you will know it. Small but smart quest :3 [1]
  2. It doesn't exist function for it. Tim and DaRealFreak were made a bot(via dynamic lib) which could separate the items to pickup but they never released it.
  3. You have to add a button which set the new distibution mode(2) for party and extend the switch with a new case. party.h enum EPartyExpDistributionModes { PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_NON_PARITY, PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY, PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_EQUAL, PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MAX_NUM }; char_battle.cpp struct FPartyDistributor { int total; LPCHARACTER c; int x, y; DWORD _iExp; int m_iMode; int m_iMemberCount; FPartyDistributor(LPCHARACTER center, int member_count, int total, DWORD iExp, int iMode) : total(total), c(center), x(center->GetX()), y(center->GetY()), _iExp(iExp), m_iMode(iMode), m_iMemberCount(member_count) { if (m_iMemberCount == 0) m_iMemberCount = 1; }; void operator () (LPCHARACTER ch) { if (DISTANCE_APPROX(ch->GetX() - x, ch->GetY() - y) <= PARTY_DEFAULT_RANGE) { DWORD iExp2 = 0; switch (m_iMode) { case PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_NON_PARITY: iExp2 = (DWORD) (_iExp * (float) __GetPartyExpNP(ch->GetLevel()) / total); break; case PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY: iExp2 = _iExp / m_iMemberCount; break; case PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_EQUAL: iExp2 = _iExp; break; default: sys_err("Unknown party exp distribution mode %d", m_iMode); return; } GiveExp(c, ch, iExp2); } } };
  4. The newest version of the official game client (v16.4.2). A new affect ico(wolfhead) [undiscovered yet] New pet(s) New mount(s) New costumes New models and huds for custome private-shop Many model fixes and corrections, repacks Huds, effects, map for pvp system .UPDATES/m2_16.4.2_21077/
  5. If you can't understand the code please stay in quiet.
  6. do local isFast = true local __say = say function _G.say(str, ...) if table.getn(arg) > 0 then if isFast then raw_script("[DELAY value;1]"..string.format(str, unpack(arg)).."[/DELAY][ENTER]") else __say(string.format(str, unpack(arg))) end else if isFast then raw_script("[DELAY value;1]"..str.."[/DELAY][ENTER]") else __say(str) end end end -- string.tolower function fix for hungarian keyboard os.setlocale("fr_FR.ISO8859-1","ctype") end
  7. My friend, Void tried to say that, the prior operationg systems are out of date to use in this decade, and don't need solution to work on those systems, I think. ofc yr code isn't bad, but nowaday who want to use XP or S: vista :S damn oh god pls
  8. True, but I not prefer switchbot, or something to use the flashing by other states, this is the reason why I did like this way.
  9. When I saw it I said LOL! if (CPythonChat::WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT == whisperPacket.bType || CPythonChat::WHISPER_TYPE_GM == whisperPacket.bType) { #ifdef ENABLE_WHISPER_FLASHING FLASHWINFO flashInfo; flashInfo.cbSize = sizeof(flashInfo); flashInfo.hwnd = CPythonApplication::Instance().GetWindowHandle(); flashInfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL | FLASHW_TIMERNOFG; flashInfo.uCount = 0; flashInfo.dwTimeout = 0; FlashWindowEx(&flashInfo); #endif _snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s : %s", whisperPacket.szNameFrom, buf); PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "OnRecvWhisper", Py_BuildValue("(iss)", (int) whisperPacket.bType, whisperPacket.szNameFrom, line)); } 10€ for nothing xD
  10. #rofl really :"D While I wrote I was thinking about blocks item dropping about x sec
  11. The revisions lost their value while the source was published. The last official game is r40250 like the "clean"(I mean full of bugs) source. Higher revisions are selfmade cores nothing else in my opinion.
  12. Hmm... Mouse? MouseButtonLeftUp? Maybe game.py? Ohh! itemDropQuestionDialog -> acceptevent -> __SendDropItemPacket -> m2net.SendItemDropPacketNew -> HEADER_CG_ITEM_DROP2 -> input_main.cpp -> ItemDrop2 -> ch->DropItem -> char_item.cpp -> CHARACTER::DropItem -> Magic -> If (expr) return;
  13. I don't use it, but any syserr or smth?
  14. Also deadlink btw. [Hidden Content]
  15. Hello everyone. If you play or played on gameforge servers you should to know that what is this. When you are opening more than one clients the icon of the applications (on the windows taskbar) are groupped like With this little modification you can do like this(as on gameforge clients work): Open the EterLib\MSWindow.cpp and paste this under the #include <windowsx.h> line: #define DISABLE_TASKBAR_GROUPING #ifdef DISABLE_TASKBAR_GROUPING #include <Shobjidl.h> #endif Then scroll down to the CMSWindow::Create function and search this code: if (!m_hWnd) return false; Paste the following code below of that: #ifdef DISABLE_TASKBAR_GROUPING OSVERSIONINFO v; v.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&v); if (v.dwMajorVersion == 6 && v.dwMinorVersion >= 1 || v.dwMajorVersion > 6) { WCHAR myAppID[128]; swprintf(myAppID, sizeof(myAppID) / sizeof(myAppID[0]), L"MyMetin2AppID%u", GetCurrentProcessId()); HRESULT hr = SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myAppID); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false; } #endif The if-statement checks your windows version and if passed, the ungrouping will run. (6.1 is Win7SP1) P3NG3R
  16. Omg. Just add this enum into RaceData.h as public inside the CRaceData class: enum ERaces { RACE_WARRIOR_M, RACE_ASSASSIN_W, RACE_SURA_M, RACE_SHAMAN_W, RACE_WARRIOR_W, RACE_ASSASSIN_M, RACE_SURA_W, RACE_SHAMAN_M, #ifdef ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER RACE_WOLFMAN_M, #endif RACE_MAX_NUM, }; w/ or w/o wolfman macro..
  17. Yes but updated now :). They changed the whole TItemPos also, by split the inventories into variables by windowtypes. I mean: Now the Cell of acce is: LOBYTE(v50) = 2;//EQUIPMENT page *(unsigned __int16 *)((char *)&v50 + 1) = 22;//ACCE slotIndex absorbedItemVnum = CPythonPlayer::GetItemMetinSocket(0, (int)&v17, v50, 0); in C++: DWORD absorbedItemVnum = CPythonPlayer::instance().GetItemMetinSocket(TItemPos(EQUIPMENT, c_Costume_Slot_Acce), 0); But in prior version(and in the public src also) looks like this: LOBYTE(v4) = 1;//INVENTORY page *(_WORD *)((char *)&v4 + 1) = 112;//ACCE slotIndex absorbedItemVnum = CPythonPlayer::GetItemMetinSocket(0, v4, 0); in C++: DWORD absorbedItemVnum = CPythonPlayer::instance().GetItemMetinSocket(TItemPos(INVENTORY, c_Costume_Slot_Acce), 0); This is the new version of IsValidCell for every inventory page: char __fastcall TItemPos::IsValidCell(int a1) { char result; // al@2 switch ( *(_BYTE *)a1 )//wndType { case INVENTORY: result = (unsigned int)*(_WORD *)(a1 + sizeof(BYTE)/*1*/) < 180; break; case EQUIPMENT: result = (unsigned int)*(_WORD *)(a1 + sizeof(BYTE)/*1*/) < 44; break; case BELT_INVENTORY: result = (unsigned int)*(_WORD *)(a1 + sizeof(BYTE)/*1*/) < 16; break; case DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY: result = (signed int)*(_WORD *)(a1 + sizeof(BYTE)/*1*/) < 960; break; default: result = 0; break; } return result; } So, they were do like this way: typedef struct SPlayerStatus { TItemData aInventoryItem[c_Inventory_Count];//180 = 4*45 TItemData aEquipmentItem[c_Wear_Max + c_DragonSoul_Equip_Slot_Max * DS_DECK_MAX_NUM];//44 = 32 + 2*6 TItemData aDSInventoryItem[c_DragonSoul_Inventory_Count];//960 = 6*5*32 TItemData aBeltInventoryItem[c_Belt_Inventory_Slot_Count];//16 = 4*4 TQuickSlot aQuickSlot[QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM]; TSkillInstance aSkill[SKILL_MAX_NUM]; long long m_allPoint[POINT_MAX_NUM]; long lQuickPageIndex; void SetPoint(UINT ePoint, long long llPoint); long long GetPoint(UINT ePoint); } TPlayerStatus; TPlayerStatus m_playerStatus; const TItemData * CPythonPlayer::GetItemData(TItemPos Cell) const { if (!Cell.IsValidCell()) return NULL; switch (Cell.window_type) { case INVENTORY: return &m_playerStatus.aInventoryItem[Cell.cell]; case EQUIPMENT: return &m_playerStatus.aEquipmentItem[Cell.cell]; case DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY: return &m_playerStatus.aDSInventoryItem[Cell.cell]; case BELT_INVENTORY: return &m_playerStatus.aBeltInventoryItem[Cell.cell]; default: return NULL; } }
  18. Maybe like this? char tmpBuf[64+1]; std::string rTime = LC_TEXT("Your item will be unbinded in "); if (hours > 0) { snprintf(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), "%uh", hours); rTime += tmpBuf; } if (minutes > 0 && hours > 0) rTime += " "; if (minutes > 0) { snprintf(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), "%um", minutes); rTime += tmpBuf; } if (seconds > 0 && (hours > 0 || minutes > 0)) rTime += " "; if (seconds > 0) { snprintf(tmpBuf, sizeof(tmpBuf), "%us", seconds); rTime += tmpBuf; }
  19. Maybe I explained wrong, the correct is this: if (!strcmp(strMapEventOx, stringName))
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