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Everything posted by xP3NG3Rx

  1. I know. ch is not declared, but no need pointer to finish the action. You may use "this->" or nothing (or... LPCHARACTER pc = this;). I just wanted to know why exists that pc-> tag.
  2. LPITEM item2 = pc->GetInventoryItem(i); error: 'pc' was not declared in this scope.
  3. You're welcome. Here you can find the useless new masked item_proto(en) as .txt: Protos m2_16.1.4_20752.7z
  4. I think this change is not neccessary. That is not so good if every monster will be aggregated in the user's viewrange. The standard is more than enough, but thanks.
  5. Attached proto to .xml dumper. ProtoTool_m2_16.1.4_20752.exe
  6. ps.: May someone send me(in PM) a correct media tag with spoiler, how can I post a direct video from youtube? 'Coz I can't post it, just their links :c
  7. Build as Distribute and forget Release.. The release mode is a half debug mode.
  8. Only am I know what does it means "clean"? HyperSuperMegaGiga-Clean Test für is not clean, seriously.
  9. metin2_patch_etc As I see this patch is not crypted with hybrid keys, so I have the file
  10. I think those are published already, look backward in this thread. Someone could share the cape of courage effect? (buff_item9.mse)
  11. For prior game file versions; use like this: quest books begin state start begin when 50000001.use begin --when kill with npc.is_pc() == false and npc.race >= 8000 and npc.race < 8500 begin --for stones if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() < 1 then syschat("You cannot open this box while you doesn't free up some spaces in your inventory.") return end local sb = { {{1,2,3,4,5,6},{16,17,18,19,20,21},},--Warrior {{31,32,33,34,35,36},{46,47,48,49,50,51},},--Assassin {{61,62,63,64,65,66},{76,77,78,79,80,81},},--Sura {{91,92,93,94,95,96},{106,107,108,109,110,111},},--Shaman --{{170,171,172,173,174,175}},--Wolfman } local class = number(1,table.getn(sb)) local group = number(1,2) --if class == WOLFMAN then group=1 end local skill_vnum = number(1, table.getn(sb[class][group])) local itemid = pc.give_item2(50300,1) if itemid ~= 0 then item.select(itemid) item.set_socket(0, skill_vnum) else syschat(string.format("ERROR: code(0x%d|0x%d|0x%d)", class, group, skill_vnum)) end end end end
  12. I think this will work: quest login_cal begin state start begin when login begin local t = { [1] = {71124, 71125, 71126, 71127, 71128}, [21] = {71124, 71125, 71126, 71127, 71128}, [41] = {71124, 71125, 71126, 71127, 71128}, } table.foreach(t, function(mapindex, items) for j=1, table.getn(items) do if pc.unequip_from_index(mapindex, items[j]) then syschat(string.format('Item-ul %d a fost dezechipat.', items[j])) end end end) end end end
  13. Yes, but he do not want to set those items for a metin stone as drop, I think. Do not force.
  14. I will not do it for you, but you could do right here in GameLib/ItemData.cpp: const char * CItemData::GetName() const { switch (GetType()) { case ITEM_TYPE_POLYMORPH: return "formatted item name for polymarble"; break; case ITEM_TYPE_SKILLBOOK: case ITEM_TYPE_SKILLFORGET: return "formatted item name for skill items"; break; default: return m_ItemTable.szLocaleName; break; } //return m_ItemTable.szLocaleName; } PS.: If you choose this way, you have to edit the uiToolTip.py file also then. (__SetPolymorphItemTitle <&> __SetSkillBookToolTip)
  15. @wezt I know, there are lots of ways to make it work, I just wrote a sample from official like. Because there the pets have new type of instance.
  16. One word. WHY? I don't understand, and I never will.
  17. MiNiM4L <3 Droplex - Killa Kokain (Original Mix) Droplex - Goodnight Kiss <3
  18. This is an old update which is implemented in the r7071 bin. But thank you.
  19. You can find in char_item.cpp under this line: if (IsRefineThroughGuild() || bMoneyOnly) And in char.cpp: int CHARACTER::ComputeRefineFee(int iCost, int iMultiply) const { CGuild* pGuild = GetRefineGuild(); if (pGuild) { if (pGuild == GetGuild()) return iCost * iMultiply * 9 / 10; // ´Ů¸Ą Á¦±ą »ç¶÷ŔĚ ˝ĂµµÇĎ´Â °ćżě Ăß°ˇ·Î 3ąč ´ő LPCHARACTER chRefineNPC = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(m_dwRefineNPCVID); if (chRefineNPC && chRefineNPC->GetEmpire() != GetEmpire()) return iCost * iMultiply * 3; return iCost * iMultiply; } else return iCost; }
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