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Everything posted by Exygo

  1. You handle that, is not my priority. F1-12 is a shitty oldschool idea, from the time when metin2 servers where primitive and nobody knew how to make it as button.
  2. void CQuestManager::Select(unsigned int pc, unsigned int selection) { PC* pPC; if ((pPC = GetPC(pc)) && pPC->IsRunning() && pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->suspend_state==SUSPEND_STATE_SELECT) { pPC->SetSendDoneFlag(); if (!pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->chat_scripts.empty()) { // äĆĂ ŔĚşĄĆ®ŔÎ °ćżě // ÇöŔç Äů˝şĆ®´Â ľî´Ŕ Äů˝şĆ®¸¦ ˝ÇÇŕÇŇ °ÍŔΰˇ¸¦ °í¸Ł´Â Äů˝şĆ® Ŕ̹ǷΠ// łˇł»°í Ľ±ĹĂµČ Äů˝şĆ®¸¦ ˝ÇÇŕÇŃ´Ů. QuestState& old_qs = *pPC->GetRunningQuestState(); CloseState(old_qs); if (selection >= pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->chat_scripts.size()) { pPC->SetSendDoneFlag(); GotoEndState(old_qs); pPC->EndRunning(); } else { AArgScript* pas = pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->chat_scripts[selection]; ExecuteQuestScript(*pPC, pas->quest_index, pas->state_index, pas->script.GetCode(), pas->script.GetSize()); } } else { // on default pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->args=1; if (!pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->co) // fix 2 februarie 2018 sys_err("GetRunningQuestState()->co is null"); else lua_pushnumber(pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->co,selection+1); if (!RunState(*pPC->GetRunningQuestState())) { CloseState(*pPC->GetRunningQuestState()); pPC->EndRunning(); } } } else { // Better handling 5 februarie 2018 by Exygo if ((pPC = GetPC(pc)) && pPC->IsRunning() && pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->suspend_state == SUSPEND_STATE_PAUSE) return; sys_err("wrong QUEST_SELECT request for pc %d (getPC %d isRunning %d GetRunningQuestState %d)", int(pc), (pPC = GetPC(pc)) ? true : false, (pPC = GetPC(pc)) ? true : false ? pPC->IsRunning() : false, (pPC = GetPC(pc)) ? true : false ? pPC->GetRunningQuestState()->suspend_state : -1 ); } } Yes, but sometimes the quest window remains frozen and it's unconfortable.
  3. We tried to help you, we gave you advices if you don't know anything it's your problem but I tell you stop bumping you are wasting your time, nobody will help you anymore.
  4. How to install gdb(putty commands): cd /usr/ports/devel/gdb && make deinstall cd /usr/ports/devel/gdb && make install clean How to use gdb(putty commands): gdb set gnutarget i386-marcel-freebsd file /usr/home/game/share/brain/game core /usr/home/game/channels/channel1/core1/game.core bt full
  5. Dude he is 16 years old(no joke) and I believe his IQ is below 90 50
  6. Oh yeah I forgot for you guys it's dwType not bType
  7. So I had this problem as title says ... Suddenly I couldn't raise my secondary skil level by reading a skillbook so after I checked all the possible ways and I figured out that the problem is resulted from one single line. Note: I asked a few friends to test this bug on their servers and it was confirmed they have the same bug. To fix the bug search inside char_skill.cpp at function And replace the line with :
  8. It was a very bad joke also not related to the subject R u crazy ? He has big prices ... You need try try a code like this(P.S: I don't know how he coded the system yet, never checked, never need that system) const DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET & c_ref_set = DESC_MANAGER::instance().GetClientSet(); // you need to include desc_manager for this for (itertype(c_ref_set) it = c_ref_set.begin(); it != c_ref_set.end(); ++it) // look through all players(all connections, all cores) { LPCHARACTER ch = (*it)->GetCharacter(); // get the LPCHARACTER pointer from the itor if (!ch) continue; ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "environment %d", value); // Do something for each player, preferably send a command from server to client and after that the client will handle the command inside game.py and then the python part comes helping. } I gave you a hint, not all the code, as I said above, I didn't checked the system yet because I didn't need it.
  9. Why would you do that? It's pointless and in this whole time of my experience I didn't even see a server to crash because of this. And trust I've seen a lot of junk servers and they had millions of event flags. And why would you make this scandal for 10 euros ? You know martysama doesn't even speak with you for 10 euros.
  10. The codes that were posted in this thread are incomplete and won't help you.
  11. I found this bug at a player on my server and I managed to do some tests in his computer to find the problem. He couldn't open the client because of an error NO_APPROPRIATE_DEVICE binary/source/EterLib/GrpDevice.cpp int CGraphicDevice::Create(HWND hWnd, int iHres, int iVres, bool Windowed, int /*iBit*/, int iReflashRate) { int iRet = CREATE_OK; Destroy(); ms_iWidth = iHres; ms_iHeight = iVres; ms_hWnd = hWnd; ms_hDC = GetDC(hWnd); ms_lpd3d = Direct3DCreate8(D3D_SDK_VERSION); if (!ms_lpd3d) { TraceError("Start error: CREATE_NO_DIRECTX"); return CREATE_NO_DIRECTX; } if (!ms_kD3DDetector.Build(*ms_lpd3d, EL3D_ConfirmDevice)) { TraceError("Start error: CREATE_ENUM"); return CREATE_ENUM; } // exygo 27 iulie 2017 fix laptop //if (!ms_kD3DDetector.Find(800, 600, 32, TRUE, &ms_iD3DModeInfo, &ms_iD3DDevInfo, &ms_iD3DAdapterInfo)) // return CREATE_DETECT; std::string stDevList; ms_kD3DDetector.GetString(&stDevList); [...] If you have a better solution please share it with the community. Note: The player had a laptop with 1360x768 resolution and this was his minimum resolution (he didn't even have 800x600)
  12. Hello guys, I made this thread to inform you about a little bug that I found. Some of you maybe didn't know about it or just simply don't have it or it happens just for some video cards. I thought this may be useful for some users so this is the info. This bug is also on official servers too. How to reproduce the bug Set the resolution to a higher one in config.exe, for me it happens with resolutions above 1280x800(I used 1440x900 to reproduce the bug) The bug is from one of the assert functions in binary src and only happens when you move your character with W A S D keys, if you move it using just mouse cursor everything is fine. You can see the error if you reproduce the bug with the binary compiled on DEBUG mode. Bug preview:
  13. Hello guys, I made this thread to inform you about a little visual bug that I found. Some of you maybe didn't know about it or just simply don't have it or it happens just for some video cards. I thought this may be useful for some users so this is the info. How to reproduce the bug Set your video card profile to quality The bug
  14. This is not even a question, get back to your cave.
  15. Good to know, I didn't even observed this little bug
  16. As penger said you can just try to read the code and your mind blows ..
  17. Hi I'm a professional quest maker with experience in lua,c++ and python add me on skype (csmarius.sro) i'll be available after 30 september you can find more of my work here on forum or on my server www.wildfantasy.ro
  18. At first sight you seem to be OK and the prices, as a colleague in the LUA domain I can say they are good. Recommended!
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