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Everything posted by Exygo

  1. not working for me, i have error "return is not defined"
  2. You don't need to post another example, I just gaved you one directly from the game.
  3. no, the problem is that memcmp must not be used to compare item socket ..
  4. by the way memcmp it's not for comparing item socket sadly ..
  5. Where is the memory leak exactly ? There are just 2 LPITEM pointers entering in the function arguments, there is no "new" operator there .. Maybe you were reffering to the memory leak of the blend item load function.
  6. if (inv_item->GetType() == ITEM_BLEND && inv_item->GetVnum() == item->GetVnum()) { if (inv_item->GetCount() + item->GetCount() <= ITEM_MAX_COUNT && FN_compare_item_socket(inv_item, item)) { inv_item->SetCount(inv_item->GetCount() + item->GetCount()); return inv_item; } }
  7. Literally the worst fix ever void LogManager::ShoutLog(const char * pszName, const char * pszText) { m_sql.EscapeString(__escape_hint, sizeof(__escape_hint), pszText, strlen(pszText)); // bla bla bla }
  8. It's logic, they are set for the oldtimes when the hardware were not so advanced and very expensive and also ymir paranoia
  9. Nice design, great work. I like it. Here is the color code for your ThinBoard class, I noticed it is a little difference between the sides and the center. BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(float(23)/255.0, float(23)/255.0, float(23)/255.0, 0.65) Your welcome.
  10. I fixed it by adding IsStone check. void CNetworkActorManager::__RemoveDynamicActors() { //copy it std::vector<DWORD> dwCharacterVIDList; CPythonCharacterManager& rkChrMgr=CPythonCharacterManager::Instance(); for(CPythonCharacterManager::CharacterIterator i = rkChrMgr.CharacterInstanceBegin(); i!=rkChrMgr.CharacterInstanceEnd(); ++i) { dwCharacterVIDList.push_back( (*i)->GetVirtualID() ); } for( int i = 0; i < dwCharacterVIDList.size(); ++i ) { CInstanceBase* pkInstEach = rkChrMgr.GetInstancePtr(dwCharacterVIDList[i]); if(!pkInstEach) continue; CActorInstance* rkActorEach=pkInstEach->GetGraphicThingInstancePtr(); if(rkActorEach->IsPC() || rkActorEach->IsNPC() || rkActorEach->IsEnemy() || rkActorEach->IsStone()) // fix lag la teleportari multiple 18 iulie 2019 { rkChrMgr.DeleteInstance(dwCharacterVIDList[i]); auto it = m_kNetActorDict.find (dwCharacterVIDList[i]); if (it != m_kNetActorDict.end()) { m_kNetActorDict.erase(it); } } } rkChrMgr.DestroyDeadInstanceList(); }
  11. The bug is caused by metin stones(their effects maybe). Edit: Their effect is not the problem, its actually from monster/metinstone_01.GR2 EDIT2: I tried to use another model (metinstone_10.GR2) and still the same, in conclusion the problem is deeper.
  12. If I remember correctly, the select doesn't work on login, just with a timer.
  13. If you want to find the line you must put sys_err at above all return string inside locale.cpp because ymir didn't do it for all cases. Notepad++ is OK, you just respect the rule, you copy from EUC_KR encoding and paste into locale_string with the same encoding EUC_KR.
  14. Didn't test yet, you can also test in your client, there is a fast GM teleport system posted by the turks on the internet, they released it 2 days after I coded a such system for my own purpose (during some tests to find the missing properties prb,prt,pre,etc). An hyphothesis would be that there is a problem or memory leak with specific objects on the map and the Snake Field doesn't have those problematic properties.
  15. Pay up my friend @iFreakTime~.~ your welcome, remember this, you could screw up bigger files for example changing char_item.cpp locale string lines with those kinds of mistake on the future.
  16. It's because copy & paste, u need to paste them in a txt and edit with notepad++ and change the encoding to remove the unknown symbols there and after that you are able to paste them in visual studio binary source.
  17. A little reminder: When Metin2 was freshly launched people had low computers with 512mb RAM, the korean guys did a great job with the cache system(it was needed at that time), still some memory leaks today but it works @Dobrescu Sebastian Disclaimer: No hate, no nothing, just letting you to know some parts are wrong, just read with attention. @masodikbela
  18. put mt2 instead of metin2 It's like politicians with their own paid television
  19. void CCamera::SetViewMatrix() { m_v3View = m_v3Target - m_v3Eye; D3DXVECTOR3 v3CenterRay = -m_v3View; CalculateRoll(); m_fDistance = D3DXVec3Length(&m_v3View); if (std::isnan(m_fDistance)) // 19 august 2018 { std::string s_m_fDistance = std::to_string(m_fDistance); //CScreen s; s.UpdateViewMatrix(); // scos TraceError("SetViewMatrix : m_fDistance is NaN, value %s", s_m_fDistance.c_str()); } assert(m_fDistance >= 0); // problem Not fixed but actually found where is the problem, it happens mostly when you move the character a lot near bridges using only mouse not WASD. The problem is still on the official servers if I am not wrong I remember long time ago I checked and they got the problem too.
  20. First time when I saw the topic the first post was edited to "--"
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