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Everything posted by ondry

  1. When you reset your skill group more then once in a row, you will get this weird bug when you cant see the real skill level + cant use the skills until you relog. With this fix you dont need to relog anymore. Video explaining the bug: [Hidden Content] To fix that, we need to change just 1 line - in file ClientSRC/UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp in the function bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvChangeSkillGroupPacket() change the line CPythonPlayer::Instance().NEW_ClearSkillData(); to CPythonPlayer::Instance().NEW_ClearSkillData(true); This bug happened because old skill data were not removed from m_skillSlotDict. With passing parameter "true" to function NEW_ClearSkillData, everything (including old bugged skill data) will be removed from m_skillSlotDict. Then function RefreshCharacter from uiCharacter.py will automatically insert correct data to the m_skillSlotDict.
  2. you can use quest function: purge_area(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  3. make sure that in the client map's Setting.txt is "TerrainVisible 0"
  4. not the best solution, but you can try to get the number from query std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pmsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM player.player WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) < last_play")); int count = 0; if ( pmsg->Get()->uiNumRows > 0 ) { MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pmsg->Get()->pSQLResult); str_to_number(count, row[0]); }
  5. game.set_event_flag("isSpawned", 1) if game.get_event_flag("isSpawned") == 1 then return end
  6. dont recommend to work with this person. i installed talisman system for him, fixed all bugs and when he had to pay me, he began making excuses and didnt pay me. his discord: Abraham#5865 his server: legendfightonline.com
  7. you need to use new function in uitaskbar.py (SetPercentage -> SetPercentageHorizontal) add this function to ui.py def SetPercentageHorizontal(self, curValue, maxValue): if maxValue: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0, 0.0) else: self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  8. 2 years trying to fix this bug? :DDD sorry man but this is just too ridiculous.. just try another quest from different server files
  9. [Hidden Content] windows server files&amp;e=finger
  10. i had this error too recently.. i gave up trying to fix it and switched to freebsd 11
  11. v zivote se nic nenaucis, kdyz tady budes porad spamovat s dotazama co nekdy zkusit zapojit mozek
  12. is your server time correct? when you type "date" in putty
  13. <?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2'); mb_internal_encoding("ISO-8859-2"); $db = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "password", "player"); $db->set_charset("latin1"); $db->query("SET NAMES 'latin1'"); $db->query("SET CHARACTER SET 'latin1'"); $result = $db->query("SELECT vnum, locale_name FROM item_proto"); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ echo "ID:\t".$row['vnum']."\t".$row['locale_name'] . '<br />'; }
  14. ah great, thanks for your comment.. i think now he doesnt need the "service" anymore
  15. this CMS is not really well structured and it uses many sql queries, that's why its slow.. if you want to make it faster, you need to have website on the same server as mysql
  16. why are u insulting him ? everybody has right to specify his own value of time/work you may not like that price but insulting him makes you just silly
  17. it's obviously that you want this to hide server IP & PORT from potential attackers, but it's impossible. at least with this way.. because all you need to do in order to see IP&PORT is to type "netstat -n" in cmd (and be connected at m2 server ofc)
  18. http://workplus.altervista.org/others-dungeon-meley-lair/
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