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Mind Rapist

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Everything posted by Mind Rapist

  1. Anti Fishbot causes Segmentation fault! EDIT: My bad, needed full build Great guide!
  2. Hi, I'm looking for some small fixes if anyone has found them online. I've done a fresh start with clean SF, Client and sources and the downside of that is that it took me back to 2014 where 40k came up. I've fixed some things but some others, well... no fix to be found (by me at least) so I'm looking for: a fix to the HP bug where a character dies and stats show for example -1890/10430 (where should be 0/10430) a fix to the HP bug where a character wears an armor with 2000 HP and when they take it of, the HP stat does not update properly (shows 7000/5000) the new logout method (where logout gets canceled if the client receives a packet or sends one during the countdown - except walking of course) a fix where the buffer has targeted a monster or an enemy and performs a buff (other clients see the skill's effect hitting the enemy, but the shaman gets the buff - everyone should see the effect hit the buffer) any other bug that could be in the source that you know and I haven't thought. Note that I'm using a latest release of 2017 source so fixes such as dice, sectree or SQL injections are covered, as well as some small counter-cheat measures. Thank you so much for your time.
  3. Ok this is something awesome I've never thought before... Tried it but noticed that when I logout while I'm mounting a horse or something and my stats are not raised up they get stored as they show on the horse. For example I'm Level 1 and while riding my VIT is 36, I logout, VIT in character select shows 36. Great tut and great video
  4. I have this exact bug when changing equipment with different values of Max HP/VIT. The fix in this post as well as the fix for tables.h is in my source but the bug is still there. I'm also trying to find a fix for the bug where character dies with negative HP instead of clean 0.
  5. Thank you for the reply. Can you show me what exactly I'm looking for? If you're talking about it's already fixed btw.
  6. Go to notepad++ [Hidden Content] If that doesn't work, hit CTRL+A, copy and then [Hidden Content] If strange characters appear, hit again CTRL+A and paste the file again.
  7. I have the same bug when my armor has HP on it and then I change it with another armor with less or no HP. Something needs to be updated just don't know what it is or where to find it.
  8. I must be the dumbest person in the whole planet lol ? I even compiled a new QC file for this!!! Thank you for pointing it out
  9. The most strange thing is happening. The function npc.get_level returns NOTHING!!! It exists in the source, it exists in quest_functions file, but when I call it, I get nothing. I used it as: when kill begin ... say(npc.get_level) ... end and in source I tried the default: int npc_get_level(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr()->GetLevel()); return 1; } and Ken way: int npc_get_level(lua_State * L) { LPCHARACTER npc = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr(); lua_pushnumber(L, npc ? npc->GetLevel() : 0); return 0; } It just doesn't work!!! What can I do here?
  10. I made it! Seems I was using number wrong. Was: if number(1, 100) > drop_chance then game.drop_item_with_ownership(vnum, 1, ownership_time) end Edited: if number(1, 100) > (100 - drop_chance) then game.drop_item_with_ownership(vnum, 1, ownership_time) end I would like to say thanks to all of you who helped me figure it out I couldn't do it without you guys.
  11. Thanks for the response. I tried the following: local drop_chance = 20.00 if drop_chance <= number(1, 10000) / 100 then game.drop_item_with_ownership(vnum, 1, ownership_time) end but nothing changed about the drop chance. I also tried math.randomseed but got this on QC: Calls undeclared function! : math.randomseed Error occured on compile questfile I know what that error means but my question is if I give it a variable for example local var = math.randomseed(os.time()) how do I use the var in the function? If there is a way to do it with number instead of math I would prefer that since you say it's a better way BTW I'm using Lua 5.3
  12. Thank you so much for replying guys. Thanks! It worked out perfectly :) I tried that, it didn't make any difference but thanks anw :) I do not know how to use randomseed but I tried without it and I saw your point. Then I did this: local drop_chance = 80 local random_chance = math.randomseed(math.random(1,100)) if random_chance <= drop_chance then ... but now it doesn't drop.
  13. I was never too familliar with LUA even if it seems easy. So I wanted to ask the experts a few questions. I have this function: game.drop_item_with_ownership(item_vnum) In the system the dropped item stays on the ground for 3 minuets, while character ownership ends after the first minute. Therefore the item stays on the ground without an owner for 2 minutes and then it dissapears. How do I make the ownership for this item only last forever (until it dissapears)? Another question I have is about the chance for the item to drop. Let's say I need the item to have 20% chance of drop at: when kill begin I did a little digging and found this: when kill begin chance = 20 if math.random(1, 100) < chance then game.drop_item_with_ownership(item_vnum) end end Would something like this work? Or am I wrong?
  14. I'm having trouble with the item 30270 (dragonsoul gem). So here is the issue: The item cannot be dropped until after the char has become qualified (complete the Alchemist mission). I don't know what's wrong. I checked the source 1000 times and my quest is normal. I saw that this was commented in item_manager.cpp: if (pkChr->GetLevel() >= 30 && (GetDropPerKillPct(50, 100, iDeltaPercent, "ds_drop") >= number(1, iRandRange))) { const static DWORD dragon_soul_gemstone = 30270; if ((item = CreateItem(dragon_soul_gemstone, 1, 0, true))) { vec_item.push_back(item); } } So I uncommented it. Nothing changed. I also tried to modify it so the specific item keeps ownership until it gets purged. This is how I changed it: if (pkChr->GetLevel() >= 30 && (GetDropPerKillPct(50, 100, iDeltaPercent, "ds_drop") >= number(1, iRandRange))) { const static DWORD dragon_soul_gemstone = 30270; if ((item = CreateItem(dragon_soul_gemstone, 1, 0, true))) { item->SetOwnership (pkChr, item_floor_time); vec_item.push_back(item); } } where item_floor_time = 3 minutes. This didn't work either. My quest:
  15. It's been since last night I'm having those questions in my mind so I thought asking here. I've got a regular Dragonsoul system in the files but I've notices that the gem item (30270) gets dropped very easily from any mob you kill. So my question is where do I need to edit to make it harder to drop (20% chance let's say). And about the mob level. Let's say the char is at level 70. How do I make it that this char can only drop the gem item from mobs of level 60 (char level - 10) or higher.
  16. I'm having an issue with the 6/7 bonus items. No syserr by the client or the server regarding the issue. You can see the bug below in the video I don't think there is something wrong with the proto records but here they are for any case: 71051 bonus_adder+ ITEM_USE USE_SPECIAL 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_STACK LOG | STACKABLE NONE NONE 1000000 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71052 bonus_changer+ ITEM_USE USE_SPECIAL 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_STACK LOG | STACKABLE NONE NONE 500000 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  17. Make my own files huh? I'm not an expert but this is exactly what I'm trying to do here. If by making my own files you mean just sit down for days and write everything in a blank notepad there are easier and faster ways to do it.
  18. For some unknown reason the problem was at the last block - the items didn't exist! But the core could not read beyond <mob 2071> because for this and the next 5 blocks the items were not in vnums but in Korean names!!! Let this be a warning because this is how it is in all Serverfiles. Edit those lines. If you don't, the system will probably not be able to read lines beyond those blocks and if you add something new in the end of the file you'll probably wander what's wrong.
  19. It's been late, it's been 2 weeks, I'm tired and I just wanna move on... I've been trying to launch my server since late the afternoon but I'm stuck in this error: Boot: cannot load MOBDropItemFile: locale/germany/mob_drop_item.txt I've checked the file 1000 times, no tabulation or any other kind of error (unless I'm really blind) This is what I could find from syslog: [Hidden Content] and here is the file: [Hidden Content]
  20. It's kinda long but try it cd /usr/ports/lang/lua53 && make install clean Go to your source -> liblua/Makefile. If there is no -llua in CFLAGS add: LIBDIR += -L/usr/local/lib CFLAGS += -llua Do the same for the game/src/Makefile Rebuild liblua and then rebuild game (or just gmake all) Try again implementing the quest. IMPORTANT: Keep source backup!
  21. As I said, I tried but I'm still getting the second line of the errors displayed, while the first dissapears.
  22. So something else came up. After special_item_group.txt gets fixed, I get this: ReadMonsterDropItemGroup: ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no item 진구미호의상자 : node : vnum 0 Boot: cannot load MOBDropItemFile: locale/germany/mob_drop_item.txt I have no idea what item this is all I know is that it's some kind of chest. The block is this: Group 진구미호 { type kill mob 1902 kill_drop 1 1 진구미호의상자 2 100 0 2 50006 15 30 0 3 50007 20 40 0 4 50012 10 15 0 5 50013 15 20 0 6 50011 5 5 0 } I tried removing it but I had the second line of my error. I compared with other files from other SF, same thing but only now I'm having the issue.
  23. I am having this issue with the other line now (Yang). I searched in the source and the only thing I can link the characters is with case ITEM_ELK_VNUM: // 돈꾸러미 { int iGold = item->GetSocket(0); ITEM_MANAGER::instance().RemoveItem(item); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("돈 %d 냥을 획득했습니다."), iGold); PointChange(POINT_GOLD, iGold); } break; in char_item.cpp. But replacing with ITEM_ELK_VNUM doesn't seem right. Any ideas?
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