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Mind Rapist

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Everything posted by Mind Rapist

  1. I recently implemented the Wolfman character in a modern source and I'm tryna figure out the last few bugs I have. Rn I'm in the python files and I have few bugs in introCreate that I could use your opinion with. Bugs are: Changing to woman when the loaded slot is the Wolfman: If the selected shape is the 2nd (SHAPE1) the woman character has the 1st shape on (SHAPE0) but the UI doesn't update. The same happens when I change to man from woman and the new slot is the Wolfman. I'm trying to find a way to reset the shape in __SelectGender or even better keep the shape and update the UI Changing to woman when the loaded slot is Womfman (and reverse): the stats don't update The arrow buttons left and right are not working (won't change the slot) Here is my file: I appreciate all attempts to fix this and thank you for your knowledge time and assist!
  2. I know that it's an old and buggy SF system but for the people trying to implement the wolfman character the python files could be useful. All the files and guides I could find have at least 2 or 3 things missing and I was able to find most of the stuff but their python files don't add up at least not with several modern sources. Thank you for any leads or reupps!
  3. Getting a strange error: I only found spaces in names in group.txt and everything was inside "". I replaced spaces with _ and removed all "" characters but still getting this error. Also when I type close in the terminal and then start again I get connection_refused, Could not connect to mysql. If I reboot FreeBSD it starts normally until I close again.
  4. Got stuck in this one. Tried in a lot of ways to execute it, searched online for prebult packs but couldn't find anything. This is what I get: Terminal: Building boost-exception:x86-freebsd... warning: -- Using community triplet x86-freebsd. This triplet configuration is not guaranteed to succeed. -- [COMMUNITY] Loading triplet configuration from: /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/triplets/community/x86-freebsd.cmake -- Using cached boostorg-exception-boost-1.83.0.tar.gz. -- Cleaning sources at /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/src/ost-1.83.0-e0db41e4c0.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify. -- Extracting source /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/downloads/boostorg-exception-boost-1.83.0.tar.gz -- Using source at /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/src/ost-1.83.0-e0db41e4c0.clean -- Found external ninja('1.11.1'). -- Getting CMake variables for x86-freebsd -- Configuring x86-freebsd -- Building x86-freebsd-dbg CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmake:134 (message): Command failed: /usr/local/bin/cmake --build . --config Debug --target install -- -v -j2 Working Directory: /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg See logs for more information: /usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/install-x86-freebsd-dbg-out.log Call Stack (most recent call first): installed/x86-freebsd/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_build.cmake:74 (vcpkg_execute_build_process) installed/x86-freebsd/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_install.cmake:16 (vcpkg_cmake_build) installed/x86-freebsd/share/boost-build/boost-modular-build.cmake:139 (vcpkg_cmake_install) ports/boost-exception/portfile.cmake:12 (boost_modular_build) scripts/ports.cmake:170 (include) error: building boost-exception:x86-freebsd failed with: BUILD_FAILED Elapsed time to handle boost-exception:x86-freebsd: 890 ms Please ensure you're using the latest port files with `git pull` and `vcpkg update`. Then check for known issues at: [Hidden Content] You can submit a new issue at: [Hidden Content] and the log file from `/usr/src/microsoft/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/install-x86-freebsd-dbg-out.log`: [1/2] cd /usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/src/ost-1.83.0-e0db41e4c0.clean/build && /usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build/b2 toolset=clang --user-config=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg/user-config.jam --stagedir=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg/stage --build-dir=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg runtime-link=shared link=static address-model=32 architecture=x86 target-os=freebsd threadapi=pthread variant=debug --layout=system -sICU_PATH="/usr/local" --with-atomic --with-random --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-system --with-thread --with-chrono -j 2 -sBOOST_ROOT=/usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build -sBOOST_BUILD_PATH=/usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build --debug-configuration --debug-building --debug-generators --ignore-site-config --hash -q debug-symbols=on -d +2 threading=multi stage FAILED: CMakeFiles/boost /usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg/CMakeFiles/boost cd /usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/src/ost-1.83.0-e0db41e4c0.clean/build && /usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build/b2 toolset=clang --user-config=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg/user-config.jam --stagedir=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg/stage --build-dir=/usr/src/vcpkg/buildtrees/boost-exception/x86-freebsd-dbg runtime-link=shared link=static address-model=32 architecture=x86 target-os=freebsd threadapi=pthread variant=debug --layout=system -sICU_PATH="/usr/local" --with-atomic --with-random --with-date_time --with-filesystem --with-system --with-thread --with-chrono -j 2 -sBOOST_ROOT=/usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build -sBOOST_BUILD_PATH=/usr/src/vcpkg/installed/x86-freebsd/tools/boost-build --debug-configuration --debug-building --debug-generators --ignore-site-config --hash -q debug-symbols=on -d +2 threading=multi stage ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version GCC_7.0.0 required by /usr/local/lib/gcc12/libstdc++.so.6 not found ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. I tried to find GCC v 7.0.0 but it was removed from FreeBSD packages (I guess 4.8 is immortal but anything else is expendable) and I couldn't find another solution (not very familiar with Linux yet). Anyone solved this or knows how to go through with it?
  5. This file does not exist. There is only one armadillo folder inside VCPKG/installed and it's called `armadillo_bits` and there is no such file. I tried finding it online but I didn't so how can I get it?
  6. I solved this one this is just replacing 'Chunkreader' with 'Reader' and 'Chunkwriter' with 'Writer'
  7. I tried upgrading to LUA 5.4 by fixing the liblua source in the server. I changed the config file a little bit like this: INC= /usr/local/include/lua54 #$(LUA)/include and I've been googling enough issues and errors from the terminals but there are things I'm not that familiar with. Here is an example: Anyone tried this before or fixed similar issues?
  8. Is there a guide or a tutorial on how to turn and compile server and db source to x64?
  9. In the upcoming release is there any chance that you provide a small guide or something about syncing the packets in the client with the ones at the serverside? Many people are struggling from this process and not all come successful.
  10. Hey guys, it's been a while... In my last visits to the forum I was dealing with an unknown-origin bug in my binary code. I'm referring to this: so I made a discovery about it and it turns out that the bug is caused by the Packet.h synchronization with the server source. I did a large amount of tests and reversings but I couldn't find the problem exactly. I was hoping a more experienced dev could shine a little light to this. This was the initial Packet.h file: [Hidden Content] And this is the modified one, where the headers are identical to the ones in game/src/packet.h: [Hidden Content] After the migration, all the required files where modified, such as: PythonNetworkStream.cpp PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp PythonNetworkStreamPhaseLoading.cpp PythonNetworkStreamPhaseLogin.cpp PythonNetworkStreamPhaseSelect.cpp GuildMarkDownloader.cpp I believe the issue starts when I change the from 15 to 113, which leads to index number 103. Before this conversion the client crashes when loading a character to the OX map or any map listed in channel 99, the reason is unknown. I hope someone can help with this now that I can share more. Thanks!
  11. That is an interesting bug and a very simple one (I believe at least), I don't know how i never thought of giving a try fixing it. I'm not gonna bother with it right now but if you need a place to start just follow the buttons (Body, Mental and Horse) back to their initialization, create a new button at the No-Skill state and modify the if statement that replaces the 2nd Skill group with the horse skills, shouldn't be too hard I believe.
  12. That gives me an idea! If someone knows the name of the colored effect that fires on skill activation (not the skill's affect itself) just the effect around the player, we can exclude it from being executed during __EffectContainer_Destroy.
  13. Well I did some bug fixes and performance improvements like Reversed functions and Race height but I didn't install any systems.
  14. They are... I added the header name to loading phase as well, didn't change anything. I believe there is something to do with the VID because this variable is mentioned everywhere even on the header (HEADER_GC_MOTION), but I don't know where to look for wrong code. This happens when the character is teleported to OX map, Demon tower (1st floor), etc, but the strange thing is that if I add the C1 map to Channel 99 it works normal. I think the VID is initialized wrong somewhere, with that info here is there anything coming in mind about where to start looking? Thanks for responding.
  15. I'm having a problem every time I'm teleporting to Channel 99. More in images below: I really don't know what's wrong here. I'm getting this syserr on client-side: 0202 14:34:33270 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 261 0202 14:34:33270 :: CPythonCharacterManager::CreateInstance VID[16908316] Race[261] 0202 14:34:33270 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 32768 0202 14:34:33270 :: CPythonCharacterManager::CreateInstance VID[34479121] Race[32768] 0202 14:34:33270 :: CPythonSafeBox::DelMallItemData(dwSlotIndex=9) - Strange slot index 0202 14:34:33270 :: Phase Loading does not handle this header (header: 36, last: 129, 36) 0202 14:34:33464 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR Server syserrs are clear. Thank you for your time.
  16. I will bring back this post from the dead after 5 years, since I found the holy SDK myself. It's been 2 months now since I've been thinking seriously about this project's development and I've learned so much. Unfortunatelly, not enough to implement this version. I compiled the .lib and .dll files and I started conversion but I haven't managed anything big yet, functions are so different and of course 1 include -> 6 folders of includes is a big difference, especially when there is nothing to compare. Would be nice to see a tut on this here
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