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Mind Rapist

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Everything posted by Mind Rapist

  1. You have to replace all ANTI_SAFEBOX into ANTI_SAVE in item_proto.txt of your serverfiles then create new item_proto for client and it will work Btw do you share new sash models?
  2. Anybody has textures and msm records for all wolfman costumes and hair? (except azrael and st clause )
  3. ANTIFLAG_SAFEBOX but in some clients this can cause errors so I'm suggesting to edit your source and replace the ANTIFLAG_SAFEBOX function with ANTIFLAG_SAVE and use this instead
  4. Hey devs is any of you a little familiar with the Windows Server SMTP service?
  5. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello devs Today I would like to present you a new solution that can make you feel more safe with your GMs. This is my first release and it's very simple to do, I'm just posting it here for the newbies and those who don't know how to start searching and other shit like that WHAT IS THIS SYSTEM? This system is a number of preventions for GameMaster characters about certain interractions with normal players in the game. The functions you are about to see are blocking GMs from: Trading items with normal players (and the opposite) Invite normal players to parties (and the opposite) Invite normal players to guilds (and the opposite) Adding normal players as friend contacts (I would say and the opposite but it already exists by default ) Drop items to the ground Build their own private shops with the Bundle item Buy items from a private shop Block a GM from buffing normal players Using the commands /set, /a and /setskillother to normal players WHO IS THIS SYSTEM FOR? I believe we can all agree that trust in partnership is a rare thing these days. This system is released from me for the Admins out there that cannot trust their GMs (and many times their self) so much. Imagine having a server and your GM just gives away items for free to everyone. Bad huh? I thought so... So with this system you are sure that your GMs will do their job properly and won't violate any game rules behind your backs. Your server has rules (as all games out there) and if you wanted people to have some items for free you can easily put those items for sale into the town vendors. People who do this kind of things behind your backs are not authorized by you to do it but I believe that it happened (if not happening yet) to the best of you guys, that's why I'm releasing it. It's time to set some things right in your servers, GMs exist to answer questions and not helping players cheat without any authorization from the administrators, so without further ado, let's get started. SORRY AGAIN, ONE MORE THING I BELIEVE THIS QUESTION IS IN THE MIND OF A DEVELOPER WHO READS THIS GUIDE: MIND RAPIST, WHY DO YOU USE THE IsGM() BOOLEAN TO CHECK IF A PLAYER IS A GM AND NOT USE THE TRADITIONAL CHECK GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER? In this tutorial, we will be using the bool IsGM() instead of the usual check because some of the guys who see this may have added @Alina's GM Elevation system. In that case, GetGMLevel() won't work before the character elevates, so our GMs will be able to bypass the check and just create a perfect item, relog and give it away before they elevate. We don't want that don't we? So who ever wants to use GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER instead of IsGM() there is no difference you can do that guys, except if you did the elevation system, then you need to use my function in order to work. So let's get the party started. PARTY INVITATION BLOCK In char.cpp search for the function "void CHARACTER::PartyInvite(LPCHARACTER pchInvitee)" and under add this: Done with party block, let's continue BUNDLE USAGE BLOCK FOR CREATING PRIVATE SHOPS In char_item.cpp search for the function "bool CHARACTER::UseItemEx(LPITEM item, TItemPos DestCell)" and under add this: Done, let's continue ITEM DROP BLOCK Still in char_item.cpp search for the function "bool CHARACTER::DropItem(TItemPos Cell, BYTE bCount)" and under add this: Done with that one, you can close char_item.cpp. Let's move on BUFF BLOCK In char_skill.cpp find this: and paste this under it: Done with that, next! /SET COMMAND BLOCK FOR PLAYERS In cmd_gm.cpp search for the function "ACMD(do_set)" and under add this: Done, but do not close, we have more commands to block! /A COMMAND BLOCK FOR PLAYERS Still in cmd_gm.cpp, search for the function "ACMD(do_advance)" and under add this: Do not close that file yet, one more command left to block /SETSKILLOTHER COMMAND BLOCK FOR PLAYERS Still in this file, search for the function "ACMD(do_setskillother)" and under add this: Done with the commands, you may close cmd_gm.cpp and move on EXCHANGE BLOCK In exchange.cpp search for the function "bool CHARACTER::ExchangeStart(LPCHARACTER victim)" and under (if you have sash system in your source, the top line may be "if ( IsOpenSafebox() || GetShopOwner() || GetMyShop() || IsCubeOpen() || IsAcceOpen() )") add this: Done with the exchange, moving on! GUILD INVITATION BLOCK In guild.cpp search for the function "void CGuild::Invite( LPCHARACTER pchInviter, LPCHARACTER pchInvitee )" and under add this: Here goes the guild invitation, let's move forward FRIEND LIST BLOCK In input_main.cpp search for the function "int CInputMain::Messenger(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* c_pData, size_t uiBytes)" and find this line: change it like this: Still in the same function, find this line in "case MESSENGER_SUBHEADER_CG_ADD_BY_NAME:": and add this: Friends are done. Let's move on to the last one! BUYING ITEMS FROM PRIVATE SHOPS BLOCK In shop_manager.cpp search for the function "void CShopManager::Buy(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE pos)" and under add this: Done It's not something hard to do, I just gathered everything in one place, you can now sleep at night knowing that your GMs cannot fraud you. I would like to give special thanks to @VegaS who wrote the blocks for buffs, party and guild invitation, thanks so much buddy Note: These will block any interraction between a GM and a normal player, but a GM will be able to interract with another GM (example trade GM with GM). And before someone asks yes I thought about a safebox block for GMs but there is no need for that since you can login to his account and create 3 players, then logout and delete them directly from their database, leaving 3 warriors with Level 0 that cannot login to the game. Let the poor GMs have their safebox it's the only thing left to them after that I think xD So I hope I helped some folks here the tutorial is done Kind regards ~ Mind Rapist
  6. I just noticed, can somebody give me a function to refresh the character's name when elevated? Thanks
  7. Compare your uiTarget.py with mine. NOTE: I have modified my uiTarget with other stuff than mob/boss hp percentage, use your brain to compare and correct only the nessecary changes for your system, or you will end up having unknown syserrs from other systems which you don't have. Good luck uiTarget.rar
  8. Hey guys I have 2 problems with my Soul Binding system the first problem is that when I unbind the item there is no time limit the information on the chat below says "Soul unbind in:" without any time information and the item is actually unbinded just like that. The second thing is that when I store the item into the safebox the "Soul binded" message at the bottom of the tooltip is dissapeared. When I bring it back to the inventory the message shows up again. I appreciate any help.
  9. Thanks Guys I have a problem my sashes are white and high scaled can somebody help please?
  10. Hello devs can anyone show me how to add a new button to the Dragon Soul inventory window? I have my images I want to add something like the Item Shop button of the inventory page but this time I want to make a toogle button (stays at "down" state after click, until clicked again to restore to normal state). I want this button to communicate with the game and changes a quest state. This is the quest What this does is enabling/disabling the Dragon Soul drops from mobs and it comes as a letter and that's very annoying so I want to turn it into a button but I've just started to learning python and I don't even know how to position it. I appreciate any help guys. Thanks in advance
  11. It worked Turns out I was just missing ch->SetSafeboxOpenPosition(); Thanks bro
  12. I did the source part. I added the command /click_safebox that uses ShowMeSafeboxPassword but when I click the button it displays a message saying "You are away from the storage" and the function is not working.
  13. It's uiInventory.py and I just tried it but I got a syserr that there is no such module... I imported interfaceModule but still...
  14. Hello devs does anybody know what should I type as a python command to open the safebox password dialog? I have a button and I want the safebox password dialog to show up when I click it. Can anyone help? Ty
  15. Hello guys I have a problem I don't know how to get costume weapon items to have bonus. I searched any potential function in the source but no luck so can somebody help me please? Thanks in advance
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