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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. the protection is basically non-existent like their support
  2. kimsufi can't provide the protection they claim, they completely lack support at that company, and their FreeBSD installation is a little bugged in atleast one way: during installation of MySQL it loses the mysql account.
  3. He should say that then ^^ It's not really an issue since you can block it completely very easily. :s
  4. Yeah I know that about functions, I just didn't know how to add this limitation to the scroll. The latest quest I posted should work fine, right?
  5. so I would add the function and local then add the rest with an elseif statement somewhere after line 47 right?
  6. I don't understand how serverinfo.py could be used to cheat? And why would anyone not just protect their archives o0.
  7. quest change_name_item begin state start begin when 71055.use begin say_title("Change of Name List") if pc.is_married() then say("") say("You can't change names when you're married.") say("") return elseif pc.is_polymorphed() then say("") say("You can't change names when you're transformed.") say("") return elseif pc.has_guild() then say("") say("You can't change names when you're in a guild.") say("") return elseif party.is_party() then say("") say("You can't change names when you're in a party.") say("") return elseif pc.get_level() < 80 then say("") say("You can't change names before level 80.") say("") return elseif get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then say("") say("You've recently changed your name.") say("You can't change your name right now.") say("") return end say("Please enter the name you want.") local name = pc.name local str = input() local ret = pc.change_name(str) say_title("Change of Name List") if ret == 0 then say("") say("You have not relogged since the last time you") say("changed your name. Please relog now.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "HAVE NOT RE-LOGIN") elseif ret == 1 then say("") say("There was a problem. Please try again.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "ITEM USE PROBLEM") elseif ret == 2 then say("") say("This name is not available.") say("Please select another name.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "CAN NOT USE NAME") elseif ret == 3 then say("") say("This name is not available.") say("Please select another name.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "ALREADY USING NAME") elseif ret == 4 then say("") say("Successful name change!") say("You cannot change your name again for") say("another 24 hours.") say("") pc.remove_item("71055", 1) pc.setqf("next_time", get_time() + time_hour_to_sec(24*1)) horse.set_name(""..str"'s Horse") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "SUCCESS: from "..name.." to "..str) wait() pc.warp(pc.get_x()*100, pc.get_y()*100) else say("") say("Unknown error.") say("Please notify Rumor with this number:") say(ret) say("and he will take a look at the issue.") say("") char_log(0, "CHANGE_NAME", "UNKNOWN NAME") end end end end The players are choosing very long names which can't be typed in a private message window or fully seen on their character. I need to be able to limit their name length somehow.
  8. Maybe since he doesn't want to publish the source yet he also wants to protect the exe until he publishes the source.
  9. I recommend editing the serverside txt files and using the dump_proto.exe tool from YMIR to make an exact clientside copy.
  10. I know you guys prefer the more electronic sounds so here's more :>
  11. Go to wherever you manage your DNS and create an "A Record".
  12. You need to read the readme and add the libs to the appropriate directory if you're using vanilla's game core. Also make sure you have run the install.sh script and make sure you have the updated version of the package I posted for download because there was a mistake in the original install script.
  13. Nobody has this, as I told you on skype you need to add this stuff yourself. The stuff in that "untouched" thread is the latest leak from the officials.
  14. very nice, would love to hear something with more (deep) bass
  15. This isn't Enigma Protector, which there's no free version of and the only available "free" (cracked) version has issues on Windows 8 .
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