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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. by "a new one" do you mean you put one different than what came with the files? It looks like the error preventing the server from starting is about "not enough item id".
  2. The stat reset is bugged on 34083 (I'm told only if your maximum level is set high enough). Players don't receive all of their stat points when resetting. I want to re-write this quest to give them points. quest reset_scroll begin state start begin when 71002.use begin say_title("Reset Scroll") say("You can use this scroll to") say("reset stats or skills.") say("") say("Want to proceed?") say("") local s = select("Yes", "No") if 2 == s then return end say_title("Choose your Type of reset!") local l = select("Reset Skills", "Reset Stats", "Cancel!") if l == 1 then char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "USE_ITEM(71002)") pc.remove_item(71002) char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_SKILL_POINTS") pc.clear_skill() pc.set_skill_group(0) char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_END") elseif l == 2 then char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "USE_ITEM(71002)") pc.remove_item(71002) char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_STAT_POINTS") pc.reset_point() char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_END") elseif l == 3 then return end end So I want the "if l == 1" statement to set their status points to 380 or set DEX/INT/STR/CON to 95 each.
  3. Uh yes horse skills should be doing damage...
  4. you can do that without the 28k bin, I've done it before... you should post your channel/db syserr here in code tags.
  5. omg it's in english... liked just for that also that number is "fifty-nine" in English. nice video quality, and song is nice.. Stan SB? EDIT: watched the tut, very nice.. I don't really do C/C++ but I think you did an excellent job with the tutorial and your English is understandable.
  6. That one just says "Choose your class" and lists the classes.. when I click it, it does nothing.. just closes the popup and the stone stays in the inventory and skills don't change at all. Can you guys test this stuff before you reply
  7. that is the whole client, it's all the archives.. the only other part of the client is the dlls and exe.. you can use almost anything I think... and I don't have the exe from that client because it was a virus.
  8. openGL is nice, I'm not sure about the latest developments in that but there are some issues with limitations in the openGL used for quake3/ET SweetFX - I've used this in Defiance.. interesting stuff..
  9. are your cores crashing and being automatically restarted?
  10. looks like he wants temporary bans through an admin panel
  11. does this failed to connect message popup instantly (as soon as you press enter) or does it try to connect for a moment then say failed to connect? ps - nice trojan.exe in your process list
  12. it just means you don't have the table iptocountry in account. It's not necessary to have it but if you want to eliminate the error use this query in the account database: /* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : Metin2Nirvana@CloudCom Source Server Version : 50616 Source Host : Source Database : account Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50616 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2014-02-27 14:29:01 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `iptocountry` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `iptocountry`; CREATE TABLE `iptocountry` ( `IP_FROM` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `IP_TO` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `COUNTRY_NAME` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of iptocountry -- ----------------------------
  13. yeah I didn't use any DIF, it works fine the way the 34083 files came
  14. I want the players to be able to change to another class and receive full P skills ^^
  15. huh I don't understand how that is a working quest, it doesn't list the skills at all. What I'm saying is the quest still just says "Choose your skills" and has a button to click that closes the window, you can never choose which skills you want .
  16. what do you mean you "have this error too" ? Nobody else has "this error" or any error as far as I know.. atleast nobody has said they have some error related to that part of the quest, or anywhere at all in the quest. You and the other guy are really hard to understand because you don't really make sense with your replies. I tested this and it works fine, and 6 people have changed their names since I've added this updated version of the quest to my server.
  17. well, no.. there's nothing wrong with that.. it's returning whatever it can return because it's a miscellaneous error. The guy is saying he has a problem but not explaining what the problem is ^^. It does for sure work the way it's shown in this thread.
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