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Everything posted by Rumor

  1. Updated link, one of the CONFIG files was missing.
  2. I haven't tried that one but I know that 34669 and 36469 work. I don't have 34669 on hand but I have these 36469 ones working with 34083. hackshield edition: [Hidden Content] (just copy hshield from official client) non-hs edition: [Hidden Content]
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) For years now we've relied on various file leaks which were usually in some Asian language, up until 2010 when someone (nico_w?) released the SG database. Even after this date, we continued to use our old file structures and methods, and old bash scripts to manage our servers. In 2013, some files were released which came from a private server that was based off the SG files. This isn't a thread to talk about who's right or wrong, or who did what work or anything like that... just a place to release files. The reason this release is beneficial is we've never really had a full release of "clean" and "untouched" files. Every time someone releases files they have some stupid backdoor added or are heavily modified from the original. The goal of this release is to get the files to be as close as possible to an official server, and remove things like Xtrap which none of us are using anyway. Official files is what all the pservers are based off of, so having the official structure just makes sense. There are several threads online with files that have been modified by some person but I never see threads with the files the way they originally came. These files in the game folder are from July, 2013 and the game/db cores are fully unmodified and straight from YMIR. That includes lack of modification to make them compatible with certain clients or anything like that. Garbage files like old logs are removed and ready to be generated when you launch your server. These are meant to be a "base server" for the one you want to create. For this reason, there are no customized quests or new items and stuff like that. It's only what SG had in 2013 of July. The database structure is the one from this thread: [Hidden Content] The item_proto and mob_proto is the one from SG in July 2013. I've included a tool in the download as well used to dump the server proto to the client. Since the goal is purity of files, but some files had to be slightly modified for simplicity (and so they run at all) here's the list of things changed/removed: - Removed panama folder. - Removed old log files and pid files, etc.. - Removed Xcrap stuff - Removed all traces to the above (Symlinks) from install.sh. - Removed cshybridcrypt files. - Modified CONFIG file to guide you into configuration for your own usage. - The quests are from the leak of pserver files based off SG. Some of these may or may not work fully. - Timebomb fix applied (Updated: March 13th, 2014) Now in order to use these files: 1. Upload and untar the database and server files. "untouched_34083_db.tar.gz" goes in "/var/db". 2. Navigate with PuTTy to the game folder as a root user and run this command: "chown -R metin2 .". 3. Navigate to the game folder as the metin2 user and run install.sh. This will setup all the permissions and symlinks correctly. 4. Restart your database with the command "service mysql-server restart". The server can be started and stopped by executing "run.sh" and "shutdown.sh" and logs can be cleared by executing "clear.sh". All of these are found in the game folder. Make sure to "/shutdown" ingame before using "shutdown.sh" or you may have data loss. Don't be alarmed when running the shutdown script, it's normal for PuTTy to not give you a prompt for a while (you haven't disconnected from SSH). How to convert the database proto to a perfect client-side proto: 1. Grab the following files from the conf folder in the server files: mob_proto.txt mob_names.txt item_proto.txt item_names.txt 2. Put those files in a folder with the "dump_proto.exe" tool and run it. It will automatically generate the protos for your client assuming you have followed the correct structure of the txt files. Download: [Hidden Content] (Updated: March 13th, 2014) - No password (I don't believe in putting passwords on archives released to the public).
  4. to use the player.sql you need to change InnoDB to MyISAM in the .sql file.
  5. Maybe try going in your CONFIG file and setting the BIND_IP to the external IP of your server. SYSERR: Feb 15 15:34:43 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default As far as I know, this is normal because you haven't set "TABLE_POSTFIX" in the CONFIG file and it's not necessary to do so anyway. SYSERR: Feb 15 15:35:08 :: CBlockCountry::Load: DirectQuery failed(SELECT login FROM block_exception) It looks like you have an incorrect database structure for account.block_exception. Try running this query into the account database using Navicat: /* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : Metin2Nirvana TESTSERVER Source Server Version : 50533 Source Host : Source Database : account Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50533 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2014-02-15 08:58:32 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `block_exception` -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `block_exception`; CREATE TABLE `block_exception` ( `login` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=big5; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of block_exception -- ----------------------------
  6. it's been working fine since august.. and it works fine on other items. I use the same refine number for other level 90 items and there are no problems. the item does exist.. i can create the item with a command. I see players who run around with the item and items that come from that item..
  7. 0215 06:53:17324 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted. 0215 06:53:20218 :: CreateFromMemoryFile: Cannot create texture 0215 06:53:22976 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x80000015, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.
  8. So I have a problem that would sound like a simple resolution, but it isn't. I have a two-hand level 90 weapon set to upgrade to a higher level two-handed weapon but it does nothing when you try to upgrade this weapon. The one-hand level 90 weapon DOES upgrade, along with other items. When trying to upgrade 90 1hand: When trying to upgrade 90 2hand: It doesn't even open this window. This has been tested with magic metal, blacksmith, tyrax: All the same result. Here are the properly configured settings in the DB: Now I'll clear logs and try to upgrade, and post the FULL log files (syserr/syslog from ch1 and DB): CH1 syserr CH1 syslog DB syslog:
  9. If your players are using the original FX CPUs like the 4100, 6100, or 8100 they will have issues. When this CPU came out I bought one and the game would randomly freeze up and turn black inside the window and repeat the chat over and over on my screen. A total graphics glitch which was only possible to remove by ending the game in task manager and starting it again. I've seen threads on german forums about this and I know people with the newer FX CPUs who don't have this issue. [Hidden Content]
  10. are you using the Bulldozer series FX cpu? If so, there are known issues with metin2 on these and neither YMIR nor AMD are fixing it.
  11. 1. get_mob_level function: [Hidden Content] 2. Thankyou 3. In my original post here I showed the locale_string.txt and showed that those things are not missing. I copied and pasted the ones from the error and listed them in that spoiler. 4. I actually had just applied the official one which was released by Shogun on this forum for 34k games. I can try to run that again if you still think it's useful.
  12. Would appreciate some assistance ^^ Channel: drop event quest: Auth: locale_string.txt db syserr: Check attachment db_syserr.txt
  13. I've recently been under NTP attacks too. though when checking "service ntpd onestatus" I was informed ntpd isn't even running..? Probably because it isn't set to run in rc.conf?
  14. Also would be great to see command_log functional again! I miss this from 2089 while using 34083
  15. I haven't even downloaded your game file, I used it on the correct file.. I would never use a DIF on the wrong game revision What I was trying to explain was that I used that DIF on 34083 and it's supposed to fix the invisibility bug but doesn't work. If you could check that DIF in 34083 and see what it relates to, maybe that would help solve the problem.
  16. 000F4421: E8 00 000F4422: AA 00 000F4423: 16 00 000F4424: F3 00 000F4425: FF 00This is something I found which is supposed to fix the invisibility bug in 34083. When I use this dif the server starts but once I login the cores crash with "Unhandled Exception" errors for each map1. I was logging in to map1. It would be great if you can fix this for 34083 and your new core. Maybe this DIF will help lead you to the solution for your new one.
  17. Added negative HP bug DIF
  18. the biggest drawback is having to give them your tax id information and all that.. it seems very unsafe to use superrewards/paymentwall. it's directrly linked to the government. also you have to manually make tax payments.
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