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Everything posted by 3bd0

  1. I don’t have access to any source file right now, so if you just pasted the part that you edited here i could help you
  2. exchange.cpp bool CExchange::AddItem if (IS_SET(item->GetAntiFlag(), ITEM_ANTIFLAG_GIVE)) { m_pOwner->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cannot trade this Item.")); return false; } Change it to suit your needs
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to compile Metin2 Pack Maker with VS 2017 I'm getting all of these errors, any one could help ?
  4. you can edit the pickup command, to check if the player is in specific map before blocking the player from picking up
  5. yup same here, tried adding values and changing existing values, I even tried to delete all the data, and nothing changes in game.
  6. [Hidden Content] and you should have all the images unless you manually deleted them
  7. I didn't really get the bug, could you explain it more?
  8. with the recent updates for the official, they started using more than one race-flag. and it's fine server-side, if you used 2 flags, server-side will be fine and it will read the 2 flags. I want to do the same client side.
  9. if you could manage to do it yet, here are they (I just compiled them using v141 toolset) Here
  10. Your mob_proto get created from mob_proto and names that you use serverside, so the bug will inly happens if you updated the server side without the client side, which is dump.
  11. Hi, I'm using this function to get monsters type DWORD CPythonNonPlayer::GetMonsterRaceFlag(DWORD dwVnum) { const CPythonNonPlayer::TMobTable * c_pTable = GetTable(dwVnum); if (!c_pTable) { return 0; } return c_pTable->dwRaceFlag; } it works perfectly when the monster only have one type eg. ANIMAL, DEVIL, ATT_ELEC etc but whenever the mob have more than one type (eg, ANIMAL, ATT_ELEC) it always returns 0 What am I missing ?
  12. What is he saying is to make sure that the player name field i set to unique
  13. 1- if you mean username, then you website script doesn't work probably. 2- I have absolutely no idea what are you taking about. and the image is not showing anything strange!
  14. I have been using lennt version for a while without noticing any bugs
  15. No didn’t mean the ritual stone, I meant what mentioned here
  16. What do they do? I can't really find them. or you can link me the wiki page
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