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Everything posted by ATAG

  1. For example ishop doesn't have a strict session handler, you can buy items unlimited times... (you can log in multiple times from different browsers, and voila...)
  2. Yep, i also got it from mcncc i guess... Took weeks to find and download it Also contained web files of longju (maybe?)
  3. You must change the quesst's state to 'run': /set_quest_state main_quest_lv12 run
  4. Did you changed the path to locale/en/quest ?
  5. Look at the first post. + if you wanna add the 'expermential' stuff, you need this system too: [Hidden Content]
  6. It seems like you missed some python parts or you forgot to rebuild eterpythonlib?
  7. In intrologin.py look for: self.stream.SetConnectInfo(serverInfo.SRV1["host"], self.ChannelButtons[channel][1], serverInfo.SRV1["host"], serverInfo.SRV1["auth1"]) Andd add below: try: print("serverinfo: %s/%s\n" % (serverInfo.SRV1["name"], serverInfo.SERVER1_CHANNEL_DICT[channel]["name"])) self.__SetServerInfo("%s, %s " % (serverInfo.SRV1["name"], serverInfo.SERVER1_CHANNEL_DICT[channel]["name"])) except: print("serverinfo: NONE\n") I'm not 100% sure, since my serverinfo.py and logininfo.py are modified. I hope it works. I also had to modify the fuction like this: def __SetServerInfo(self, name): net.SetServerInfo(name.strip()) #self.serverInfo.SetText(name) print("__SetServerInfo: %s/%s" % name, name.strip() or name)
  8. Ok i got it, I changed the intrologin.py There's a missing 'self.__SetServerInfo("%s, %s " % (serverName, channelName))' or something like tat before 'self.Connect(id, pwd)'. You have to implement it...
  9. To be honest I can’t remember what did I change, but it definitely was not in src
  10. Csak találgatok (just guessing): root/uiminimap.py if constInfo.MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE==0: self.positionInfo.Hide() self.serverInfo.SetText(net.GetServerInfo()) #---> #self.serverInfo.Show() self.ScaleUpButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ScaleUp)) This line is commented i guess, i dont have the untouched root anymore
  11. You have to call the quest event BEFORE you start the mining process in src
  12. Did you change it in client proto too?
  13. Haha, i've followed your path, and ran into the same problems. The breakthrough was removing the debug sht from system.py: import debuginfo #debuginfo.SetDebugMode(__DEBUG__) debuginfo.SetDebugMode(0) After this i started to receive usable error messages... Next, i changed in PythonPAckModule.cpp (in PyObject * packGet(...)) if (CEterPackManager::Instance().Get(file, strFileName, &pData)) { //return Py_BuildValue("s#",pData, file.Size()); return PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize((const char *)pData, file.Size()); } And voila, everything has started working (?). Got sht tons of messages like this, need to convert the python (and txt) files to utf-8.
  14. This is the Readme.txt in the client src You're welcome
  15. I used the "dirty workaround" and no issues so far
  16. Everything works well here what can generate numbers in 0~4M (?) range Finally I ended up at default_random_engine (which is the mt) for the number_ex...
  17. You are wrong. Put this into vs->console app, and run it: #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <limits> int thecore_random() { double iRand = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX; // 0x7fff return (int)(iRand * 0x7fffffff); } int main() { std::cout << "RAND_MAX: " << RAND_MAX << "\n"; std::cout << "INT_MAX: " << INT_MAX << "\n"; for (int i=0; i<100; i++) std::cout << "random: " << thecore_random() << "\n"; } The range was 1-RAND_MAX, changed it to 0... Thank you
  18. Final version, This way the drops are near the same (and fast enough) DWORD thecore_random() { #ifdef _WIN32 double iRand = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX; // 0x7fff return (iRand * (0x7fffffff - 1) + 1); #else return random(); // 0x7fffffff #endif }
  19. In our case this is not a problem, higher number means less drop
  20. You have to create (and seed) the generator outside your function, don't want a new random engine every time. That way both of your codes do (near) the same in the same amount of time. number time : 0.0781763 random_drop time : 0.0759912 [Hidden Content] Btw thanks for the idea, i've choosen a more simple way. libthecore/utilc.c: DWORD thecore_random() { #ifdef _WIN32 // return rand(); //extend the 32767 limit to 2147483645... return rand() * rand() + rand(); #else return random(); #endif } Not faster and not better, but it works
  21. My uiscript/characterwindow.py: This is a default one.. .
  22. I've simply solved my problem... root/interfaceModule.py # Unused. def ShowQuestButton(self): pass I added the 2 missing function below it, looks like this: # Unused. def ShowQuestButton(self): pass # QUEST_BUTTON def RecvQuest(self, index, name): global IsQBHide IsQBHide = 0 self.ShowAllQuestButton() def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName): self.RecvQuest(self, index, name) # END_OF_QUEST_BUTTON Very simple solution, but works fine for me
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