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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/20 in all areas

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello togehter, today i want to share a small, but in my opinion, usefull security upgrade for your player password-hashes. The current default hash, which is used by the most of you (some exeptions might be out there) is the MD5 Hash. This hash might be not the best choice for hashing passwords in this modern days. This is why i thought about something to change there. And my solution for this is Argon2. This Method had won the Password Hashing Competition and this is why i had choosen this over bcrypt or scrypt. This tutorial isn't a 100% beginner firendly guide! Just follow my instructions if you got a little bit of c++ knowledge and know how to work with the source! Create the libargon2 Change the hash inner the game-core source (DEFAULT PASSWORD() MYSQL FUNC TUTORIAL) For now you just need to edit the account.account table and set the size for the password to 128 (Why 128? Db.h EArgon2::HASH_LENGTH = 64. 64 * 2 = 128) And you need to replace your hashes with the argon2 once. For this follow the link to the generation: [Hidden Content] Example config for the tutorial setup: Have fun
    8 points
  2. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, here I publish my edit of the public Render Target System. I hate it, when people earn money with public systems. Preview: [Hidden Content] DL: [Hidden Content] Original Thread [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hey there, I have an Halloween gift for you all. i have been working for a few hours on official like element image on target window(See screenshots below). When you click on a mob if it is defined as elemental, it will open an element image in addition to the target window. Don't forget to hit the like button! (C) Metin2 guild wars - coded by [GA]Ruin - 27/10/2017 (I create custom metin2 systems in c++/python. if you want a custom system send me a pm and we can talk over skype). Let's begin! Server Side: Open service.h, add in the end: #define ELEMENT_TARGET Open char.cpp, search for else { p.dwVID = 0; p.bHPPercent = 0; } add below: #ifdef ELEMENT_TARGET const int ELEMENT_BASE = 11; DWORD curElementBase = ELEMENT_BASE; DWORD raceFlag; if (m_pkChrTarget && m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() && (raceFlag = m_pkChrTarget->GetMobTable().dwRaceFlag) >= RACE_FLAG_ATT_ELEC) { for (int i = RACE_FLAG_ATT_ELEC; i <= RACE_FLAG_ATT_DARK; i *= 2) { curElementBase++; int diff = raceFlag - i; if (abs(diff) <= 1024) break; } p.bElement = curElementBase - ELEMENT_BASE; } else { p.bElement = 0; } #endif open packet.h, search for: } TPacketGCTarget; add above: #ifdef ELEMENT_TARGET BYTE bElement; #endif Client side: open locale_inc.h, add in the end: #define ELEMENT_TARGET open packet.h, search for } TPacketGCTarget; add above: #ifdef ELEMENT_TARGET BYTE bElement; #endif open PythonNetworkPhaseGame.cpp, look for: else if (pInstPlayer->CanViewTargetHP(*pInstTarget)) replace below with the following: #ifdef ELEMENT_TARGET PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "SetHPTargetBoard", Py_BuildValue("(iii)", TargetPacket.dwVID, TargetPacket.bHPPercent, TargetPacket.bElement)); #else PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "SetHPTargetBoard", Py_BuildValue("(ii)", TargetPacket.dwVID, TargetPacket.bHPPercent)); #endif open PythonApplicationModule.cpp, look for #ifdef ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM add above: #ifdef ELEMENT_TARGET PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT", 1); #else PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT", 0); #endif open game.py, look for def SetHPTargetBoard(self, vid, hpPercentage): if vid != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID(): self.targetBoard.ResetTargetBoard() self.targetBoard.SetEnemyVID(vid) self.targetBoard.SetHP(hpPercentage) self.targetBoard.Show() replace with: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT: def SetHPTargetBoard(self, vid, hpPercentage,bElement): if vid != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID(): self.targetBoard.ResetTargetBoard() self.targetBoard.SetEnemyVID(vid) self.targetBoard.SetHP(hpPercentage) self.targetBoard.SetElementImage(bElement) self.targetBoard.Show() else: def SetHPTargetBoard(self, vid, hpPercentage): if vid != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID(): self.targetBoard.ResetTargetBoard() self.targetBoard.SetEnemyVID(vid) self.targetBoard.SetHP(hpPercentage) self.targetBoard.Show() open uitarget.py, look for import background add below: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT: ELEMENT_IMAGE_DIC = {1: "elect", 2: "fire", 3: "ice", 4: "wind", 5: "earth", 6 : "dark"} look for: self.isShowButton = False add below: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT: self.elementImage = None inside Destroy method, look for: self.__Initialize() add below: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT: self.elementImage = None inside ResetTargetBoard method, look for: self.hpGauge.Hide() add below: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT and self.elementImage: self.elementImage = None look for : def SetElementImage(self,elementId): add above: if app.ENABLE_VIEW_ELEMENT: def SetElementImage(self,elementId): try: if elementId > 0 and elementId in ELEMENT_IMAGE_DIC.keys(): self.elementImage = ui.ImageBox() self.elementImage.SetParent(self.name) self.elementImage.SetPosition(-60,-12) self.elementImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/12zi/element/%s.sub" % (ELEMENT_IMAGE_DIC[elementId])) self.elementImage.Show() except: pass Compile server, client source and root pack and that's it! Enjoy! Happy halloween!
    2 points
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, this type of system was already released on TurkMMO today, I thought I will post a in my opinion better implementation of this system. Download: [Hidden Content] Thanks to VegaS for the re-edit. Kind regards, CHMarvin.
    2 points
  5. This thread will be updated from time to time with useful things for server administrators. - WinSCP, for transfer of files from your computer to a remote server. [Hidden Content] - PuTTy for SSH access to your server. [Hidden Content] - Navicat Premium for database management. [Hidden Content] - Notepad++ for code edits. [Hidden Content] - HxD for byte-patching binaries manually. [Hidden Content] - FileArchiver r3869 by Tim for unpacking and packing client archives using panama encryption. [Hidden Content] - EterNexus File Archiver for unpacking and packing client archives. [Hidden Content] - BlackYuko's DIF Patcher for byte-patching binaries. [Hidden Content] - dump_proto.exe for converting 2013 database proto txt files to client-side proto files. [Hidden Content] - Paint.NET for image editing. [Hidden Content] - Photoshop DDS plugin [Hidden Content] - VirtualBox [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  6. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) A small fix for boots icons. For those who like every detail. I think the above picture explains everything and I don't must to say anything more. Download: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
    1 point
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi m2dev, I release my modifications of game core. 0x01.) Here are "some" new questfunctions to you ^^ If either of them is already public I'm sorry but these works perfectly. A short list of them: * Item module: - get_flag | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_wearflag | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_antiflag | Return: Integer | Args: None - has_antiflag | Return: Boolean | Args: int Antiflag - get_refine_set | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_limit | Return: Table1 | Args: byte LimitIndex[0..1] - get_apply | Return: Table1 | Args: byte ApplyIndex[0..2] - get_applies | Return: Table2 | Args: None - get_refine_materials | Return: Table3 | Args: None - get_addon_type | Return: Integer | Args: None - dec | Return: Nil | Args: None or byte Count - inc | Return: Nil | Args: None or byte Count - add_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - get_attribute | Return: Table1 | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..4] - set_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..4], byte AttrType[1..94], short AttrValue[-32768..32767] - change_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - add_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - get_rare_attribute | Return: Table1 | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..1] - set_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: byte AttrIndex[0..1], byte AttrType[1..94], short AttrValue[-32768..32767] - change_rare_attribute | Return: Boolean | Args: None - equip | Return: Boolean | Args: byte EquipCell[0..32] - set_count | Return: Nil | Args: byte/short Count(short with increased item stack number) Returning item table-structures: Table1 = { -- Type, Value 1, 2000 } Table2 = { -- [idx] = {Type, Value} -- Triton sword+9: [0] = { 7, 30 }, [1] = { 22, 12 }, [2] = { 17, 12 } } Table3 = { -- Poison sword+8(refineSet:27): material_count = 2, materials = { -- { Vnum, Count } { 30091, 2 }, { 27994, 1 } }, cost = 150000, prob = 10, } * NPC module: - get_level | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_name | Return: String | Args: None - get_type | Return: Byte | Args: None - get_rank | Return: Byte | Args: None - is_metin | Return: Boolean | Args: None - is_boss | Return: Boolean | Args: None - show_effect_on_target | Return: Boolean | Args: string EffectRealPath - get_ip | Return: String | Args: None - get_client_version | Return: String | Args: None - get_job | Return: Byte | Args: None - get_pid | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_exp | Return: Long | Args: None * PC module: - get_mount_vnum | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_point | Return: Integer | Args: byte PointNumber - get_real_point | Return: Integer | Args: byte PointNumber - show_effect | Return: Boolean | Args: string EffectRealPath - disconnect_with_delay | Return: Nil | Args: int Delay - get_max_level | Return: Integer | Args: None - get_ip | Return: String | Args: None - get_client_version | Return: String | Args: None - kill | Return: Nil | Args: None * Game module: - drop_item_and_select | Return: Nil | Args: int Vnum, byte/short Count=1, bool HasOwnership=false, short OwnershipTime=180 Example call: game.drop_item_and_select(19, 1, true, 30); item.set_attribute(0, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 10) * Pet module: - is_mine | Return: Boolean | Args: None * Global: - purge_vid | Return: Nil | Args: int Vid Here are the codes: questlua_item.cpp questlua_npc.cpp questlua_pc.cpp questlua_game.cpp questlua_pet.cpp questlua_global.cpp 0x02.) Two GM commands: - "/kill_all" -> Kill all players inside your view-range/horizon - "/drop_item" -> Drop an item from arg1, or drop all items from range(arg1, arg2) Commands: Clientside version of kill_all: 0x03.) refine_proto reloading without server restart. Extend your "/reload Proto" command with the refine_proto reloading with this code parts: - Open your db/src/ClientManager.cpp file and replace your "void CClientManager::QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO()" function to this: void CClientManager::QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO() { if (!InitializeTables()) { sys_err("QUERY_RELOAD_PROTO: cannot load tables"); return; } for (TPeerList::iterator i = m_peerList.begin(); i != m_peerList.end(); ++i) { CPeer * tmp = *i; if (!tmp->GetChannel()) continue; tmp->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_RELOAD_PROTO, 0, sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TSkillTable) * m_vec_skillTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TBanwordTable) * m_vec_banwordTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TItemTable) * m_vec_itemTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TMobTable) * m_vec_mobTable.size() + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(TRefineTable) * m_iRefineTableSize); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_skillTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_skillTable[0], sizeof(TSkillTable) * m_vec_skillTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_banwordTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_banwordTable[0], sizeof(TBanwordTable) * m_vec_banwordTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_itemTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_itemTable[0], sizeof(TItemTable) * m_vec_itemTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_vec_mobTable.size()); tmp->Encode(&m_vec_mobTable[0], sizeof(TMobTable) * m_vec_mobTable.size()); tmp->EncodeWORD(m_iRefineTableSize); tmp->Encode(m_pRefineTable, sizeof(TRefineTable) * m_iRefineTableSize); } } - Then open game/src/refine.cpp and replace this function: "bool CRefineManager::Initialize(TRefineTable * table, int size)" to this: bool CRefineManager::Initialize(TRefineTable * table, int size) { if (!m_map_RefineRecipe.empty()) m_map_RefineRecipe.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++table) { sys_log(0, "REFINE %d prob %d cost %d", table->id, table->prob, table->cost); m_map_RefineRecipe.insert(std::make_pair(table->id, *table)); } sys_log(0, "REFINE: COUNT %d", m_map_RefineRecipe.size()); return true; } - If you are done with these, open game/src/input_db.cpp and extend this event "void CInputDB::ReloadProto(const char * c_pData)" with this: /* * REFINE */ wSize = decode_2bytes(c_pData); c_pData += 2; sys_log(0, "RELOAD: REFINE: %d", wSize); if (wSize) { CRefineManager::instance().Initialize((TRefineTable *) c_pData, wSize); c_pData += wSize * sizeof(TRefineTable); } - Done. 0x04.) kill quest trigger fix (when kill / when race.kill) With this change you can use every kill methods with mobs and players and runs by once per kills. Examples: when 101.kill begin -> Works when you are killing Wild dogs. when kill begin -> Works with mobs and players too. when kill with npc.is_pc() begin -> Works with players only. when kill with npc.is_pc() == false begin -> Works with monsters only. when kill with npc.get_race() == 102 begin -> Works when you hunt Wolf. I tested with these codes: when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then chat("kill pc") end if npc.get_race() > 100 then chat("kill by race: "..tostring(npc.race)) end end when kill with npc.is_pc() begin chat("kill with npc.is_pc") end when kill with npc.get_race() == 102 begin chat("kill with npc.get_race 102") end when 101.kill begin chat("101.kill") end Follow these steps to fix it: - Open game/src/questmanager.h and search for this: "void Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc);" replace to: "void Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc, unsigned int pc2 = 0);" - Save&Close, open game/src/questmanager.cpp and search this function: "void CQuestManager::Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc)" - and replace to this: void CQuestManager::Kill(unsigned int pc, unsigned int npc, unsigned int pc2) { //m_CurrentNPCRace = npc; PC * pPC; sys_log(0, "CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=%d, npc=%d, pc2=%d)", pc, npc, pc2); if ((pPC = GetPC(pc))) { if (!CheckQuestLoaded(pPC)) return; /* [hyo] ¸÷ kill˝Ă Áßşą Ä«żîĆĂ ŔĚ˝´ °ü·ĂÇŃ ĽöÁ¤»çÇ× quest scriptżˇ when 171.kill begin ... µîŔÇ ÄÚµĺ·Î ŔÎÇĎż© ˝şĹ©¸łĆ®°ˇ Ăł¸®µÇľú´ő¶óµµ ąŮ·Î returnÇĎÁö ľĘ°í ´Ů¸Ą °Ë»çµµ ĽöÇŕÇϵµ·Ď şŻ°ćÇÔ. (2011/07/21) */ // call script if (npc > 0 && pc2 == 0) m_mapNPC[npc].OnKill(*pPC); LPCHARACTER ch = GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); LPPARTY pParty = ch->GetParty(); LPCHARACTER leader = pParty ? pParty->GetLeaderCharacter() : ch; if (leader) { m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; if (m_mapNPC[npc].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID()))) return; pPC = GetPC(pc); } LPCHARACTER victim = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindByPID(pc2); if (victim && victim->IsPC() && m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnKill(*pPC)) return; else if (m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnKill(*pPC)) return; if (leader) { m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID())); } } else sys_err("QUEST: no such pc id : %d", pc); } - Save&Close, open game/src/char_battle.cpp and search this call: "quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkKiller->GetPlayerID(), quest::QUEST_NO_NPC)" - and replace to this: "quest::CQuestManager::instance().Kill(pkKiller->GetPlayerID(), quest::QUEST_NO_NPC, GetPlayerID());" - Done. 0x05.) ImmuneBug fix. I know there are some fixes but this is a working solution.. Everything inside two functions into item.cpp file by names: "CItem::EquipTo" and "CItem::Unequip". Every two functions are containing this sh*!&t: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; ++i) if (m_pOwner->GetWear(i)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, m_pOwner->GetWear(i)->m_pProto->dwImmuneFlag); m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); Hm, you have to replace those to this: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; LPITEM item = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; ++i) { if (item=m_pOwner->GetWear(i)) { if (item->GetImmuneFlag() != 0) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, item->GetImmuneFlag()); if (item->GetAttributeCount() > 0) { if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_STUN); if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_SLOW); if (item->HasAttr(APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, IMMUNE_FALL); } } } m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); - Done. 0x06.) Finished uiQuest.py selection by keyboard-usage with "Next" and "Prev" buttons. Test-example: when 9010.chat."TEST selection pages" begin local sTab = { "01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10", "11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20", "Exit"--to make exit by Escape key } local s=select_table(sTab) if s==table.getn(sTab) then return end chat("You'r choice: sTab["..tostring(s).."] -> "..sTab[s]) end Here you can download the full uiquest.py file from my client: Download 0x07.) Little SQL-Script: SELECT log.log.time AS "When", player.player.`name` AS Who, log.log.how AS WhatDid, log.log.what AS ItemID, log.log.vnum AS ItemVnum, player.item_proto.locale_name AS ItemName, player.item.count AS Count, player.item.Socket0, player.item.Socket1, player.item.Socket2, player.item.AttrType0, player.item.AttrValue0, player.item.AttrType1, player.item.AttrValue1, player.item.AttrType2, player.item.AttrValue2, player.item.AttrType3, player.item.AttrValue3, player.item.AttrType4, player.item.AttrValue4, player.item.AttrType5, player.item.AttrValue5, player.item.AttrType6, player.item.AttrValue6 FROM log.log INNER JOIN player.player ON log.log.who = player.player.id INNER JOIN player.item ON log.log.what = player.item.id INNER JOIN player.item_proto ON log.log.vnum = player.item_proto.vnum WHERE log.how in ("EXCHANGE_GIVE", "EXCHANGE_TAKE", "DROP", "SAFEBOX PUT", "SAFEBOX GET", "DEAD_DROP") AND player.`name` = "Xeriesey"; * You have to give a name where you can see Xeriesey ^-^ Result of query: I hope you like it. If you have any questions or find an error/mistake, just post a message into this thread and I will try to make answer when I'll be online. ps.: Sorry for my bad English. "(" + "c" + ")" == © -> F**k Changelog: - 2014.09.22. 16:29 / 04:29 PM ~ Added forgotten include to questlua_npc.cpp. - 2014.09.22. 16:48 / 04:48 PM ~ Added more forgotten things :S - 2014.09.27. 13:08 / 01:08 PM ~ SQL syntax fix With Regards, P3NG3R
    1 point
  9. 1. Enable 6-7 opt: (Europe, Singapore, Vietnam) 2. Change the Success Rate on attaching a Stone to an Item 3. Remove 3% tax when selling an Item 4. Enable Selling an Item by 0 yang in NPC shop 5. Enable pc_change_name (Europe) 6. Enable Selling 70024 () and 70035 () in NPC shop 7. Disable 6/7 Bonuses ( - )on Costumes 8. Edit Shutdown Time (when doing /shutdown command) 9. Edit Max Level 10. Delete Glass () need for link items in chat: 11. Dice and ÁÖ»çŔ§ fix 12. Disable Players drop Yang to the floor 13. Bonus Change Time 0min for Players 14. Change the time from dropped items 15. Make a New Mount to be able to Attack 16. Edit Max Status Points 17. Remove and edit limit_time (alias TimeBomb) 18. Emotions without Emotion Mask () 19. Fix War Crash Bug 20. Edit GM Commands Authority 21. Get Status Points after Level 90 22. Remove Potions when Levelup 23. Edit Rates Values 24. Fix Client Version Check Pay attention to tabulations. Keep in mind that this is just a re-upload of them tut's, some of them can be found way more completed. If you find something wrong feel free to say.
    1 point
  10. That is what Penger said just above. It’s not a scale.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. i guess you don't have these libs in your makefile
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Honestly not, but also on my srv they use this shit to anger other users in pvp. I think also clearing the target they can still do the skills after unride causing a sync lag to the opponent. ps. Maybe is better to lock the skills for some second after unride. No buff skills to take clean pvm.
    1 point
  15. Translate All In One with quest +added PL language
    1 point
  16. Btw, instead of adding a .SetDelay() to all objects, you could do do a simple change. for all visual ani_image from screen. root/ui.py Search for: if True == value.has_key("delay"): window.SetDelay(value["delay"]) Replace with: [Hidden Content] So, you don't have to any part of python from tutorial, just this.
    1 point
  17. Considering that Metin2 is 15 years old I'd say this forum is very active with quality content and the work of the new team has a lot to do with this. What else do you expect them to do? Spam the forum link with bots ingame?
    1 point
  18. King's move, we need more guides like that, I abide, well done friend!
    1 point
  19. I would do it like this, in a simple way, without useless code, as i said in another forum too. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  20. Which programming languages do i need to start a private server? Quests: LUA ( + common quest functions) Database (MySQL / MariaDB): SQL Source Code (Server & Client): C++ UI / Client: Python 2.7 Website: PHP 7+, HTML, CSS, Javascript Tools (e.g. a Patcher): C#
    1 point
  21. I started coding some parts already, i'll post some informations on website, after i finish some exams from uni. (since 2018 i didn't release any product, be prepared, there will be a lot of new stuffs)
    1 point
  22. This is the post with number 100.000 ? Congrats for 100.000 POSTS ?
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. #Update V2(You need Emoji Textline) Custom Sort:Change item.h
    1 point
  25. He sure know to write in english. He is doing in his own way, he only want to learn more programming. Don't complain about a free release, take the system and name how you want the variable names
    1 point
  26. #Update: Edited stackable items Sort Type->Alphabet fixed(string) also you can change for GetVnum()
    1 point
  27. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Some years ago I created a (python2) script to generate xtea keys randomly, here it is: It generates the code for EterNexus, for EterPack.cpp, and also the hex string you see inside the compiled launcher.
    1 point
  28. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
    1 point
  29. input_main.cpp CInputMain::AnswerMakeGuild if (ch->GetGold() < 200000) return; Replace if (ch->GetGold() < 200000) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 200000 yang"); return; if (ch->GetLevel() < 40) ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You don't have 40lv+ "); return;
    1 point
  30. Version of Files : XXX Hello everyone Im posting a problem i have. I dont know where to search... Thats my sysser error: 0526 19:26:41315 :: File "ui.py", line 1491, in CallEvent 0526 19:26:41315 :: File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__ 0526 19:26:41315 :: File "ui.py", line 70, in __call__ 0526 19:26:41316 :: File "uiGuild.py", line 1740, in __OnClickDeclareWarButton 0526 19:26:41316 :: File "uiGuild.py", line 63, in __init__ 0526 19:26:41316 :: File "uiGuild.py", line 124, in __CreateDialog 0526 19:26:41317 :: File "uiGuild.py", line 217, in __CreateGameTypeToolTip 0526 19:26:41317 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 285, in SetTitle 0526 19:26:41318 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 237, in AppendTextLine 0526 19:26:41318 :: AttributeError 0526 19:26:41318 :: : 0526 19:26:41318 :: 'ToolTip' object has no attribute 'toolTipHeight' 0526 19:26:41318 :: Thats my file: uitooltip: [Hidden Content] uiguild: [Hidden Content] Thanks, Sincerly, Jimmermania.
    0 points
  31. hope u will find the fix and be careful with hire things ?
    0 points
  32. As you know RegisterMotion Data creates a lot of fps drop and i tried my best to make a solution for that, none of my solutions could fix it completely. I know there are devs and owners that could somehow improve it more than i could so if you want to make some money contact me in private message with proofs and tell me a price.
    0 points
  33. Just disable ride/unride when pvp.
    0 points
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