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  3. Good afternoon guys, I have a question, how do I put those 30-day exp, gold bonuses that are fixed in the top right corner? Like I would like to put a package in place for people to buy and activate these bonuses for 30 days.
  4. If any client is able to load your "encrypted" files then granny preprocessor would also load them and that means you can reexport those models without whatever encryption you're adding to those files.
  5. Hello, my and my team plan to buy OWSAP serverfiles next month, but I want to ask how much it costs for a good anticheating system and his implementation in this server? Thank you!
  6. when killed, the system shuts itself down and you have to reactivate the cloak can you help me please VIDEO:
  7. Hi! In my opinion i added everything correctly, but i have some issues. When i add yang in game to myself or i change the character level with gm codes or i move somewhere else, the server doesn't keep these datas and im in always the same position with same yang and the same level. I can use the added yangs (to buy something from npc) but after a server restart it doesn't keep it(yang/lvl/position). I read the upper solution, maybe i have the same problem, but any idea where can be the mistake? Do you have any suggestion?
  8. If I'm not mistaken, in the qc.cc after searching `// make when argument` i should replace what's below with ostringstream os; while (lexstate.lookahead.token == '.') { next(&lexstate); os << '.'; next(&lexstate); t = lexstate.t; if (t.token == TK_NAME) { os << getstr(t.seminfo.ts); // Append the function name if (lexstate.lookahead.token == '(') { os << '('; // Append the opening parenthesis lookahead(&lexstate); // Parse function arguments while (lexstate.lookahead.token != ')') { os << lexstate.t; lookahead(&lexstate); } os << ')'; // Append the closing parenthesis lookahead(&lexstate); } } else { os << t; } lookahead(&lexstate); } current_when_argument += os.str(); I'm going to test it out, and come back, but if somebody knows, you could let me know. Thanks.
  9. You have a bug somewhere. The info you provided is not enough to pinpoint where the bug may be. The large allocation is a big red flag, what may be happening is that a std:vector (or some other container) is growing until you run out of memory (if this is the case, you should get a std::bad_alloc exception). The debugger can show you the code that raised the exception. Since the client becomes unresponsive, maybe you are running into an infinite loop situation (and running out of stack space) Use the debugger well and you should be able to find the bug.
  10. This thread gave me such a nostalgia hit, I think trivia like this is even more interesting than the game itself. Regarding the old client... Im suspecting there should be something like google dorks but in naver? Instead of looking for the binary file itself one could look for other metin specific file names. Although I think it'd have the same success rate as "scanning entire korean ipv4 subnet" lmao. I have a chinese connection active in the metin2 community (and surprisingly there are still like 1-2 small chinese servers that still get active players). But Im afraid he wouldn't know any koreans who happen to have the beta client on their pc. And I think that's the most realistic way of obtaining this client. Either through a YMIR employee or through some 20 year old harddrive from a 40 year old korean guy lmao. It's funny when they say nothing is ever lost on the internet... the biggest lie ever
  11. Yesterday
  12. Hi, @ Mitachi. Thank you for your work! I noticed your system requires WEAR_COSTUME_MOUNT. Did that come from this Costume Mount System by EnZi? Should we implement it first and then your system? I'm personally starting with TMP4's base files.
  13. Hi ! i tried decrypt with zonearchiver and epack32 and same problem can someone help me? ty
  14. I updated based on the tutorials here on the forum, to compile clientsource in visual studio 2022 and C++20, the compilation was error-free and the game works well, however, after 15/20h with the client open, if you are running items in switchbot or macro (automatically populate potions id 70020), the client crashes (stops working), allocates memory until it reaches approximately 4GB and ends with the error "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Libray - Runtime Error!" No other errors were detected, there are no errors in the syserr or in the compilation, in debug mode there are no warnings either. Anyone who has experienced something similar or has any idea what could be causing this problem, I have already checked by comparing all the files individually with other sources and no discrepancies were found. I thank you for your attention.
  15. Thanks sir! I implemented that with no issue.
  16. There should be no issue implementing that. The changes are related to the networking layer. The package transport should be untouched.
  17. Adapt your qc's sourcecode to support functions within trigger chat strings.
  18. Hello i have a couple of questions regarding LUA scripting for a quest. 1. Can i use the npc.chat."some text" function with a function that returns a string? I tried but it didn't work. Example: ```lua npcVNUM.chat.someFuncReturningString() ``` 2. by using the 'define' keyword can i define an array on the top of the lua script? Because although i tried, when i compile my code, i get error when trying to iterate this array. When Im using the same array as a local variable there it's no problem, it compiles. Thanks for your time.
  19. Your right, i'm gonna add control for it. Update; It's done.
  20. Please upload also the client:D
  21. Hello,Can anyone help me? I had already installed this Python system in the client but I had to remove the root after a backup, now I can't insert it anymore. Can anyone help me? Syserr game.py
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