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Event Flags

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Here are the event flags available up to Ymir's game 34083.


Usage: /e eventflag value


mob_dam [value]

Set mobs damage (default 100)


mob_gold, mob_gold_buyer [value]

Set gold drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_gold_pct, mob_gold_pct_buyer [value]

Set yang bomb drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_exp, mob_exp_buyer [value]

Set experience rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_item, mob_item_buyer [value]

Set item drop rate for free and premium* user


arena_potion_limit [bool]

Enable limit of potions that you can use in Musician's Yu-Hwan duel arena (thanks to TÜRK)


arena_potion_limit_count [value]

Number of potions that can be used if arena_potion_limit is true (thanks to TÜRK)


eclipse [bool]

Enable and disable night mode.


gold_drop_limit_time [sec]

Time in seconds before Yang can be dropped again (anti drop bot measure)


guild_disband_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after a guild is disbanded, for the members to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


guild_withdraw_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after being kicked from a guild, for the player to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


hivalue_item_sell [bool]

Value 1 enables sale of Blessing Marble and Perpetual Iron in shops.


MonarchHealGold [yang]

Amount of kingdom Yang required to cast Monarch Heal buff.


personal_shop [tax %]

Place a tax on private shop sales. The Yang goes to the Kingdom vault.


2006_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2006 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50037)


2007_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2007 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50043)


dragon_boat_festival_drop [?]

Enable drop of 50085


drop_moon [bool]

Enable drop of moonlight boxes. Drop rate can NOT be changed!


easter_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of item 50160 to 50179 - Easter Egg (Thanks to miguelmig)


football_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50096 - Football Ball (World Cup GF event) (thanks to miguelmig)


halloween_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50095 - Pumpkin (thanks to miguelmig)


hc_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of item 30178 - Gameforge event for the opening of Grotto of Exile (thanks to miguelmig)


horse_skill_book_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Horse Skill books.


kids_day_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle box (50034) for low level players.


kids_day_drop_high [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle Box (50034) for high level players.


lotto_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enables drop of Lottery Tickets with unique numbers. The dropped ticket numbers can be found in player.lotto_list table for further processing.


lotto_round [value]

Choose a number to mark the lottery tickets with. This is useful if you want to run different Lottery events and make sure a ticket is not used twice.


mars_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable global drop of Perpetual Iron.


newyear_fire [?]

Enable drop of Chinese Fire Crackers (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_mob [bool]

Randomly spawns Hae-Tae in City 2 (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_moon [?]

Moon Paste event, enables drop of vnums 50016~50017~50018~50019 (Chinese New Year event)


new_xmas_event [bool]

Spawns the new christmas tree design in town.


ramadan_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of bread (30315) for Gameforge Ramadan event.


three_skill_item [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Soulstones (from metins and bosses only)


threeway_war_boss_count [value]

Number of Elite Nine Tails that will be summoned for the winning Kingdom in Nation War.


threeway_war_pass_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War pass map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


threeway_war_sungzi_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War Sungzi map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


valentine_drop [bool?]

Enable drop of Chocolate and Roses


whiteday_drop [?]

Enable drop of items 50031 - 50032


xmas_boom [bool]

Enable night mode, firework sound, and Event Helper (NPC selling fireworks)


xmas_snow [bool]

Enable snow.


xmas_sock [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Christmas socks.


xmas_song [bool]

Play Christmas song everywhere.


xmas_tree [0-3]

Enable the original Christmas Tree NPC. 3 models available (1,2,3)


* a premium user has an active exp/yang/drop bonus set through the account table (for noobs: the blue squares in the top left corner of the client)


Note: "bool" means that it only accepts "false" (0) or "true" (any other number) as parameters.



Yet unknown:




































If anybody knows their effect, or other event flags not listed here, please post and I will add it here

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You are my savior! :D


Some more:



Enables the random respawn of Santa Claus (I don't know exactly where)



Enables the Manwoo event, when you can trade all the Minnows you fish for a Mistery Box at the Fisherman



Enables the charstone dropevent, where you can collect different Emeralds (IDs from 30210 to 30219) and find out the words you can read on them



Maybe here you can select the range of the levels between the charstone drop is active



Maybe there can be a time limit between the refinings, and you can set it here

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...





I figured out those game flags. You can't summon the following mobs by /mm command:

5001 (Tanaka) - when japan_regen game flag isn't set to 1

5002 (Hae-Tae) - when newyear_mob game flag isn't set to 1

5004 (again Tanaka) - when independence_day game flag isn't set to 1



the main code with condition is contained by CHARACTER_MANAGER::SpawnMobRandomPosition (char_manager.cpp:232).



xmas_santa - turned to 1, should spawn santa on sohan mountain, but in my case I receive syslog error

Jul 25 06:33:24.706198 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
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  • 7 months later...

Here are the event flags available up to Ymir's game 34083.


Usage: /e eventflag value


mob_dam [value]

Set mobs damage (default 100)


mob_gold, mob_gold_buyer [value]

Set gold drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_gold_pct, mob_gold_pct_buyer [value]

Set yang bomb drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_exp, mob_exp_buyer [value]

Set experience rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_item, mob_item_buyer [value]

Set item drop rate for free and premium* user


arena_potion_limit [bool]

Enable limit of potions that you can use in Musician's Yu-Hwan duel arena (thanks to TÜRK)


arena_potion_limit_count [value]

Number of potions that can be used if arena_potion_limit is true (thanks to TÜRK)


eclipse [bool]

Enable and disable night mode.


gold_drop_limit_time [sec]

Time in seconds before Yang can be dropped again (anti drop bot measure)


guild_disband_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after a guild is disbanded, for the members to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


guild_withdraw_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after being kicked from a guild, for the player to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


hivalue_item_sell [bool]

Value 1 enables sale of Blessing Marble and Perpetual Iron in shops.


MonarchHealGold [yang]

Amount of kingdom Yang required to cast Monarch Heal buff.


personal_shop [tax %]

Place a tax on private shop sales. The Yang goes to the Kingdom vault.


2006_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2006 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50037)


2007_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2007 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50043)


dragon_boat_festival_drop [?]

Enable drop of 50085


drop_moon [bool]

Enable drop of moonlight boxes. Drop rate can NOT be changed!


easter_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of item 50160 to 50179 - Easter Egg (Thanks to miguelmig)


football_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50096 - Football Ball (World Cup GF event) (thanks to miguelmig)


halloween_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50095 - Pumpkin (thanks to miguelmig)


hc_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of item 30178 - Gameforge event for the opening of Grotto of Exile (thanks to miguelmig)


horse_skill_book_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Horse Skill books.


kids_day_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle box (50034) for low level players.


kids_day_drop_high [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle Box (50034) for high level players.


lotto_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enables drop of Lottery Tickets with unique numbers. The dropped ticket numbers can be found in player.lotto_list table for further processing.


lotto_round [value]

Choose a number to mark the lottery tickets with. This is useful if you want to run different Lottery events and make sure a ticket is not used twice.


mars_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable global drop of Perpetual Iron.


newyear_fire [?]

Enable drop of Chinese Fire Crackers (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_mob [bool]

Randomly spawns Hae-Tae in City 2 (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_moon [?]

Moon Paste event, enables drop of vnums 50016~50017~50018~50019 (Chinese New Year event)


new_xmas_event [bool]

Spawns the new christmas tree design in town.


ramadan_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of bread (30315) for Gameforge Ramadan event.


three_skill_item [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Soulstones (from metins and bosses only)


threeway_war_boss_count [value]

Number of Elite Nine Tails that will be summoned for the winning Kingdom in Nation War.


threeway_war_pass_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War pass map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


threeway_war_sungzi_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War Sungzi map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


valentine_drop [bool?]

Enable drop of Chocolate and Roses


whiteday_drop [?]

Enable drop of items 50031 - 50032


xmas_boom [bool]

Enable night mode, firework sound, and Event Helper (NPC selling fireworks)


xmas_snow [bool]

Enable snow.


xmas_sock [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Christmas socks.


xmas_song [bool]

Play Christmas song everywhere.


xmas_tree [0-3]

Enable the original Christmas Tree NPC. 3 models available (1,2,3)


* a premium user has an active exp/yang/drop bonus set through the account table (for noobs: the blue squares in the top left corner of the client)


Note: "bool" means that it only accepts "false" (0) or "true" (any other number) as parameters.



Yet unknown:




































If anybody knows their effect, or other event flags not listed here, please post and I will add it here

Woul've liked but don't want to ruid your 1337 likes

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  • 8 months later...
On 6. 2. 2014, Shogun said:

Here are the event flags available up to Ymir's game 34083.


Usage: /e eventflag value


mob_dam [value]

Set mobs damage (default 100)


mob_gold, mob_gold_buyer [value]

Set gold drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_gold_pct, mob_gold_pct_buyer [value]

Set yang bomb drop rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_exp, mob_exp_buyer [value]

Set experience rate for free and premium* user (default 100)


mob_item, mob_item_buyer [value]

Set item drop rate for free and premium* user


arena_potion_limit [bool]

Enable limit of potions that you can use in Musician's Yu-Hwan duel arena (thanks to TÜRK)


arena_potion_limit_count [value]

Number of potions that can be used if arena_potion_limit is true (thanks to TÜRK)


eclipse [bool]

Enable and disable night mode.


gold_drop_limit_time [sec]

Time in seconds before Yang can be dropped again (anti drop bot measure)


guild_disband_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after a guild is disbanded, for the members to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


guild_withdraw_delay [bool]

Set a 24 hours waiting time after being kicked from a guild, for the player to join another guild. (Default: 1) (thanks to pedr0caz)


hivalue_item_sell [bool]

Value 1 enables sale of Blessing Marble and Perpetual Iron in shops.


MonarchHealGold [yang]

Amount of kingdom Yang required to cast Monarch Heal buff.


personal_shop [tax %]

Place a tax on private shop sales. The Yang goes to the Kingdom vault.


2006_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2006 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50037)


2007_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Chinese New Year 2007 - Hexagonal Box (vnum 50043)


dragon_boat_festival_drop [?]

Enable drop of 50085


drop_moon [bool]

Enable drop of moonlight boxes. Drop rate can NOT be changed!


easter_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of item 50160 to 50179 - Easter Egg (Thanks to miguelmig)


football_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50096 - Football Ball (World Cup GF event) (thanks to miguelmig)


halloween_drop [?]

Enable/set drop of 50095 - Pumpkin (thanks to miguelmig)


hc_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of item 30178 - Gameforge event for the opening of Grotto of Exile (thanks to miguelmig)


horse_skill_book_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Horse Skill books.


kids_day_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle box (50034) for low level players.


kids_day_drop_high [drop rate 1/x]

Drop rate of Puzzle Box (50034) for high level players.


lotto_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enables drop of Lottery Tickets with unique numbers. The dropped ticket numbers can be found in player.lotto_list table for further processing.


lotto_round [value]

Choose a number to mark the lottery tickets with. This is useful if you want to run different Lottery events and make sure a ticket is not used twice.


mars_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable global drop of Perpetual Iron.


newyear_fire [?]

Enable drop of Chinese Fire Crackers (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_mob [bool]

Randomly spawns Hae-Tae in City 2 (Chinese New Year event)


newyear_moon [?]

Moon Paste event, enables drop of vnums 50016~50017~50018~50019 (Chinese New Year event)


new_xmas_event [bool]

Spawns the new christmas tree design in town.


ramadan_drop [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of bread (30315) for Gameforge Ramadan event.


three_skill_item [drop rate 1/x]

Set drop rate of Soulstones (from metins and bosses only)


threeway_war_boss_count [value]

Number of Elite Nine Tails that will be summoned for the winning Kingdom in Nation War.


threeway_war_pass_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War pass map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


threeway_war_sungzi_idx [mapidx]

Map index of Nation War Sungzi map. This is filled automatically with a random map from the list in share/locale/whatever/forkedmapindex.txt; do not edit this event flag but change the txt file instead.


valentine_drop [bool?]

Enable drop of Chocolate and Roses


whiteday_drop [?]

Enable drop of items 50031 - 50032


xmas_boom [bool]

Enable night mode, firework sound, and Event Helper (NPC selling fireworks)


xmas_snow [bool]

Enable snow.


xmas_sock [drop rate 1/x]

Enable drop of Christmas socks.


xmas_song [bool]

Play Christmas song everywhere.


xmas_tree [0-3]

Enable the original Christmas Tree NPC. 3 models available (1,2,3)


* a premium user has an active exp/yang/drop bonus set through the account table (for noobs: the blue squares in the top left corner of the client)


Note: "bool" means that it only accepts "false" (0) or "true" (any other number) as parameters.



Yet unknown:




































If anybody knows their effect, or other event flags not listed here, please post and I will add it here


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  • Forum Moderator

I am working currently on quest revamp of course of event flags and this topic is useful to see what to keep before looking at the code.

I want to talk a bit about the "pre_event_hc". This is a part of Metin2 Europe (& US) history that is not really well-known. There was a HUGE teasing (biggest ever as far as I know) regarding the Grotto update that brought so much to the game and there was special events as well. So, before the Grotto of Exile was added to the game, there was a pre_event. The Heaven Cave pre-event (hence the HC). This is really linked to the "hc_drop" flag as you need the 30178 item for this specific pre_event.

This pre-event made Heuk-Young spawn in every Map2. You were able to exchange to her the item 30178 "Glyph Stone" (that you could drop on monsters) to get a "Dragon God Amulet" that allowed you to teleport right before the very entrance of the Grotto of Exile. This event were never to return as far as I know and got forgotten for the most part. But it made me nostalgic to rewind to these times.

Edit : We can find the quest "pre_event_heavens_cave" which is the event (and a bit more?) and it pretty much says the same as I did, with actually more stuff inside that I forgot.

Edited by Gurgarath
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