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Metin2 Ultra Tool

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I don't know if it's even worth publishing here but I will try, maybe it will be helpfull to somebody :)










1. What is a Metin2 Ultra Tool by JachuPL?

Metin2 Ultra Tool is an application for editing Your own Metin2 server.


2. What I can do with it?

Almost everything. Full function index is presented below.


3. Why "Ultra Tool"?

The conception was simple - simplicity, quickness and intuitiveness. This "tool" is a powerfull harvester.


4. Do I have to pay for it?

No! It's free and shared on a Freeware licence. Getting the benefits of its distribution is prohibited and will be punished according to the European Union's law. I won't answer the question if it will be free in the future. Time will show everything.


5. What do I need to run Metin2 Ultra Tool?

You will need a computer with Windows and .Net Framework 3.5, which You can get from here


6. How do I convert item_proto and mob_proto to new version?

I've explained everything on this movie (it's only in Polish language, maybe I will add english subtitles)


7. Which language did You use to create Ultra Tool?

Visual Basic .Net


8. What is the interface language?

Application is available only in Polish, English and German. I am planning to add other languages (iex. German, Italian etc.), but I need some community help with translating it as my language skills are not so good :)


9. You made the program, You gave it us for free. What do You get?

Nothing. Pleasure?


10. Will you deliever app code?

I'm considering such possibility, but for sure I won't let it go for free.


11. Do You take a Donation for a project living and development?

Yes. More details through Private Message.


12. Does the program collect my private data, in ex. system version, it's configuration, history of viewed pages, cookies etc.?

No. The program does not collect user's private data as it is prohibited by Polish Law.


13. Which function did You find out the most difficult to write?

I think it was Dif Editor. I've spent about a month to write it and it still can contain some bugs.


14. Where should I look for updates?

This topic or just running ToolUpdater.


15. Do You take an order for programs, scripts, algorithms?



16. I found a bug. Where I can report it?

This topic please (what exactly does not work, precised description, joining screenshots is indicated) or through PM. Before notifying please make sure, that it is not already on "Known Bugs" index. It's located below. Try not to generalise, it will speed up fixing process.


17. What does "Jestę Nobę / I'm a noob" checkbox mean?

It's some kind of protection for a newbies. It protects important things that might be accidentally destroyed.


18. Instead of a program, the archive contains "ToolUpdater.exe"? What's that? Is this a virus?

ToolUpdater is an app that downloads Metin2 Ultra Tool and files neccessary to run it. It also works as a patcher. Downloaded files are stored in the same folder. ToolUpdater is available only in Polish and English and no new languages will be added.


19. What should I do when ToolUpdater does not download application, and MT2UT does not generate scripts?

Try to run program in administrator's mode.


20. What is "QuestFunctionConverter.exe"? Are You spying me?

No. It's part of Quest Editor which helps You to give correct function parameters to avoid bugs or crash. I will never spy You, check 12 F.A.Q.




Function Index


Tool's function can be divided into 3 parts:

1. MySQL - generates queries for Metin2 MySQL database


- Adding players account

- Adding affects

- Naming the horse

- Creating the guild

- Adding items to character

- Creating new items

- Adding Guild Lands

- Making friendship between players

- Adding New Monsters

- Adding a Monarch

- Placing guild objects on a map

- Adding new character

- Adding refine set

- Adding new npc shop

- Adding new GM

- Password Generator

- item_proto and mob_proto converter (to .txt version)


2. FTP


- DIF Editor - absolute novelty in Metin2 Pserver world! You can edit existing difs on Your own!

- DIF Patcher

- Quest Function Index (Available only in Polish)

- Drop Editor

- CONFIG Creator

- OX Quiz Editor

- Crafting Editor

- Chinese Names Converter (for locale files) [NEW!]

- Quest Editor [bETA]


3. Client


- item_proto.xml to item_proto.sql converter

- eix/epk unpacker

- item_proto unpacker*





Known Bugs Index




1. ToolUpdater crash while downloading resources (chilkat problem?) -> Fix: Download manually from 


2. refine_proto and shop_proto generator problems Fixed in








Available on site ;)








[13.09.2013] [v1.0.0.0] - Project Launch

[14.09.2013] [v1.0.0.1] - refine_proto and shop_proto generator upgrade

[16.09.2013] [v1.0.0.2] - item_proto - new function - you can now generate indexes from +0 to +9

[17.09.2013] [v1.0.0.3] - new function "Pogromca krzaków" (EUCKR to latin2 converter) (Beta)

[26.10.2013] [v1.0.0.4] - two errors fix

[01.11.2013] [v1.0.0.5] - fix in mob generator

[05.01.2014] [v1.0.0.6] - fix in item_proto sql - txt converter, German language

[19.02.2014] [v1.0.0.7] - label bugfix in item_proto, changelog moved into application, first days of Quest Editor

[15.03.2014] [v1.0.0.8] - Translation fix in item_proto and mob_proto generators, minor bugfixes

[21.03.2014] [v1.0.0.9] - Fixes in mob_proto converter, update for item_proto converter







Download (Follow the english desciptions)







About Project

Type: Program | Editor

Interface Language: Polski, English, Deutsch

Programming Language: Visual Basic .Net

Releasement date: 13 September 2013



Problems, questions, sugestions? Leave it below. If You want to help me translate Tool to Your native language, write to me.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Thanks Guys! :)


Moved to Tools and posted on Twitter. Nice one I'm sure many people can use this :)


telling the truth, I released it 13th Sep 2013, on my 18th birthday, but I am really grateful for sharing this on twitter :)




Bug error ?

What kind of OS do You use? Is it x32 or x64? What version on .NET do You use? You can also download it manually from my host, the link was given in the "Know Bugs Index" in main post. Sorry for inconvenience :(

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Bug error ?What kind of OS do You use? Is it x32 or x64? What version on .NET do You use? You can also download it manually from my host, the link was given in the "Know Bugs Index" in main post. Sorry for inconvenience :(



Win7 64Bits 4.5.1 for .NET


and your link to download the bug is incorrect


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Bug error ?What kind of OS do You use? Is it x32 or x64? What version on .NET do You use? You can also download it manually from my host, the link was given in the "Know Bugs Index" in main post. Sorry for inconvenience :(


Win7 64Bits 4.5.1 for .NET


and your link to download the bug is incorrect



fixed, try again now


Also, do You have VC++ 2010 installed on your computer? If not, You can find it here:

for x32:



for x64:



Also, please try a new version of ToolUpdater, compiled for x64 processors with other version of chilkat. You can find it here:

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Hey, Hi, Hello :D I just released new version of tool


What's new:

- Fixed and updated mob_proto sql->txt converter. It had some bugs which I discovered thanks to Raizen. Previously converted mob_proto caused Assertion Failed with size mismatch, now it should be working properly.

- Updated item_proto converter - added new types and subtypes (belts, DragonSoul), and also bonuses (in ex. Wolfman bonuses).


This update is vital so If you want to have properly working tool - update it asap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

one question dude , how to install?


You have to download ToolUpdater from my site and run it. It will automatically download program and files needed to work. If You experience problems with chilkat library, You can download necessary files here by clicking "Pobierz Paczkę".



@Shogun - contacted via PM ;)

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Heey , If you need it I can translate it to dutch :)

Currently  I dont need it but heey if its helps ^^


if private servers are popular in Your country, then there is no problem ;)


Okay, guys. I had some free time this past week and I created a new ToolUpdater. The main difference is that new ToolUpdater does not use Chilkat library (it was a big mistake to use that!). That means it downloads each file separately. As it is beta version of this algorithm, please report any suspicious actions to me. I will also use it to update another project I am currently working on (yet not published). 


It requires NET Framework 4.0 to run. You must unpack all the files from archive (exe + dll library) to get it working. You can find it here:

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Okay, I released a new version :


It contains a new version of proto converters. You can now convert proto by exporting table as XML File (same as Spartans Proto Converter). It is not necessary update, but it'd be kind of you if you check it for errors and bugs.


And one more thing: You have to download Metin2Tools program again to update a tool, because I had to reorder some folders on my website where I host programs. Sorry for any inconveniences.

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