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I try to increase the value max yang

But its not working as I would like


If I modified:


GOLD_MAX = 2000000000000ULL,


typedef struct SPlayerTable
	DWORD	id;

	char	name[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
	char	ip[IP_ADDRESS_LENGTH + 1];

	WORD	job;
	BYTE	voice;

	BYTE	level;
	BYTE	level_step;
	short	st, ht, dx, iq;

	DWORD	exp;
	long long	gold;

	BYTE	dir;
	INT		x, y, z;
	INT		lMapIndex;

	long	lExitX, lExitY;
	long	lExitMapIndex;

	short       hp;
	short       sp;

	short	sRandomHP;
	short	sRandomSP;

	int         playtime;

	short	stat_point;
	short	skill_point;
	short	sub_skill_point;
	short	horse_skill_point;

	TPlayerSkill skills[SKILL_MAX_NUM];

	TQuickslot  quickslot[QUICKSLOT_MAX_NUM];

	BYTE	part_base;

	short	stamina;

	BYTE	skill_group;
	long	lAlignment;
	char	szMobile[MOBILE_MAX_LEN + 1];

	short	stat_reset_count;

	THorseInfo	horse;

	DWORD	logoff_interval;

	int		aiPremiumTimes[PREMIUM_MAX_NUM];
} TPlayerTable; 


long long CHARACTER::GetAllowedGold() const
	if (GetLevel() <= 10)
		return 100000;
	else if (GetLevel() <= 20)
		return 500000;
		return 50000000;
void CHARACTER::PointChange(BYTE type, int64_t amount, bool bAmount, bool bBroadcast)


		// Money related
		long long		GetGold() const		{ return m_points.gold;	}
		void			SetGold(long long gold)	{ m_points.gold = gold;	}
		bool			DropGold(long long gold);
		long long		GetAllowedGold() const;
		void			GiveGold(INT iAmount);	// 파티가 있으면 파티 분배, 로그 등의 처리
		// End of Money

Mysql Table Player
gold bigint 13


I cannot find the error

Thank you in advance for the help that you will bring me

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