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[Beginner] Some N00B Questions :)

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Hello metin2dev community!


I'm pure new to metin modding and server making and I'm here to learn.

I'm very happy, that there is English community, because I was really tired of all these german and italian ppl...


I have some questions and I would be really happy, if you answer (some of) them :) Thank you




I'm using Invoice 40250 files with vanilla core (because original Invoice core didnt work for me - not started at all with no errors).


Now I have two problems with vanilla core:




First problem: YANG. I have setup in CONFIG yang to 999.999.999.999 and edited DB in Navicat.



But as you can see, in-game I have 0 Yang - but in real I have about 10 bilions - it shows just 0 yang... but I can buy all expensive items etc...  is there something I need to edit in client?


Second problem: Inventory. I'm using 4 inventory core & DB and I have filled inventory with red big potions to see, if everything works. When potions reached 3rd inventory, it replaced that 1 belt slot and 2 slots next to it. Weird thing is, that it unlocked 4x4 belt, when I put potion into belt slot ^^ ... when potions reached 4th inventory, it filled belt slots (4x4) and as you can see, last 12 slots are empty (but there are potions in them - it just doesnt show).


Another problem I got is when I'm editing files with PSPad, it shows some weird symbols in comments - I think there should be korean symbols, but it doesn't show them, if I unpack and open for example uuinventory.py. But If I copy korean symbol from internet and paste, it shows...








I want to learn how to edit server and client... I have some programming skills from GML and C#.


First of all I need to know, if I should use vanilla core, or it is not good to use it & WHY it is not good.


Would you recommend me some revision ? Is 40250 good for public servers, or should I use older ones? Like 20-30K ? It's hard to find these old files unbugged / unmodified / official.


I have found file called kraizy.tgz on the internet. It contained source files from metin (better not know how it got uploaded on the internet ^^). There are some folders in there:




Can someone please describe me, what those folders means?

Is there any tutorial how to create game core & db core from 'em ?




Can you recommend me some good server files & client to start with? Best in English :)

I need some client which corresponds to SF - better something like original public metin, NOT with tons of things added.




I need to know, what is game99 used for. I understand everything (auth, DB, channels, cores) but I don't know, what is game99 used to. And weird thing is, that sometimes it got in configs some maps in MAP_ALLOW, but sometimes it's empty (depending on SF).




If I compile source files, I will get pure public core with no add-ons ? But if I do that, I need to get pure SF & client too

Also I have seen dev_wolf_branch <- that's the fifth character ?




Last question: is there any good (de)compiler for epk/epx & protos? I have been using EterNexus (cuz I hate XML which I need to write by myself when I add new files), but sometimes it crashes when unpacking some epks from pack folder (using Test Client für 40250).




Thank you for your time 

May the dragon god bless you :)

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First, yang question, you need to set it to 999999999999 instead of 999.999.999.999


Also you need a binary for it.


Second question, i dont know


Third, its normal, is due to the text codification. 




I would advice you to develop your own version of the game, using that source.


Channel99 is a channel where events like for example ox occur, guild wars and so on.  


Yes, its the 5th char.


Go for EterNexus. I advice you to decompile using another tool, and then compiling with EterNexus, that way you wont have any more issues afterwards.


Tutorial to compile, i think it exists here.

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tierrilopes: I have set it to 999999999999 of course ^^

"Also you need a binary for it."

What is binary? Core &amp; DB ? I'm using VANILLA - it has 9.999.999.999.999 yang feature.


Can you explain me about text codification? Or tell me, how can I show korean symbols, so I can translate them?


Is that source pure? And do you know where is the tutorial? I cannot find it...


So in channel 99 I have to put event maps ? Or they should be in normal channels ?


Thanks for advice - I have seen some GUI decompilers and in all of them you need to select the pack to extract them (there are only predefined and some of them are missing like some locales etc..)


T4Ump I'm using vanilla core and I have python27 in my PC and on freeBSD too (I'm running on VPS)

I just don't understand that bin...

Can somebody answer other questions too please? :)

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