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Ulthar SF V2 (TMP4 Base)


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On 12/6/2023 at 9:54 AM, Ulthar said:

Thats called ShopEx ?

can help me please to start it?


   failed, retrying in 5 secondsSuccess PLAYER
mysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsSuccess ACCOUNT
mysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsSuccess COMMON
mysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsmysql_real_connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
   failed, retrying in 5 secondsSuccess HOTBACKUP


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  • 3 weeks later...

Serverfiles have something in it. After days working with it, I've got this in my database:

"All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.017 BTC to 164hyKPAoC5ecqkJ2ygeGoGFRcauWRLujV In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data2)"
After payment send mail to us: *****@*****.tld and we will provide a link for you to download your data. Your DBCODE is: 2KL4A


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8 minutes ago, NycuRO said:

Serverfiles have something in it. After days working with it, I've got this in my database:

"All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.017 BTC to 164hyKPAoC5ecqkJ2ygeGoGFRcauWRLujV In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data2)"
After payment send mail to us: *****@*****.tld and we will provide a link for you to download your data. Your DBCODE is: 2KL4A


You suffered a port scanning attack to check whether known services (SSH, MySQL...) were active and if you left the default credentials...
Securing your database is your responsibility.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks great! Can't wait to try it! I have a serverfile and I did what I could in regards of systems implementations and gameplay changes. However, since I'm still newbie (noobie) I've encountered a lot of problems in implementing few more systems, wasting hundreds of hours already trying to solve some errors. I've just discovered this topic and I think this will help me a lot! 

By any chance do we have a list of player facing bugs, or at least do we know some major bugs that should I need to fix after installing this SVF? ? 

Also, thank you again, @ Ultharfor what are you sharing with the community! 

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13 hours ago, KolenMG said:

Looks great! Can't wait to try it! I have a serverfile and I did what I could in regards of systems implementations and gameplay changes. However, since I'm still newbie (noobie) I've encountered a lot of problems in implementing few more systems, wasting hundreds of hours already trying to solve some errors. I've just discovered this topic and I think this will help me a lot! 

By any chance do we have a list of player facing bugs, or at least do we know some major bugs that should I need to fix after installing this SVF? ? 

Also, thank you again, @ Ultharfor what are you sharing with the community! 

Thanks for your friendly words! ?

Currently, the base problem is the guild icons. If the guild icon saved badly, the character is not able to log-in, sadly. (Its not TMP4 or my fault, its default what is need to be fixed at the very first.) Any other problem (if) have, thats cannot be huge problems, cuz i tested and tested and tested everything what i can. Ofc, im human too and i make mistakes for sure.
One word is like a hundred, If you set up the server, you are able to do a lot thing without needed to fix the systems which already in. ? 


Sry, my english is broken.


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Just one thing. I have an issue that I'm trying to ignore since is not causing so much problems but:

The issue is that when you start the server then you close it, after starting again, in console appears "Connection refused" and  in the syslog, appears: socket_connect: HOST, could not connect. 

>>>>>>>The workaround for this issue is by rebooting the machine. <<<<<<<<

I've already tried increasing the sleeping time in the close / start sh files as well as repairing and reoptimizing the tables in SQL. no solutions where found so far, but for the future, if anyone else having this issue, use the above workaround.

If I'll find a solution, I'll come back here xD 

I've tried changing the port as well as changing the to "localhost" but nothing worked. (Also I've reinstalled all things from the beginning, no results)

I believe is something somewhere in the close state of the server. 


Also, what I've noticed, when I first start the game, after rebooting the machine, in the console I have this: Console image 

How ever, when close and start the server 2nd time, this section is no longer appear. Maybe here is a problem that I need to figure it out. 



But overall, the game is running smooth! I just need to work on mounts system to make them work and to discover the other staff implemented (from what I read in this topic, the switchbot was removed since is still in selling state)


Edited by Metin2 Dev International
Core X - External 2 Internal
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1 hour ago, KolenMG said:

The issue is that when you start the server then you close it, after starting again, in console appears "Connection refused" and  in the syslog, appears: socket_connect: HOST, could not connect. 

>>>>>>>The workaround for this issue is by rebooting the machine. <<<<<<<<

When u write "start", wait 2-4 sec and then write "1" for start one CH.

For mounts:
take a look in proto for: 71124 and copy-paste that line and just change the mob-ID where u need, and ofc the item ID too.

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1 hour ago, Ulthar said:

When u write "start", wait 2-4 sec and then write "1" for start one CH.

For mounts:
take a look in proto for: 71124 and copy-paste that line and just change the mob-ID where u need, and ofc the item ID too.

I'm laughin so hard. Thank you a lot. yea, that waiting basically solved the problem. dayum =)))))))))) 

Thankyou again! 

  • muscle 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/21/2023 at 3:51 PM, trawismontana said:



PK_PROTECT_LEVEL: 15-----------------------------------------------
LocaleService locale/english/locale_string.txt

connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused

 Server started! CH1
root@metin2:/usr/metin2 # connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused


My Discord: trawismontana

I have this exact same error.
I got this error in first instance (without add/change anything).
After 20+ reboots, it magically worked and stopped giving the error.
Rebooted again and error is here again lol

If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.
Discord: eski6435

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/24/2023 at 5:25 AM, Ulthar said:

Download Center

This is the hidden content, please
This is the hidden content, please

The files are uploaded to Google Drive.


Im here again. I made more changes and im going to share it with you.
This V2 have more changes, take a look:

Currently, I dont know any problem with the systems/modifications what I added, but if something is missing, please let me know and I'll try to add it/fix it.


  Reveal hidden contents


username: root
password: 123456789


username: root
password: dev


username: admin
password: admin



  Reveal hidden contents

P.S.: Every single system what I added, can be found on metin2.dev.
MYSQL version: 5.6
BSD what i always using and used while built this sf up, is: 13.2

Last but not least, have a nice day.

switchbot? i cant find switchbot ?

  • Metin2 Dev 3
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On 1/22/2024 at 7:50 PM, NycuRO said:

Serverfiles have something in it. After days working with it, I've got this in my database:

"All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.017 BTC to 164hyKPAoC5ecqkJ2ygeGoGFRcauWRLujV In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data2)"
After payment send mail to us: *****@*****.tld and we will provide a link for you to download your data. Your DBCODE is: 2KL4A


same problem @ Ulthar can u help pls?

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Abdu90 said:

same problem @ Ulthar can u help pls?

Port scanning is a popular method cyber criminals use to search for vulnerable servers. They often use it to discover organizations’ security levels, determine whether businesses have effective firewalls, and detect vulnerable networks or servers. Some TCP methods also enable attackers to hide their location.

Cyber criminals search through networks to assess how ports react, which enables them to understand the business's security levels and the systems they deploy.

Preventing a port scan attack is reliant on having effective, updated threat intelligence that is in line with the evolving threat landscape. Businesses also require strong security software, port scanning tools, and security alerts that monitor ports and prevent malicious actors from reaching their network. Useful tools include IP scanning, Nmap, and Netcat.

Other defense mechanisms include:

A strong firewall: A firewall can prevent unauthorized access to a business’s private network. It controls ports and their visibility, as well as detects when a port scan is in progress before shutting it down.

TCP wrappers: These enable administrators to have the flexibility to permit or deny access to servers based on IP addresses and domain names.

Uncover network holes: Businesses can use a port checker or port scanner to determine whether more ports are open than required. They need to regularly check their systems to report potential weak points or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker.

You should listen to AZICKO advice and never leave deafult credentials.

Edited by Juki
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On 28.3.2024 at 12:30, Juki said:

Port-Scanning ist eine beliebte Methode, mit der Cyberkriminelle nach anfälligen Servern suchen. Sie verwenden es häufig, um die Sicherheitsstufen von Unternehmen zu ermitteln, festzustellen, ob Unternehmen über wirksame Firewalls verfügen, und um anfällige Netzwerke oder Server zu erkennen. Einige TCP-Methoden ermöglichen es Angreifern auch, ihren Standort zu verbergen.

Cyberkriminelle durchsuchen Netzwerke, um die Reaktion von Häfen zu beurteilen und so die Sicherheitsstufen des Unternehmens und die von ihnen eingesetzten Systeme zu verstehen.

Um einen Port-Scan-Angriff zu verhindern, sind effektive, aktuelle Bedrohungsinformationen erforderlich, die mit der sich entwickelnden Bedrohungslandschaft im Einklang stehen. Unternehmen benötigen außerdem leistungsstarke Sicherheitssoftware, Port-Scan-Tools und Sicherheitswarnungen, die Ports überwachen und verhindern, dass böswillige Akteure in ihr Netzwerk gelangen. Zu den nützlichen Tools gehören IP-Scanning, Nmap und Netcat.

Weitere Abwehrmechanismen sind:

Eine starke Firewall: Eine Firewall kann unbefugten Zugriff auf das private Netzwerk eines Unternehmens verhindern. Es kontrolliert Ports und deren Sichtbarkeit und erkennt, wenn ein Port-Scan durchgeführt wird, bevor es heruntergefahren wird.

TCP-Wrapper: Diese ermöglichen Administratoren die Flexibilität, den Zugriff auf Server basierend auf IP-Adressen und Domänennamen zuzulassen oder zu verweigern.

Netzwerklücken aufdecken: Mit einem Port-Checker oder Port-Scanner können Unternehmen feststellen, ob mehr Ports offen sind als erforderlich. Sie müssen ihre Systeme regelmäßig überprüfen, um potenzielle Schwachstellen oder Schwachstellen zu melden, die von einem Angreifer ausgenutzt werden könnten.

Sie sollten auf den Rat von AZICKO hören und niemals taube Zeugnisse hinterlassen.

I only have this problem when I use Ulthar files with other files I don't have this problem

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