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Open() takes exactly 3 arguments

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Hello community.
I installed offline shop by great but i have this error when i press OK to open the shop:

Open() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)


These are my functions: (interfacemodule.py)

	def OpenPrivateShopBuilder(self):

		if not self.inputDialog:
			return True

		if not len(self.inputDialog.GetText()):
			return True

		return True



	def Open(self, title,days):

		self.days = days
		self.title = title

		if len(title) > 25:
			title = title[:22] + "..."

		self.itemStock = {}

		global g_isBuildingPrivateShop
		g_isBuildingPrivateShop = True

			self.ItemListIdx = []


Any ideas? thanks in advance.

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Before I tell you the solution, you need to understand exactly what the problem is:

Open() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

This means that a function is expecting to recieve 3 informations:

def new_func(arg1, arg2, arg3):
  print("this func works!")

# new_func(1, 2) # This won't work because we're only sending 2 infos

new_func(1, 2, 3) # This will work since the func is expecting 3 arguments


Now, with that in mind, let's indentify the problem:

# So, we know that the open is getting 3 arguments
def Open(self, title,days):

# And we're calling the function with this:

We now know that it's wrong since the function is expecting 3 infos and we are sending it once

This means that we probably want to do this... right?

self.privateShopBuilder.Open(1, 2, 3)

Well, yes (the logical is correct) but in this case, it's wrong.

In the beginning of the function, notice the word self. I can go to a deep explanation but it's not relevant to the topic. Let's just say you can ignore since it's used to represent the class where the function is.


But what does that mean?

Remember the initial error?

Open() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

The function is recieving 2 arguments: self and title.


We need to send 2 infos, instead of 1:

def Open(self, title,days): # title and days
self.privateShopBuilder.Open(self.inputDialog.GetText()) # we're ONLY sending title, where's the "days"?

You probably didn't follow the tutorial at interfarcemodule.py, check the files again.


Quick solution:

self.privateShopBuilder.Open(self.inputDialog.GetText(), 1) # The 1 represents the day, probably how many days to open an offline shop (?)


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