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Random monster kill to continue dungeon

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Hi, im writing quest for my dungeon. I want to start regen where will be like 400 monsters. And i want that one from that 400 monsters will be right and when i kill it it ports me.

I writed this 


        when 6101.kill or 6102.kill or 6103.kill or 6104.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and d.getf("ledov_dungeon_level") == 1 begin
            local n = number(1,8)
            if n == 1 or game.get_event_flag("trumetin") == 7 then
                d.notice("Správná příšera byla zabita.")
                d.setf("ledov_dungeon_level", 2)
                server_timer("ledov_dungeon_spawner", 15, d.get_map_index())    
                game.set_event_flag("trumetin", game.get_event_flag("trumetin")+1)

Which works fine. But when i set the number to local n = number(1,8) sometimes i have to kill more than 8 monsters sometimes it work good. I dont know what is wrong. Can anybody help please? Thank you ?

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