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Hello, i writed quest. When i click on item(vnum) i want to get some exp around 1000..

Quest is like this 


    quest magic ring by Hany begin
    state start begin
        when 30527.use begin
            pc.remove_item(ItemValue, 1)

But it does not work. It remove item but i dont get exp. 
Can you help me please? What is wrong?

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I made it working, it gives me exp but i cant level up. It left with 1 bzk needed and i can click how many times i want it takes the item but not level up..



quest exp begin
    state start begin
        when 100300.use begin
            pc.give_exp(pc.get_name(), 100000)
            pc.remove_item(100300, 1)
        when 100400.use begin
            pc.give_exp(pc.get_name(), 100000)
            pc.remove_item(100400, 1)


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