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ExitApplication() doesn't work properly

Go to solution Solved by TMP4,

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Hey guys,

have someone idea why my client is not closing after I click on exit game button ingame? It will put me into a login screen, but it should exit the game completely.

It seems like net.ExitApplication() was changed somewhere.

Thanks for answers!



I'll be always helpful! ? 

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6 minutes ago, ReFresh said:

@ TMP4 Yep, I applied that.

Try to remove it, as I said in the topic that is not a fix but a workaround and i think does not even correct.

Also the problem does not occur for me at SCMD_QUIT but when I kill the client. And as marty said, the server will kick the client-less character in about 300second so this problem is not even a serious one.

Edited by TMP4
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