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Work on sources

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Hi, everyone.

After some time I'm back at trying to work on the source files. I'm a computer engineering student, about to get my bachelor degree. I've studied C and Java, not C++ yet, but I'm about to start reading the Stroustrup C++ manual.

Do you have any suggestion on how to work on the sources? In particular, how would you approach the debugging of the mainline? Should I launch the game and practically test to find the bugs and then try and id them from the source files?

Do you have any basic suggestion from a novice who's never worked on big projects before (only on small programs made for college courses, like basic Java, C and Advanced Algorithms and Programming)?

Thank you for your help!

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Make sure you have put all the needed files of client into a folder where is binary compiled and then open the project in VS and run the debugger, that is enough.

If you want to be more order, then you can configure following options and have just one folder with client for debugging and playing:
Configuration Properties -> General -> Output Directory
Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Working Directory


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So, should I open the client's project on VS, compile it, get the exe and then run the debugger? What is supposed to happen after that? Don't I need to host server files in a FreeBSD machine, get a Client (as a folder with all the data and the exe) and put the ip of the machine?

I'm sorry I'm asking really basic questions, but I'm used to work with very different kind of programs. The ones they make you run in college, that only have console/file input, process them with data structures and then give you console/file output.

I don't really understand what happens in practice compiling the client, how to "link" it to the game or how to get the standard "client form" all clients I download have.

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