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Multi-Language System for Client

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Hello to all here is a system I created just recently because I wanted to do it simply :)

It is only the first part of the system that allows to select the Local pack according to the IP address of the player automatically!
The next part will be available in a second tutorial.

System Description:

This system allows a player to be linked to a script hosted on your website, the web script will analyze the location of the player's IP and return the acronym of his Country (example: FR) according to the acronym the client Va This will pass from the client's locale.cfg and read the pack file corresponding to the acronym received seamlessly and quickly.


Step 1: Open the file Locale_inc.h and add y this line:


Then open your UserInterface.cpp file and locate the following line:



And replace it with:



Then add the following method by replacing the web link with the one of your choice:

std::string M_VerifLangue(){ // Méthode vérifiant la langue
    string versionActuel = "fr";

    string url = "https://ping-hosting.com/langue.php";
    string destination = "langue.php";
    char buffer[MAX_LINE];

    dl = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, url.c_str(), destination.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

    if (dl == S_OK)

        std::ifstream infile("langue.php");

        std::string line;
        while (std::getline(infile, line))
            std::istringstream iss(line);
            int a, b;
            if (!(iss >> a >> b)) { break; }


        return line;
    else if (dl == E_OUTOFMEMORY) // En cas de surcharge, ferme le lanceur.

    else // Ferme le lanceur si aucun des cas n'a été franchis.

    return "";


Step 2: Now open the file Locale.h and look for the following line:


void        LocaleService_LoadConfig(const char* fileName);


Add the following lines:

void        LocaleService_LoadMultilangue(std::string langue);


Open your Locale.cpp now and add the following function:

void LocaleService_LoadMultilangue(std::string langue)
    strcpy(MULTI_LOCALE_NAME, langue.c_str());
    sprintf(MULTI_LOCALE_PATH, "locale/%s", MULTI_LOCALE_NAME);


Web Part:

Download the attached file in the article and upload it in your web hosting corresponding to the link you have chosen.

The GeoIP.dat file can be updated regularly by uploading it to the official GeoIP site.

Link of the file:

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Creator of the system : Me

Source link of the System: Online-Game

The second part (for the Server) will be created soon, you can use another server part for complete it if you want.

Cordialy :)



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I think this isn't going to work very well...

For example, we guys from Portugal, are spread around Europe, Portugal (of course) France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, this are the main countries, if I have Portuguese, English, French, Germany translations on my client, it will get the languages of the IP address's, they maybe still prefer using their mother language, in this case Portuguese, is there a way to still use the system, but the user can choose which language to use?

Thanks for sharing...



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You can edit the system has you wish, remember, with the php script you can return some language like that:

if ($pays != "FR" && $pays != "DE" && $pays != "EN")
	$pays = "EN"; // Return English

Create if you want a little Gui with that system . But if you not happy make the system by your own hands :)

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