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Vanilla Core [latest: r71480]


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There's almost none interest in the project from the community so I stopped releasing a new build. If there's enough interest, I'll make another release but as things stand right now the time and effort put into this project just isn't worth it if only 3-4 people really use it..

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Several people have had problems using these files as we read in previous posts, including myself.
Recently, a forum user has published a fully functional .vdi with your files and I think a good number of people have downloaded it.
I hope you continue development by improving more and more, perhaps by creating a complete package - client server.

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You're the only one that actually replied here to this. No PMs, nor anything else. I can do another build but as I said, the effort is not worth it if there's only 3-4 people using it... If there are more people interested, please let me know.. At least a pm or something so I can see that there's still interest in this project.

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14 hours ago, Tatsumaru said:

I have always been interested in this project, but I have never downloaded it. I think I have a problem finding links to download xd (unless it is a paid project).


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal

I completely abandoned working on the files for this game. I do not respond to private messages.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Tatsumaru:

"The file you want to download does not exist." that's why I have never been able to get it ^^

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I'll definitely make one new rev and upload it. If there's more interest, I'll make further development.
This new release focuses on another security batch and more stability since the last release indeed had some problems. I've fixed the query stuff and changed a bit here and there... I also added a new GM Rank that will help server admins keep control over the environment even if things are going bad (like e. g. some GM/Admin going crazy and stuff..)

For now the new featureset looks like this:

* c++2a compatibility
* cryptopp 8.2.0
* boost 1.7.0
* changed DirectQuery implementation to always return unique pointers
* DirectQuery: dropped variables for proper deallocation once they are no longer needed
* Some minor and major code fixes (new rev was in development for a long time, couldn't get all the stuff that I changed)
* Changed warning "not in unify mode" to just a small attention on boot-up. This makes it less "Oh no please stop!" and more like a hint
* Added compatibility to MySQL 8.0 which will be used in the future.
* Removed unnecessary library dependencies
* Changed Makefile to now compile and include debug/release libraries correctly

SUPERADMIN is a new keyword. You can add it to your gmlist. It has all the privileges IMPLEMENTOR has but it has some protections to make sure you keep access. SUPERADMIN is protected against demotion for example. He does not have to elevate and can use GM powers without limitation. Additionally, the /promote command can not promote someone to SUPERADMIN. The only way to add it is via gmlist. Also /reload a does not affect Superadmin, only a server restart can promote/demote a super admin. SUPERADMIN cannot be /dc and have a godmode, so they can't be killed. Also they'll have all IMMUNE flags no matter what. Note that players with SUPERADMIN status should only be used as an emergency account. It is not meant to prevent damage when an Admin goes rampage. It's meant to be used as a counter-measurement to take back control of the server if something really goes bad or maybe demote admins

Quest functions:

+ bool is_superadmin()
returns true or false depending if the player has the SUPERADMIN rank or not.


+ /demote [PlayerName]
Removes and deactivates elevation for the target user. Does not work on players with higher rank and does not work against SUPERADMIN. Demotion also applies a status that prevents the player from elevating again unless he relogs
+ /exile [PlayerName]
Revokes elevation and strikes him from the gmtable+gmlist thusrendering him unable to elevate again. This comand does not work against SUPERADMIN. Also, this command does not work against players with higher rank and minium rank IMPLEMENTOR is needed. 
* /ban /dc /kill /warp /transfer
These commands do not work on players with SUPERADMIN status. Note that players with SUPERADMIN can still use these commands.

So this is the changelog for now. This is planned and I need some people to test it. Just drop me a pm and I'll gladly send you a test build within the next few days. Also, if you have any thoughts/suggestions/ideas I'd love to hear them.

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Thank you for your codes man.

Beside the original realease I learn from your "way of coding too".

Mostly i work with metin2 just to understand how programming works,in general.

I'm glad you spent time on trying to give us a decent,normal and as much as it can be - bugless version of the game.

Right now,even if i have enough to time help you,i'm not sure it's worth to waste time with me if i don't have the basic knowledge of the C++/Py/C infrasturcure of this game,in particular.

I will use freebsd >12 update everything and i will try the latest release of your "way of coding".

Could you please tell me which version of the client do you use? Because the following links expired.

Thank you again! Don't forget that personal life > metin2 development! 
I will pm this weekend if you still need help.

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vor 21 Stunden schrieb OnlyRipper:

Thank you for your codes man.

Beside the original realease I learn from your "way of coding too".

Mostly i work with metin2 just to understand how programming works,in general.

I'm glad you spent time on trying to give us a decent,normal and as much as it can be - bugless version of the game.

Right now,even if i have enough to time help you,i'm not sure it's worth to waste time with me if i don't have the basic knowledge of the C++/Py/C infrasturcure of this game,in particular.

I will use freebsd >12 update everything and i will try the latest release of your "way of coding".

Could you please tell me which version of the client do you use? Because the following links expired.

Thank you again! Don't forget that personal life > metin2 development! 
I will pm this weekend if you still need help.

Thank you for your interest. I'm glad that someone can still learn from an amateur like me. I'll gladly share the core with you once it's ready, I'm still ironing out some bugs and make some last final changes. Just drop me a pm and I'll add you to the list of testers.

Vanilla Core is compatible with either clients with 34k or 40k binary. 40k is highly recommended. The links are down but you can test the new release once it's ready for testing :)

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Acum 2 ore, Vanilla a spus:

Thank you for your interest. I'm glad that someone can still learn from an amateur like me. I'll gladly share the core with you once it's ready, I'm still ironing out some bugs and make some last final changes. Just drop me a pm and I'll add you to the list of testers.

Vanilla Core is compatible with either clients with 34k or 40k binary. 40k is highly recommended. The links are down but you can test the new release once it's ready for testing :)

We're all waiting to test :):D

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11 hours ago, Vanilla said:

Thank you for your interest. I'm glad that someone can still learn from an amateur like me. I'll gladly share the core with you once it's ready, I'm still ironing out some bugs and make some last final changes. Just drop me a pm and I'll add you to the list of testers.

Vanilla Core is compatible with either clients with 34k or 40k binary. 40k is highly recommended. The links are down but you can test the new release once it's ready for testing :)

In the upcoming release is there any chance that you provide a small guide or something about syncing the packets in the client with the ones at the serverside? Many people are struggling from this process and not all come successful.

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Am 15.6.2019 um 10:14 schrieb Mind Rapist:

In the upcoming release is there any chance that you provide a small guide or something about syncing the packets in the client with the ones at the serverside? Many people are struggling from this process and not all come successful.

I can probably write a guide on how to do that. But as I said, if you use the correct binary version (40k is best), you'd all be set up for it. No need to adapt packets since they already match :)

The new beta is now finished and can be tested. I've sent the link to those wo pm'd me.

A few things changed from the original list. Here's a quick overview:
* corrected some errors with config that might lead into not correctly breaking into new line
* Fixed GM logo. It's now visible for everything higher than GM_PLAYER, which means even GM_LOW_WIZARD should get a sign.
* Fixed pc.is_gm() from Quest. Before it only triggered when GM_HIGH_WIZARD or higher. Now also triggers at GM_LOW_WIZARD. If you wanna restrict to higher gm classes, use pc.is_gm_safe()
* Fixed a few coding issues
* /reload a does now only for GM_SUPERADMIN. No one else can reload the admin table. Superadmins will be reloaded with reload a, too! Note that you can still use the API if it's enabled, there you can reload a.
* Using restricted commands (kick, ban, exile, demote, etc..) on players with higher rank than yours or on players with GM_SUPERADMIN will now push a notice message to the target, informing him/her about the attempt to use this command. AND it informs about the player that issued the command.


How can you use GM_SUPERADMIN in the most recent build?
Just edit your common.gmlist table. There you can find the column mAuthority . Just add SUPERADMIN as a new entry. Now you can use it to define characters as GM_SUPERADMIN.

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:29 PM, Vanilla said:

I can probably write a guide on how to do that. But as I said, if you use the correct binary version (40k is best), you'd all be set up for it. No need to adapt packets since they already match :)

The new beta is now finished and can be tested. I've sent the link to those wo pm'd me.

A few things changed from the original list. Here's a quick overview:
* corrected some errors with config that might lead into not correctly breaking into new line
* Fixed GM logo. It's now visible for everything higher than GM_PLAYER, which means even GM_LOW_WIZARD should get a sign.
* Fixed pc.is_gm() from Quest. Before it only triggered when GM_HIGH_WIZARD or higher. Now also triggers at GM_LOW_WIZARD. If you wanna restrict to higher gm classes, use pc.is_gm_safe()
* Fixed a few coding issues
* /reload a does now only for GM_SUPERADMIN. No one else can reload the admin table. Superadmins will be reloaded with reload a, too! Note that you can still use the API if it's enabled, there you can reload a.
* Using restricted commands (kick, ban, exile, demote, etc..) on players with higher rank than yours or on players with GM_SUPERADMIN will now push a notice message to the target, informing him/her about the attempt to use this command. AND it informs about the player that issued the command.


How can you use GM_SUPERADMIN in the most recent build?
Just edit your common.gmlist table. There you can find the column mAuthority . Just add SUPERADMIN as a new entry. Now you can use it to define characters as GM_SUPERADMIN.


Great work, and don't worry about people not "caring" about this. For example i have been following your updates but i lack the time to actually use it and test it. But i am very insterested in it, i think you are doing a great job helping out different people in the metin2 community so keep it up.

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Hello everyone!

Could you please tell me if you've encountered this error using vanilla core?


SYSERR: Jun 24 04:15:58 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down.

Thre is only 1 file that's not having this error: syserr from AUTH which is empty....not errors.I found it in syslog.

Any other syserr or syslog contains this error.

It affects my AUTH.I can't login.From the moment i try to login the AUTH proccess stops from working.

If i don't try to login the error still appears after i close the server.

I've tryed several methods...any more suggestions? Pretty please.

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New build is up, this time we're hitting RC.

I fixed a few code issues with the new commands and checking elevation status.

Now /promote always elevates the target (before it just ranked up the target, but no elevation, only if you leave the target rank blank).

/su command now also utilizes custom MySQL Password function!

There's a check on boot when you're trying to boot with Mysql 8.x and still have not specified a custom password function. If the check fails, you're getting an error message and the core crashes immediately. This is due to the fact that the function PASSWORD has been deleted with MySQL 8.x release. This means that you have to rehash your passwords and use a custom password function. If you don't to it, the game will not boot successfully and logging in will not work under mysql 8.x. That's why. If you still use the older version or mariadb versions which still have PASSWORD function, you can still use the core just like before. It's only if you uprade it.

Long story short:

If you are on mysql 8.x you HAVE TO specify a custom password. For running servers, this means that players also have to create a new password. This is only because PASSWORD function got deleted in most recent versions.
If you are on older mysql versions, you can continue like before.
But the core warns you about it. If everything boots, you're ready to go.

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Since things changed and I do not wish to get into legal trouble I decided not to continue this project.

I don't mind anyone reuploading or sharing the RC build. That's up to you guys, you'd know what you're doing.

Thanks to those who helped me and sorry for those I may have disappointed.

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La 10.07.2019 la 15:08, Unfixable a spus:

Since things changed and I do not wish to get into legal trouble I decided not to continue this project.

I don't mind anyone reuploading or sharing the RC build. That's up to you guys, you'd know what you're doing.

Thanks to those who helped me and sorry for those I may have disappointed.

Don't worry sooner or later they would have taken this kind of action anyway.

Thank you for your patince trying to help me & thank you for sharing with me! I wish you good luck!

I'm still stuck :P at mysql8 and the auth crash.I will try to find a solution.Wihtout a clean compatible clean and a clean svf it won't be easy.But i will try ^^


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