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Hi guys.

I have this script :


local kill = mysql.query("SELECT p_kill FROM account.account WHERE id = (SELECT account_id FROM player.player WHERE name='"..pc.get_name().."');")[1][1]

notice_all("Punti ottenuti: "..kill.."")


When I run the script I get this error : attempt to concatenate global 'kill'  (a nil value) .

I created the table p_kill and I can run with success the query: 

mysql.query("UPDATE account.account SET p_kill = p_kill + 1 WHERE id = (SELECT account_id FROM player.player WHERE name='"..pc.get_name().."');")

What's the matter?

Sorry for my bad english.

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Sorry, my error.

I tried so (i have mysql.query | mysql.direct_query | mysql.update | mysql.real_escape_string | mysql.get_table_postfix in quest_function):

local kill = mysql.query("SELECT p_kill FROM account.account WHERE id = '"..pc.get_account_id().."'") 

but I get:


attempt to concatenate local 'kill' (a table value)



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