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DarkAng3l last won the day on December 14 2015

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About DarkAng3l

  • Birthday 03/01/1995


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  1. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bootlog`; CREATE TABLE `bootlog` ( `time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `hostname` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `channel` tinyint(3) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED; Change ENGINE and CHARSET for your server.
  2. int pc_check_fishing(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER pChar = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (pChar != NULL) lua_pushnumber(L, pChar->m_pkFishingEvent != NULL); else lua_pushnumber(L, 0); return 1; } Like this ? This function return true if player fishing.
  3. A ty si snad myslíš, že to je nemožné ? Já ho osobně předělal celý do UTF-8 a pokud ti mohu doporučit, tak se o to ani nepokoušej, protože skončíš hned na začátku. To, že máš tabulku v UTF-8 ještě neznamená, že ukládaná data jsou v tomto kódování. Jak již píše T4Ump - server je napsán v kódování latin, což znamená (CP1250, CP1252, CP1256 atp). Dokud nepřepíšeš připojení k databázi, že má používat UTF-8, tak to v Navicatu uvidíš jako rozsypanej čaj. Poradil bych ti, aby sis napsal kus kódu, abys to viděl správně, ale to je asi zbytečné v tomto případě.
  4. It's possible. Just create function for npc select.
  5. Go to locale, open locale_game.txt, find REFINE_COST and change %d to %s. Function NumberToMoneyString return string value, not number.
  6. This section is not for questions! Check structure of player table. Easy solution.
  7. What problem do you have ? The structure of the table is not related. Edit row for account you need.
  8. def Open(self, title,days): self.days = days self.title = title if len(title) > 25: title = title[:22] + "..." self.itemStock = {} shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() self.nameLine.SetText(title) self.SetCenterPosition() self.Refresh() self.Show() if app.WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON: self.lockedItems = {i:(-1,-1) for i in range(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT)} self.interface.SetOnTopWindow(player.ON_TOP_WND_PRIVATE_SHOP) self.interface.RefreshMarkInventoryBag() global g_isBuildingPrivateShop g_isBuildingPrivateShop = True Replace with this and remove self.days variable def Open(self, title): self.title = title if len(title) > 25: title = title[:22] + "..." self.itemStock = {} shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() self.nameLine.SetText(title) self.SetCenterPosition() self.Refresh() self.Show() if app.WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON: self.lockedItems = {i:(-1,-1) for i in range(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT)} self.interface.SetOnTopWindow(player.ON_TOP_WND_PRIVATE_SHOP) self.interface.RefreshMarkInventoryBag() global g_isBuildingPrivateShop g_isBuildingPrivateShop = True
  9. If you have this error on level 255, then use this statement or remove this useless statement and add to exp_table one row to the end for level 255. Current code is doing the same thing. if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) == 255: self.imgCharStatusBG1.SetPercentage(player.GetStatus(player.EXP), 1) else: self.imgCharStatusBG1.SetPercentage(player.GetStatus(player.EXP), player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP))
  10. localeInfo.OYUN_ENVANTER_CHAT has %d, change to %s. Name is string, not number.
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