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Everything posted by Hik

  1. Write the solution for those who have the same problem
  2. Hello, I'm sorry if what I tell you will not be useful to you but I try: Search in UserInterface\PythonSkill.cpp : CItemData::WEAPON_MOUNT_SPEAR Below, if it is not present, enter: m_SkillWeaponTypeIndexMap.insert (make_pair (std::string("CLAW"), CItemData::WEAPON_CLAW));
  3. If I insert this value it gives me an error. I have put the time successfully, but I can not make "rest time" appear.
  4. Hi guys, do you know how to give a timer to a item? 39006 "mantle of courage" "ITEM_USE" "USE_SPECIAL" 1 "ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP" "NONE" "NONE" "NONE" 0 0 0 0 0 "REAL_TIME_FIRST_USE" 3600 "LIMIT_NONE" 0 "APPLY_NONE" 0 "APPLY_NONE" 0 "APPLY_NONE" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0[/CODE] In this way I think I gave him a 30m time, and it seems to work but... How do I view the remaining time?
  5. Do you have a feature to reload the item\mob proto? With "/reload p" nothing happens.
  6. Thank you vanilla for the work you do! It would be useful, in my opinion, in the forthcoming versions, to delete all those unused or useless features in the source.
  7. @Vanilla Hi Vanilla, i wanted to ask you something. I extracted the Unique functions from your sources. The compile works fine but when I give the "/ reload q" command I get the following error: assertion failed: (! Ms_singleton), function singleton, file ./../../common/singleton.h, line 11. GDB:
  8. Check if exsist "lua.h" in "extern\lua\lua" or check the path of include.
  9. I think the problem is "metin.cgf - metin2.cfg" What do you have inside?
  10. 1: 2: I do not think there are any such commands. 3: Without source I do not think it is possible. 4:
  11. A friend tells me that if it is not present in the db, you should reboot, it should be impossible for him to log in. At that point you will not be able to create players with such long names. It also tells me that through the index (in player) it is possible to locate the player in question.
  12. Try Anti Long name generator: *input_login.cpp Find: if (true == g_BlockCharCreation) { d->Packet(&packFailure, sizeof(packFailure)); return; } Add it under: if (strlen(pinfo->name) > 12){ d->Packet(&packFailure, sizeof(packFailure)); return; } [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  13. Hi guys, i have this error, anyone can help me? Lycan character Server SYSERR: May 23 23:13:23 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name test1 race 8 mode 8) Client
  14. If you have the game folder in / usr / game, right-click on "game" and select "properties". Subsequently, set permissions 0777 and select the check to apply the change to the subfolders.
  15. When you start get error "Permission denied"?
  16. Check syslog\syserr of auth\game99\channel1\db
  17. Try: Goto into "libmysql" and put command "gmake clean && gmake". If don't work goto into libmysql and put command "cd src && gmake clean && gmake".
  18. Hi, thank you for answering. I use a similar program but this works better
  19. Check if there is a file called item_proto.txt in the db folder. If it is, add the new value. Add the value you just created in item_name.txt, press [TAB] and enter the name of the item. Then dump these 2 files and move the newly created item_proxy in locale_xxx. Add the graphic and then start the server.
  20. Hi guys, do you know a way to change the .gr2 texture path? I downloaded a program that does not work with .gr2 that have more mesh. I downloaded 3dsmax 7 and tried to export the mesh with the textures but then it does not move in game. Thanks in advance.
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