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Everything posted by ScreamMyName

  1. Does anyone know why sometimes when you render a minimap objects come out "black"?
  2. exchange.cpp and char_item.cpp it will probably start like this if (GetGMLevel() >
  3. You should do a tutorial on how to create collisions. I export a lot of 3D stuff but it always takes me ages to do collision for them.. and it seems like you have some quicker ways of creating them.
  4. This pet is like 4 years old.
  5. This topic is very confusing, is this a safe way or not? Just a simple straight answer will be good.
  6. Nice generator, I had my own but only for single files. Thanks.
  7. dude wtf is wrong with your npp get sublime.. or at least a better theme
  8. SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0] SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0]
  9. This won't work anyway. I'm 95% sure you can modify client-side to skip the opening shop part. So ergo you can buy items from certain npc without the need to open the window shop. Getting rid of BS is actually pretty simple if you have the source code. Don't know why are you making it so complicated trying to create some super-duper preventing system. @I would help with the function but I'm very busy atm so I really can't. Just wanted to point out that if you really want to prevent BS you first need to understand how the BS exactly works because there is a very simple way to block it.
  10. Yeah i know about that i just thought there is a more efficient way than typing [ENTER] every now and then.
  11. Hello guys is there any way to use multi-line strings in MetinLua? In .lua it looks like this... any way to do this in MetinLua in say for example.. i tried doing say([[something somethings, something]]) but I get unfinished string error.
  12. These packets are not sign to anything. It's very random, mostly when logging in.
  13. Hello guys. I've been experiencing a lot of problems with packet headers. Everything was working fine until yesterday then it totally fucked up. The thing is that I have no idea how to look for the actual problem all i get in syserr are things like. THEY ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT PACKETS I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. There is no way that nearly every packet is fu**ked up. 0217 14:53:20659 :: 처리되지 않은 패킷 헤더 32, state Loading 0217 14:53:21388 :: 처리되지 않은 패킷 헤더 116, state Loading 0217 14:53:21660 :: Unknown packet header: 172, last: 112 112 0217 14:54:28731 :: Unknown packet header: 195, last: 21 16 0217 14:55:57710 :: 처리되지 않은 패킷 헤더 254, state Loading 0217 14:55:58368 :: Unknown packet header: 144, last: 71 71 0217 14:55:12552 :: Phase HandShake does not handle this header (header: 121, last: 255, 121) 0217 14:55:12700 :: Unknown packet header: 194, last: 121 255 0217 17:58:44863 :: 처리되지 않은 패킷 헤더 9, state Game 0217 17:58:45839 :: Unknown packet header: 221, last: 9 39
  14. Very nice mate. You could easily sell this system. Some work on python still needs to be done to make it look more appealing otherwise it looks good! Great job.
  15. I think it's not possible... Gameforge is a biiiiiig organisation but they would really need to invest a shit ton of money in order to get rid of private servers. It's just like with Hollywood people. Hollywood is a massive investments but there are still a lot of "illegal" content on the web and they're unable to get rid of it... Gameforge can definitely close some private servers probably the biggest/most popular ones like wom but they won't do it entirely.. Plus even if they were to close down servers they can only do it in Germany.. if they wanted to do it in any other country they would need to create a new team for this particular task.. which they won't because that means costs..
  16. F** banter mate Cheers It works! Dunno why I never thought of that #close request
  17. Sup guys, I'm feeling kind of dumb today. I was trying to write a simple quest for poly shop but i failed don't know why. How do I set the socket? [Hidden Content] quest poly begin state start begin when 80009.use begin local poly = { [1] = {"xx_1", 101}, [2] = {"xx_2", 502}, } local p = {} for i =1, table.getn(poly) do table.insert(p, poly[1]) end local s = select_table(p) local polys = poly pc.give_item2(70104, item.set_socket(0, polys[2])) --pc.give_item2(70104) --item.set_socket(0, polys[2]) end end end
  18. This isn't a fix either way.. if you don't want items to drop as a penalty then use antiflag.
  19. You won't be able to find it in a larger size. This image was only used on a website, clients had same picture but more "zoomed in". So this size was the only size the image was produced in.
  20. Quite nice, but you can tell it's edited version of one of your previous designs.
  21. I can't download it. Could you upload it somewhere else? Like mediafire or mega or even speedyshare
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