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Everything posted by avertuss

  1. @VegaS™ Good explanation but probably he wanted to change these bonuses like att to monster instead of attack speed etc.
  2. f5. How can i use GiveBuffs() from pet system in input_login?
  3. I used that "system" with old pet system and it works well so idk. So how i can make it? I know that bonuses are from mysql. Any tips?
  4. Thanks for advice but i guess that isn't reason why it doesn't work well.
  5. Hi. I have bool CNewPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime) { bool bResult = true; // Ćę ÁÖŔÎŔĚ Á׾ú°ĹłŞ, ĽŇČŻµČ ĆęŔÇ »óĹ°ˇ ŔĚ»óÇϴٸé ĆęŔ» ľřľÚ. (NOTE: °ˇ˛ű°ˇ´Ů ŔĚ·± Ŕú·± ŔĚŔŻ·Î ĽŇČŻµČ ĆęŔĚ DEAD »óĹÂżˇ şüÁö´Â °ćżě°ˇ ŔÖŔ˝-_-;) // ĆęŔ» ĽŇČŻÇŃ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔĚ ľř°ĹłŞ, ł»°ˇ °ˇÁř »óĹ°ˇ ľĆ´Ď¶ó¸é ĆęŔ» ľřľÚ. if (IsSummoned()) { if (m_pkOwner->IsImmortal() && Pet_Skill_Table[16][2 + m_dwskill[m_dwslotimm]] <= (get_global_time() - m_dwImmTime)*10) { //m_pkOwner->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "%d - %d diff %d Skilltable %d", get_global_time(), m_dwImmTime, (get_global_time() - m_dwImmTime) * 10, Pet_Skill_Table[16][2 + m_dwskill[m_dwslotimm]]); m_dwImmTime = 0; m_pkOwner->SetImmortal(0); } } // if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead()) || (IsSummoned() && (m_pkOwner->GetExchange() || m_pkOwner->GetMyShop() || m_pkOwner->GetShopOwner() || m_pkOwner->IsOpenSafebox() || m_pkOwner->IsCubeOpen() || m_dwduration <= 0)) // || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID()) // || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner() // ) if((this->GetSummonItemVID() != 0 && (NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID()) || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()))) { m_pkOwner->SetQuestFlag("PetSystems.pet_vnum", 0); m_pkOwner->SetQuestFlag("pet_item_id.pet_vnum", 0); this->Unsummon(); return true; } if(this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable)) { bResult = bResult && this->_UpdateFollowAI(); } return bResult; } and quest quest PetSystems begin state start begin function get_pet_info(itemVnum) pet_info_map = { -- [ITEM VNUM] MOB_VNUM, DEFAULT NAME, buff_idx, spawn_effect_idx [55701] = { 34041, "'s Kleiner Affe", 0}, [55702] = { 34045, "'s Kleine Spinne", 0}, [55703] = { 34049, "'s Kleiner Razador", 0}, [55704] = { 34053, "'s Kleiner Nemere", 0}, } itemVnum = tonumber(itemVnum) return pet_info_map[itemVnum] end when login with pc.getqf("pet_vnum") != 0 begin item.select(pc.getqf("pet_item_id")) newpet.summon(pc.getqf("pet_vnum"), petName, false) end when 55701.use or 55702.use or 55703.use or 55704.use begin local pet_info = PetSystems.get_pet_info(item.vnum) pc.setqf("pet_item_id", item.get_id()) if null != pet_info then local mobVnum = pet_info[1] local petName = pet_info[2] if true == newpet.is_summon(mobVnum) then newpet.unsummon(mobVnum) pc.setqf("pet_vnum", 0) else if newpet.count_summoned() < 1 then newpet.summon(mobVnum, petName, false) pc.setqf("pet_vnum", mobVnum) else syschat("You already summoned a pet.") end end -- if pet.is_summon end -- if null != pet_info end -- when end end Pet summons after relog but he doesn't give real bonuses. For example without pet: 103014 with pet: 104971, after relog 103166. Any ideas?
  6. Hi i have problem. I want to show model when someone wants to buy someting in gui so i have: def OnUpdate(self): if self.button_buy[0].IsIn(): self.ModelPreview(2001) else: self.ModelPreviewClose() def ModelPreview(self, Vnum): #if constInfo.DISABLE_MODEL_PREVIEW == 1: # return RENDER_TARGET_INDEX = 1 self.ModelPreviewBoard = ui.ThinBoard() self.ModelPreviewBoard.SetParent(self) self.ModelPreviewBoard.SetSize(190+10, 210+30) self.ModelPreviewBoard.SetPosition(-202, 0) self.ModelPreviewBoard.Show() self.ModelPreview = ui.RenderTarget() self.ModelPreview.SetParent(self.ModelPreviewBoard) self.ModelPreview.SetSize(190, 210) self.ModelPreview.SetPosition(5, 22) self.ModelPreview.SetRenderTarget(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX) self.ModelPreview.Show() self.ModelPreviewText = ui.TextLine() self.ModelPreviewText.SetParent(self.ModelPreviewBoard) self.ModelPreviewText.SetPackedFontColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.8824, 0.9804, 0.8824, 1.0)) self.ModelPreviewText.SetPosition(0, 5) self.ModelPreviewText.SetText("Model") self.ModelPreviewText.SetOutline() self.ModelPreviewText.SetFeather(False) self.ModelPreviewText.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.ModelPreviewText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() self.ModelPreviewText.Show() renderTarget.SetBackground(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/myshop_deco/model_view_bg.sub") renderTarget.SetVisibility(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, True) renderTarget.SelectModel(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, Vnum) def ModelPreviewClose(self): RENDER_TARGET_INDEX = 1 self.ModelPreviewBoard.Hide() self.ModelPreview.Hide() self.ModelPreviewText.Hide() renderTarget.SetVisibility(RENDER_TARGET_INDEX, False) it works once when i have mouse 1st time on the button it works but if i want to show that again i see 'RenderTarget' object is not callable in my syserr. When i change map i can show render again but only once.
  7. Hi. I'm searching costume bonus transfer. I tried and lennt version and it doesn't work. Lennt's version doesn't see items on slots. Version from link works but it doesn't show bonus from new item because we don't need self.tooltipItem.SetControledToolTip(itemVnum, stones, attr) function. Any ideas?
  8. @Syreldar what if we have dungeon for player without party?
  9. Can you upload psd? We need to translate it in other langs.
  10. Hi. I wanted make tooltip when mouse is over textline. I tried like that def __init__(self): ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() self.toolTip.Hide() self.__Initialize() self.__Load() def __Load_BindObject(self): try: GetObject = self.GetChild self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") self.marble1_txt = GetObject("marble1_txt") self.marble2_txt = GetObject("marble2_txt") self.marble3_txt = GetObject("marble3_txt") self.marble5_txt = GetObject("marble5_txt") self.marble5_txt = GetObject("marble5_txt") self.marble6_txt = GetObject("marble6_txt") self.marble1_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) self.marble2_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) self.marble3_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) self.marble5_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) self.marble5_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) self.marble6_txt.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowMarbleToolTip) # self.marble1_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) # self.marble2_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) # self.marble3_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) # self.marble5_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) # self.marble5_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) # self.marble6_txt.OnMouseOverIn(self.__ShowMarbleToolTip()) self.button_buy = [] self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy1")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy2")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy3")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy4")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy5")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy6")) self.button_buy.append(self.GetChild("buy7")) except: import exception exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject") for i in xrange(len(self.button_buy)): self.button_buy[i].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Buy_Marble), i) def __ShowMarbleToolTip(self): self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() self.toolTip.AutoAppendTextLine("TEXT") self.toolTip.AppendSpace(5) self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter() but it doesn't work. Any ideas? Syserr is clean.
  11. Hi. Do you know why i have that errors when i want compile binary with this system? if i disable this system in locale.inc.h i can compile binary without errors. I'm using vs2015.
  12. Hi. How can i block using showing items on shout chat (!)? I want to use showing items only on trade chat.
  13. Yee, one error fixed but still i have this when i want to use that system. Without this system i can compile bin.
  14. with std::map<BYTE, std::vector<std::string>>::iterator itor = g_TitleNameMap.find(iAlignmentGrade); the same error.
  15. I already fix that error but now i have problem 17> InstanceBaseEffect.cpp 17>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0(665): error C2338: The C++ Standard forbids containers of const elements because allocator<const T> is ill-formed. 17> InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(750): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::allocator<_Ty>' being compiled 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0(695): error C2535: 'const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> *std::allocator<_Ty>::address(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &) noexcept const': member function already defined or declared 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0(689): note: see declaration of 'std::allocator<_Ty>::address' 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0(930): error C2535: 'const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> *std::_Wrap_alloc<std::allocator<_Ty>>::address(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &) const': member function already defined or declared 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\xmemory0(924): note: see declaration of 'std::_Wrap_alloc<std::allocator<_Ty>>::address' 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\vector(450): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Wrap_alloc<std::allocator<_Ty>>' being compiled 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] 17> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\vector(502): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Vec_base_types<_Ty,_Alloc>' being compiled 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string, 17> _Alloc=std::allocator<const std::string> 17> ] 17> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\vector(680): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Vector_alloc<std::_Vec_base_types<_Ty,_Alloc>>' being compiled 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string, 17> _Alloc=std::allocator<const std::string> 17> ] 17> InstanceBaseEffect.cpp(750): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<const std::string,std::allocator<_Ty>>' being compiled 17> with 17> [ 17> _Ty=const std::string 17> ] code
  16. I found where is the problem but i don't know how to fix it. There is my post with error logs and code. Can you check?
  17. @VegaS™ Hi Vegas. I updated vs2008 to vs2015 and i have problem with compile. logs
  18. Hi. I tried compile binary with vs2015 because i used vs2008. I updated all libs like boost, lzo, libjpeg, crypto etc. but now i have that errors Any ideas?
  19. Thanks. @tierrilopes do you know why i have that xmemory0 errors??
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