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Everything posted by avertuss

  1. How to use with sash system? I tried like that but it doesn't work
  2. Cryptopp_lib_release.lib(integer.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___std_reverse_copy_trivially_copyable_1 when i want compile your vs22 source. Any ideas?
  3. As in topic. Anybody knows? I mean player has 2 stack, in one 150 items, in other 200 items, player takes stack with 150 items on npc. How to check how much he takes? Becasue pc.count_item check all items in eq.
  4. I tried to change something in constant.h(delta etc) but nothing change. I have good level in mob_proto bcs protos are mirroring from txt to db, right?
  5. Hi. I have Group Metin_75 { Type drop Mob 8036 1 30250 1 100 2 35419 1 5 3 71090 1 5 4 71093 1 5 5 17050 1 15 6 30370 1 15 7 30371 1 15 8 30372 1 15 9 51500 1 25 10 71060 1 30 11 71061 1 30 12 34050 1 70 } but problem is that i have 100% for drop but it doesn't drop everytime + i have second question, how can i make that: mob level: 150 player level: 175 and player who have +- 25 lvl from boss will get the same chance for drop. I mean that player for example with 170 lvl will get drop chance for item as player with 150 lvl.
  6. Hi. I want to make list with item which character has. I have quest test begin state start begin when 20016.chat."Test" begin smn() say("wanna check ID?") local s = select("Yes", "No") if s == 1 then smn() say("ID:") local id = tonumber(input()) if id != 0 and id != nil and id != null and string.len(id) < 7 then local res1, res2 = game.query("SELECT name, level, exp FROM player.player WHERE id='"..id.."'"); smn() for num1, str1 in ipairs(res2) do say_reward(num1.."\t"..str1.name.."\t"..str1.level.."\t"..str1.exp) end end end end end end How to make that after show 10 records i will see in quest "Continue" button(wait() function in quest)?
  7. @Mali61 Is it possible to change items every run? It's boring when you can get always the same items.
  8. Hi. Can i make items with socket like Compass for Metin Stones will be stacking?
  9. It should work both ways. From safebox to inventory and from inventory to safebox.
  10. Hi. Someone know how to fix that mobs/bosses can go into walls?
  11. Hi, someone can tell me how to add animated sash? I tried add them like animated costume weapon + playersettingmodule chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+118, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/acce/orim_acce_slash_eff_10.mse") but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
  12. Hi. Someone knows how to make quest with drop few items from table but when somebody droped item no one can drop the same item. I mean i have table with items id 19, 29, 39, 49, 59 when somebody drop item with id 29 nobody else can drop that item.
  13. Hi, somebody know how to enable add item to mall safebox?
  14. Version of Files : source Hello. I noticed that i have random unknown packet header error like Unknown packet header: 144, last: 76 16 What does it exactly mean? How can i find where is the problem. I checked packet.h client/server and i didn't noticed differcences. Can someone explain me how can i fix that random crashes?
  15. @.plechito' missing effect textures
  16. @.plechito' missing effect textures
  17. @.plechito' missing effect textures
  18. Fixed, JUST ADDED legacy_stdio_definitions.lib in linker option. xD
  19. I didn't had extern folders linked in vc++ directories. I just added them now, try rebuild solution and the same error. Idk why if before format source was good. Maybe something missing in vs or idk. ///FIXED JUST ADDED legacy_stdio_definitions.lib in linker option. xD
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