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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. So what can I do if I can't use mysql querys on quests??? Even with os.executes works, nothing with mysql in quests works :S
  2. I saw another quest (vouchers) who don't use mysql_query, uses os.execute to execute a query on db, and doesn't work too... I think its problem with the quests communicating with the db...
  3. It's possible with a Brut force attack, but the program eats a lot of the computer, just with a good computer and a lot of time you will can...
  4. BUMP This isn't happening with this quest is happening with all the quest who use the mysql_query function...
  5. If you are using notepad++ go to the configuration and set ANSI to all new open files, and your problem should me corrected
  6. the sintaxe is the same form the mysql_query? EDIT: I saw that topic, but has a little problem, I'm not using source, I use game 2089M
  7. Hi Today I was starting the pvm event on my server, and the NPC where is the teleport doesn't appears nothing, just the "OK" button. Start the event: if evento == 1 then game.set_event_flag("evento_pvm", 1) game.set_event_flag("lvl_pvm", lvl) notice_all("Evento PvM está agora ativo!") notice_all("Entradas pelo "..mob_name(10674).."") notice_all("Nível Mínimo: "..lvl.."") mysql_query("INSERT INTO log.log_eventos (id, gm, tipo, x, y, lvl, data) VALUES ('', '"..name.."', 'pvm', '"..x.."', '"..y.."', '"..lvl.."', '"..data1.."');") mysql_query("INSERT INTO player.eventos (id, gm, tipo, x, y, lvl, data) VALUES ('', '"..name.."', 'pvm', '"..x.."', '"..y.."', '"..lvl.."', '"..data1.."');") elseif evento == 2 then return end This appears on virtual box: (a couple of lines like those) mysql: not found mysql: not found mysql: not found mysql: not found Entrance: if game.get_event_flag("evento_pvm") == 1 then local x = mysql_query("SELECT x FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local y = mysql_query("SELECT y FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local pvm = select ("Participar PvM", "Cancelar") if pvm == 1 then if pc.get_level() >= game.get_event_flag("lvl_pvm") then pc.warp(x.x[1], y.y[1]) else setbgimage('level_bg.tga') say_color("black", " Não tens nível suficiente!") end elseif pvm == 2 then return end end This was working the last time I started the server, but now isn't... Someone nows why? Thanks King Regards P.S.: If the event is deactivated appears the line saying "Não tens nível suficiente"...
  8. The administration can't do nothing to solve this? I don't like to use tapatalk...
  9. But why just append in this board? I don't use traffic from my mobile card, just wireless, I don't have internet on my plan...
  10. Hi Why the images on this board aren't viewable on mobile version?? I just go to all board from my phone, but I can see the images just on metin2dev, all the other I can see... Thanks
  11. Metin2 PT Client -> locale_pt -> item_proto... Basically, official clients -> locale -> item proto -.-"
  12. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Os_Maias_%28filme%29 Os Maias, a portuguese movie...
  13. Transformers 4: Age of extinction 720p And The avengers 1080p
  14. Are you sure about that? I thought the game was based on mainline_sg, but you eventually nows that better than me, who am I to say other thing...
  15. I'm having this problem to, but the most interesting is I don't have the 22 open on the router, but when I came home I see the freebsd with much logs like that...
  16. I think it's possible do this just with python and lua... But thanks for share
  17. WTF? This problem is already solved and you are saying just the link from Facebook? That's for what? Win posts? #CloseRequest
  18. Maybe in uichat if tou can, do this: If detect some characters this show a picture, and you put the directory to the picture I don't now if this is possible, and I don't now much about python to do something like this I hope I can help you...
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