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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. hmmmm thanks but was not what I said, when the players use a item the pvp is ativated and can do duels free, but without activate can duel, just can kill moobs
  2. hi guys I want to do a quest, but I don't now how to do that what I want to do: when the player use a item the pvp is activated, before that the player can't duel can't kill players someone now how to do that?? thanks
  3. you right, is the same It's working, thank you!
  4. it's that, but is possible do it for te npc see the level on db??
  5. but the minimum lvl is defined by the gm who activate the event, and before the npc go to te MySQL table and see what is the minimum lvl, like the my last post thanks for your reply
  6. I use game 2089M, and I don't want to upgrade my game to a new it's possible write that function for questlib.lua?? thanks
  7. do you can do a little part for I can see how can I do thanks
  8. i just spend 30minutes to download the pack and client form mega
  9. hi guys I want do request to the experts in quests if have anyone who can write a function for when the character die we can configure other things thanks
  10. I now that, but how can I do?? something like that: when die begin or have another way to reset the kills when die?
  11. Hi it's possible reset the kills when the player die?? thanks
  12. Thank you very much, now is working! Just one more question: To set the minimun lvl how can I do? I have this: if game.get_event_flag("evento_pvm") == 1 then local x = mysql_query("SELECT x FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local y = mysql_query("SELECT y FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local lvl = mysql_query("SELECT lvl FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local pvm = select ("Participar PvM", "Cancelar") if pvm == 1 then pc.warp(x.x[1], y.y[1]) elseif pvm == 2 then return end end where I put the lvl verification? Thanks
  13. dosen't work :S when 10682.click begin if game.get_event_flag("evento_pvm") == 1 then local x = mysql_query("SELECT x FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local y = mysql_query("SELECT y FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local pvm = select ("Participar PvM", "Cancelar") if pvm == 1 then pc.warp(x, y) elseif pvm == 2 then return end end end
  14. I go try again, I already tried that, but I think it wasn't with the new way thanks for your reply
  15. works on FreeBSD 8.2 with internal ip fix?? thanks for sharing and good work
  16. Hi guys I'm here with a problem. I'm creating the gm painel for my server, and the option "other event" has to option to choise, pvm and pvp. When the GM activate the event, need to insert the coordinates for the teleporter, and the coordinates is saved in the table called eventos, on db player (player.eventos). The teleporter goes to the table seach for x and y coordinates, something like this: local x = mysql_query("SELECT x FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local y = mysql_query("SELECT y FROM player.eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") and the warp is like this: pc.warp("..x..", "..y..") the teleporter is like this: when 10682.click begin if game.get_event_flag("evento_pvm") == 1 then local x = mysql_query("SELECT x FROM eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local y = mysql_query("SELECT y FROM eventos WHERE tipo='pvm'") local pvm = select ("Participar", "Cancelar") if pvm == 1 then pc.warp("..x..", "..y..") elseif pvm == 2 then return end end but this isn't teleporting, when I select "Participar" dosen't do nothing, but if I put the coordinates directly in the quest (6843400, 999900) this teleports, the table has the coordinates with the 00. someone can help me with this problem? Thanks everyone
  17. I'm not at the computer now, a friend help me but I don't test already, he use the game.set_event_flag to set the bans
  18. Any of those two works :S With those if is ban works like isn't ban
  19. Hi guys I'm here with a problem in a function To ban I have this: pc.setqf("ban1dia", get_time()+1*60*60*24) But if I want retire the ban before the times up how I can do? I have this to take retire the ban: pc.setqf("ban1dia", 0) pc.setqf("ban2dias", 0) pc.setqf("ban7dias", 0) pc.setqf("ban15dias", 0) pc.setqf("ban30dias", 0) pc.setqf("banperma", 0) mysql_query("INSERT INTO log.log_desban_nickname (id, gm, player, razao, data) VALUES ('', '"..name.."', '".. player_name .."', '".. razao .."', '"..data1.."');") set_quest_state("bans","ban") end And this is the login: when login begin if get_time() < pc.getqf("ban1dia") then return elseif get_time() > pc.getqf("ban1dia") then say("Personagem Banida durante 1 dia") say("[DELAY value; 1000]. . . . .[/DELAY]") command("quit") end The problem is: I can't retire the ban :S Someone can help me please? Thanks to all
  20. 0721 10:46:11903 :: networkModule.py(line:194) SetSelectCharacterPhase system.py(line:130) __pack_import system.py(line:110) _process_result introSelect.py(line:26) ? system.py(line:130) __pack_import system.py(line:110) _process_result uiTarget.py(line:12) ? system.py(line:130) __pack_import networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - exceptions.SyntaxError:invalid syntax (line 72) 0721 10:46:11903 :: ============================================================================================================ 0721 10:46:11903 :: Abort!!!!
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